Definition And Benefits Of Coaching

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Definition of Coaching
There are many definitions for what coaching is all about. The dictionary definition of coaching* is:

"A method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills. There are many ways to coach, types of coaching and methods to coaching. Direction may include motivational speaking and training may include seminars, workshops, and supervised practice." *definition taken from the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Benefits of Coaching
The benefits of coaching is that the individual will be able to improve their work performance and skill set by receiving one-on-one training to develop career prospects.

The majority of coaching is generally delivered …show more content…

The coach specificially advises the person on how to tackle and perform a particular task, they provide constructive feedback and delegate further similiar tasks, setting goals or higher-level tasks for the individual to complete. The coach in most instances will be an immediate supervisior or manager who will have overall responsibility for the department 's overall performance. Coaching is about having a positive relationship where the coachee respects, trusts and identifies with the coach.
Generally follows the format of generalised advice and guidance of career development. Mentoring is about developing a relationship between a more senior and experienced mentor and an inexperienced mentee to guide and develop the mentee 's knowledge and career progression. The mentor generally will be someone who is not your immediate supervisor/manager or within your organisation can allow the luxury of talking to an independent impartial confidante who is not your manager, they will have the ability to listen to your issues, afford you the opportunity to vent unrestrictedly and support and assist you in achieving your …show more content…

Let’s examine the role coaching plays in enabling organizational peak performance.

Keeping Customers Happy

In today’s vigorous y competitive market, businesses must develop relation- ships that retain the loyalty of existing customers and enable new customer markets to be served Creativity. K ping customers loyal and happy requires
Finding out what it takes to make your product or service stand out. Good coaches’ p ay a variety of rots in insuring customer retention and growth. At one major insurance company, for example, customer retention depends on the quality and sp d of service. Customers expect to deal with knowledgeable people who can make decisions on the spot. A reengineering team was formed to find s viral ways to improve the quality and speed of service delivery.

Producing High Quality Products and Services

Leading organizations know how to deliver customized, high-quality products and services at competitive costs. Coaching keeps employees focused on quality excellence; it enables them to work in ways that are more productive, efficient, and effective. Good coaches make the link between individual quality and the organization’s ability to produce quality products or services. They use coaching discussions to explain that sustainable market share comes primarily through leadership in the customers’ perception of product or service

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