Contextualized Church Model

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- Contextualized church model Christian theology should not be just a set of ideas. It should be about making possible a new way of seeing ourselves, others, and the world. Theology needs to be systematic but it also needs to be relevant in each and every context where the church is present. Modernity separates physical and spiritual realms that results in us having evangelism being carried out unrelated to community development. The modern worldview has physical and spiritual world as two separate tiers. With poverty so pervasive in the world, we have to ask what model of church, within biblical norms, will connect most effectively with the context — poverty, social justice. We have the mission of preaching the gospel and a social issue …show more content…

Church traditions perceive this idea of witnessing differently. For some, the context is evangelism and the Word proclaimed. For others, it is the Word lived out in acts of compassion and justice. Words, however, are not enough. Witness is more than words. Words are authenticated by incarnational living of the gospel in the everyday lives of followers of Christ. The problem is that, for many, one aspect of witnessing is more important than the other, producing a pale image of the gospel lived out. Situation and context frames the witness response but gospel-valued living, compassionate ministry, and proclamation dialogue form an integral whole. For decades, this theme has been the motivating force for the missionary movement and what many mean by “doing mission”. In Mark 1:14-15 Jesus proclaimed the good news of God, saying the kingdom of God has come near, even though it was not fully manifested. Rupen says that being involved in addressing social issues is not only an act of compassion or about transformation, but is also about being a prophetic witness to the kingdom of …show more content…

Those who confine kingdom language to the conscious acceptance of Jesus' lordship predict that this passion will encourage a movement away from making conscious disciples of Jesus Christ as king to merely seek people's physical and social improvement. They are afraid that doing this will promote the idea of improving the material conditions of the poor and forgetting the teaching that it is no profit to gain the whole world and lose one's soul. We should take note of this opinion and address accordingly. We need to ensure Christian work among the poor should be focused on the person of Jesus Christ. We understand Christian is co-operating with God's sovereign will which is that all should experience the fullness of his creative provision. In striking for justice in the economical and political spheres we are working within God's plan for the whole of his creation. For the poor, having no future hope is reflected in hopelessness about the present. We should approach to them and let them find the hope in Christ and allow them to look forward to the future establishment of His kingdom - a better human future of shalom as outlined by Meyer.
- Mission of the

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