Career Anchor Essay

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Submitted by,
Belinda Sober
A career anchor is ‘that one element in a person’s self-concept that he or she will not give up, even in the face of difficult choices’
• Career anchor is the evolving self-image, including self-perceptions of motives, skills and values
• The more life and work experience, the stronger the sense of who we are and the stronger the anchor
• The anchor is those elements of the self-image that people would not give up if they are forced to make a choice
Types of career anchors
 Technical/Functional competence
 General Managerial competence
 Autonomy/Independence
 Security/Stability
 Entrepreneurial Creativity
 Service/Dedication to a cause
 Pure …show more content…

People who are more towards the technical side use their skills and talent as the base. They are highly confident and would like to be acknowledged for their skills. Their confidence is what drives them. They are motivated by learning new skills and expanding current knowledge base.

Type of Work: What turns these types on is the exercise of their talent; satisfaction with knowing concepts. If it is not a challenge, technical/functional types feel bored and/or demeaned. Content of actual work more important than the context of the work. In other words, it is the actual work they are concerned with not the organization or the overall mission of their work; teaching and mentoring offers opportunity to demonstrate expertise.

2) General Managerial competence:

These are the type of people who usually possess personal skills. They like to take up responsibilities and manage a team. They make good leaders. They have good organizing and coordinating skills. They have the emotional capability to deal with high level of responsibility. They enjoy authority and responsibility.

Type of Work:
High levels of responsibility, varied, integrative, leadership.

3) Autonomy/ …show more content…

They don’t like to take any chances or risks. They are not open to any kind of changes. Stability of the job is the main key. Golden handcuffs is exactly what they are looking for. They care more about the income rather than the job.

Type of Work:
Stability and predictability are key; emphasis on context of job rather than content or work (in other words, pay, benefits, work environment most important).

5) Entrepreneurial creativity:

People in this category are very creative and have a lot of ideas. They always want to create their own products or services with their own creative efforts. They like new challenges and are hard-working. Even though money is not their main intention but eventually they want to make a lot of money.

Type of Work:
They have a strong need to create something new; they get bored easily and are restless; new inventions; constantly seeking new creative outlets.

6) Service/Dedication to a cause:

These people try to achieve some core values that they believe in through the kind of work they do. They work on the basis of making the world a better place or helping one another. They are motivated by their core values.

Type of

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