Christian Poverty And The Ethical Views Of Christian Ethics

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There are countless social justice issues that Christian ethicists have the opportunity to address. The aim of Christian ethics is to determine one’s moral responsibility based off of a biblical framework. When discussing many social justice issues, it is easy to decipher precisely what scripture has to say, and what humanity’s moral stance should be. Yet, in many ways, humanity will still struggle to accept that moral and ethical responsibility, even when that moral stance is clearly mapped out in scripture. One such issue is poverty. This paper will look closely at the biblical teachings on poverty, the key ethical standpoints of sacredness of life, love, and justice, as well as the moral responsibilities Christians face. It seems, …show more content…

Much of scripture speaks to the issues of money and taking up cause for the poor, who are among the most vulnerable in society. The Old Testament has a key theme of protecting the powerless. The powerless in biblical times were often the most financially vulnerable within society, yet God cares for them. Kyle Fedler explains that God’s favoritism seems to rest with the poor and oppressed, and to reject those members of the community, is to reject the God that so deeply loves them. Within our society we often show our favoritism not to the poor, but to the wealthy. Our society runs off of individualism. That individualism blinds us to the needs of …show more content…

In Luke, we see that Jesus’ purpose in ministry is to “proclaim good news to the poor.” At many points throughout the gospels, Jesus instructs his disciples and followers to care for the poor. One such passage appears in Matthew 19. In this passage we see a young man questioning Jesus on the way to gain eternal life. Jesus responds with, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Here, we see a direct example of what can be done to care for the poor. We see that a person’s attachment to their possessions leads to blocked generosity to the poor. Jesus’ example certainly portrays a concern for, and responsibility to the

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