Career In College Essay

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Career and College Research Paper “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know-the less you know, the more you think you know”(Freeman). The more I learn about the work and career environment more I have come to understand that if I teach, plan, and prepare myself, then I can be ready and more eligible for success. Creating a career plan and following the correct education path while understanding all duties, benefits, and general implications of the career can be a crucial aspect of deciding on personal goals.
I have decided to focus on a future as an aircraft repair and maintenance technician. This career includes work repairing and performing maintenance on various aircraft and included parts. This career appeals to me strongly as I am comfortable with hands-on work and machines, along with the knowledge that my dad has been in this career for many years and will be a great help on my career path.
Work in this career field can be done worldwide …show more content…

Furthermore, companies and workplaces always prefer employees who are punctual and responsible, while also maintaining a level of professionalism with the ability to elucidate and practice good working habits. Useful traits and life experiences in preparing for this career can include career training, a mechanical/technical background, and training in leadership and proactivity.
One of the paths that are open to me in order to achieve this goal would be Gordon Cooper Technical Center. There are many other options, such as joining the air force to receive training and work in that environment, or technical classes at another specialized college. Gordon Cooper is located in Shawnee, Oklahoma. The full price of tuition at this establishment is roughly $22,000(Gordon Cooper Technology Center). I was unable to locate any information on financial aid regarding this school, as it is not a traditional

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