Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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In Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, it gives a strong mystery vibe. The way Mrs. Wright is introduced after finding out her husband is dead and not calling the cops is just a chilling situation to witness. With Mrs. Wright sitting on a rocking chair showing no emotion and acting strange just comes to show that things are not normal. Also, the fact that she did not feel any signs of struggle while her husband was being strangles to death just leads to believe that this play is more than a mystery it’s a horror production. To start of I would cast the best of the best. I would cast Zac Efron to be the county attorney because of his ability to portray a role and be great at it. The sheriff would have to be played by Leonardo DiCaprio because I feel it would give him a strong character. As the Sheriffs wife, Mrs. peters I would cast Jennifer Lawrence because of her thin physic and the innocent face she can portray. Johnny Depp would play the role of Mr. Hale because of the way he can portray different characters. I believe he would play a good character explain a murder. And Mrs. Hale would be played by Melissa McCarthy because I feel that Mrs. Hale has an entertaining role and Melissa is a well-known entertainer. I would base the story in the late 1900’s in a dark shallow forest. With houses being miles …show more content…

Wright announces her husband being dead the whole stage would black out, the curtains will then close and the set will be re arranged to a dirty kitchen. In the kitchen is where most of the talking will take place. There will be a fake kitchen set up and would look dirty as if no one lived there. The cast would all be middle stage talking about what happened and suddenly, a huge “BANG” will shoot through the speakers scarring the audience. Since the house was old and it was a windy night, the force of the wind caused a door to slam shut. As soon as the door slammed, the men would leave to check it out leaving the woman in the kitchen to

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