Part A
1. Diversity is a difference between ranges of backgrounds. This including race, religion, color, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, age, education and skills. Diversity can easily impact the workplace because a person who can’t respect a differences, and deficiency of other employees, that can lead to racism, bullying, etc. The diversity in the workplace:
• Religious belief, ( christian, buddhism, Islamism, hinduism,paganism, shinto, and a many more other religious belief)
• Cultural behaviours, (most people in the world think that when you are shaking your head it means “no”, but in india when people shake their head it means yes. This shows that with different cultures people 's understanding will be differ)
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People with these abilities should be treated as equal and not get discriminate by the other staff. To do this the manager need to plan a staff meeting to talk about no discrimination in a workplace and help each other especially when those with disabilities ask for help)
2. Having a diverse in a workplace can lead company’s image and reputation, because more people will look after that workplace. And diverse can attract customer from other countries. The things we can do in the company is such as,
• Increase the creativity while thinking about the company’s target. There is a lot of people in the workplace and all of them must have different background and was to think. Brainstorming in the workplace is necessary because it makes all the workers give their opinion with their way of thinking, that way the leader of the company can pick one out of all of the diverse idea to pick what is the best one for the
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To make it happen, a manager should held a meeting or train the staff either formal or informal, and on-going review about customer feedback or complain. o A workplace should give a special place for a customer who have a disabilities
2.Know your staff
• The information that a manager need to know when hiring a staff is their identity, skills summary, and experience. Those information gives an idea of what the potential staff’s life. To select a staff, a manager should make an interview and ask what they need to know, so it can meet up the provision that needed on the workplace. And to promote equally, a manager shouldn’t look at the physical appearance, age, gender, but more likely at their skills, and character.
• Maintain fairness and equity is what a manager must do the manager should treat every employee the same. By maintain fairness and equity, a manager can create a good atmosphere in a workplace, by that it can lead the workplace to improve.
• Manager should manage a fair roster by their needs. They should understand about the status of each employee, such as a student are only able work for limited time and not force them to work when they don’t have the
expectations of others; an individual should not be labelled in terms of their disabilities rather than their potential. It is important not to assume that a disabled person will not be able to achieve and they should be allowed the opportunity to take part as far as possible.
Students with disabilities are not the only students who can benefit from creative tasks, projects, and assessments. A positive and caring approach to dealing with all student regardless of culture, disability or any other thing that make then different from the norm is key to the success of all concerned.
I believe the Americans With Disabilities Act is the most important precedent set in the struggle against all discrimination for persons with disability. In this paper I will give a brief description of the statutes set by the Americans With Disabilities Act, pertaining to disabilities in the workplace. I will then discuss what employers are required to do according to the A.D.A. and some of the regulations they must abide by. The next section of this paper will discuss the actual training of employees with disabilities with a highlight on training programs for workers with mobility and motion disabilities. The following section of this paper will discuss the economic effects of a vocational rehabilitation program. Finally this paper will conclude with a brief discussion of what the measures set by the Americans With Disabilities Act means to the actual workers and people it benefits.
Workplace diversity is having different people of different cultures, different languages, nationalities, and races, all working in an organization. When there is workplace diversity people are able to handle different types of situations because they probably handled a certain problem before so many times from where they come from. Throughout the years businesses have adapted to having more diversity in the workplace because of the benefits it offers. Workplace diversity helps organizations be productive, it builds a strong economy, and brings greater innovation, and moreover it leads to an organization making a profit.
I will ensure that disabled people also have a place in my organization. Additionally, I will ensure that the organization's values reflect on the importance of diversity. I will ensure to uphold the need for respect for all individuals irrespective of their physical or cultural differences.
The majority of students with disabilities should be in an inclusive setting. These students are generally placed based on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Furthermore, the majority of these students are able to keep up academically with their peers, even
Traditionally, diversity refers to an assortment of races, ethnicities, genders, ages, disabilities and perhaps sexual orientations. A definition of diversity, however, should not be constrained by traditional categories such as these. Such a definition should also include categories such as religion, educational level, life experience, geographic location, socio-economic background, marital status and work experience. Indeed, each person employed by a company possesses unique qualities that encompass many factors.
The second key learnings that resounded with me is that when corporations make these accommodations for disable employees, they are increasing company morale and productivity which is increasing the corporation’s bottom line. For example, Walgreens showed a 20% increase in efficiency due to the accommodations created for disabled workers. Interestingly, the byproduct of this was increase in productivity for everyone within their distribution centers. In my opinion, I can see the benefit to having managers look more closely at procedures in order to streamline processes for disable workers and how that would benefit other employees as
Diversity refers to the ways people differ from each other. These ways are significant and plentiful. Culturally, people vary in gender, age, ethnicity, race sexual orientation, educational background, religion, lifestyle, as well as veteran and/or immigrant status. Functionally, people vary in the ways we think, learn, process information, respond to authority, show respect and reach agreements (Pollar & Gonzalez, 2011.)
Reasonable accommodation cannot be too expensive to the HIM department to implement, but it can be limited to job reassign, change on schedule, acquisition or modification of equipment devices, training material and provision of interpreters. The HIM professional should not discriminate any employee with disabilities. The ADA prohibits an employer from not hiring applicants based on their disabilities, they do not require an employer to hire someone with disability over the qualify applicants. hence, the Him professional should hire the most suited position. This apply also to the pay, firing, promotion, job assignments, training, leave, benefits and lay off. If the disable employee doesn’t meet the job standard or productivity accommodated to him or her, the HIM must follow the policy and document the report card of the employee in question before firing or
This shows that many Canadians with disabilities have lower pay, fewer promotions and to live in lower-income households compared to Canadians without disabilities. One of the main problems for that there are many employers usually don’t employ people with mental or physical disabilities due to many challenges and the probability of inability to perform the essential job duties. Therefore, federal government is committed to introducing
Diversity is defined as race, gender, age, language, physical characteristics, disability, sexual orientation, economic status, parental status, education, geographic origin, profession, life-style, religion, personality, position in the company hierarchy and any other difference[3]. In other words, diversity refers to ...
Sotoa, S., & Kleiner, K. (2013). How to Accommodate Common Disabilities in the Workplace. Nonprofit World, 31(3), 11.
The manager is in charge of ensuring that every employee has the necessary resources to perform the assigned tasks. They need to supervise and ensure that these resources are used properly. Also, they need to organize their employees properly so that they attain the set goals easily. A disorganized department or organization may not achieve its goal on time or may completely fail.
Diversity is a value that shows respect for the differences and similarities of age, sex, culture, ethnicity, beliefs and much more. Having a diverse organization, helps notice the value in other people and also how to teach respect to people that might not know how. The world is filled with different cultures and people that might believe in different things as you, but that doesn’t mean you need to treat them any different. It is imperative for people to grasp diversity because it’ll help people how to engage with others in a respectful yet a hospitable way.