Vector calculus Essays

  • Finding Gradients of Curves

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    Finding Gradients of Curves Introduction I am going to investigate the gradients of different curves and try to work out a pattern that I could use to find the gradient of any curve. I will draw graphs of a selection of curves, some by hand, some using Autograph and some using Excel. I will use three methods to investigate the graphs. Firstly, I will draw tangents to the curves at 4 or 5 points and measure the gradients. Secondly, I will draw chords between x = 1 and 4 or 5 points and

  • Gradient Function

    985 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gradient Function For this investigation, I have to find the relationship between a point of any non-linear graph and the gradient of the tangent, which is the gradient function. First of all, I have to define the word, 'Gradient'. Gradient means the slope of a line or a tangent at any point on a curve. A tangent is basically a line, curve, or surface that touches another curve but does not cross or intersect it. To find a gradient, observe the graph below: [IMAGE][IMAGE] All you

  • The Gradient and Directional Derivative

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    Introduction: Gradient: In vector calculus, the gradient is considered as vector field in a function.It points to the points in the route of the maximum rate of increase of the scalar field. Its magnitude is the maximum rate of modify. Directional derivative: Directional derivative represents the instantaneous rate of modification of the function. It generalizes the view of a partial derivative. Gradient: The gradient is defined for the function f(x,y) is as gradf(x,y)= [gradf(x,y)]

  • The Physical Characteristics of a River

    1992 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Physical Characteristics of a River Introduction: River Features are elements of the landscape produced by fluvial processes-that is, the action of running water as it flows through the channels forming the drainage network of a river basin, eroding, transporting, and depositing sediment. (Source from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2001) A useful way to study a river is to look at its long profile and its cross sectional profile. The long profile of a river is a section drawn along

  • Mathematics: Projectile Motion

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    including geometry, algebra and calculus that studies the interrelationships between quantity, number, space and shape by using specialized notation and this has contributed to human development since the birth of civilization. Calculus is a crucial part of mathematics that studies functions and the ways is which they can be manipulated. Mathematics is a a vibrant, large field of depth, for which calculus is only a small section. Projectile motion is a section of calculus that studies the motion of

  • Public Schools and Education - It's Time for Education Reform

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    the extra stimulation and opportunity to let me "soar." I have come to understand the harsher conformity of lower level courses. In highschool I had precalculus (which actually ended with limits!) and chemistry, and I considered my entrance to calculus and (advanced/secondary) chemistry in college almost guaranteed. I found out about placement tests the night before actually taking them (the best I can remember) but still felt confident after having completed them. I found out little before actually

  • Smith Report on Teaching Mathematics

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    Briefing paper explaining the changes which have been made to Maths education in England in response to the Smith Report. Introduction: The purpose behind this briefing paper is to provide the Secretary of State for Education with an idea as to how the Smith Report, 2004 “Making Mathematics Count” has changed Maths education in England. It is important that the Secretary of State for Education to understand how important the Smith Report has been to the advancement of Maths education and what

  • The Importance Of Maths

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    There is a famous Quote by Bob Becker -“ Math and Science are the LIFE BLOOD of the future ’’ Today, the world is moving faster than ever before. Technologies afford us instant access and split-second connections. At the same time, consumer expectations are rising to sky level as we learn to take speed for granted. How will we keep pace in a world that moves at web speed? Today math plays a major role in technology and sciences. Science and math were initially found together, and they are best adapted

  • Free College Admissions Essays: Barnebey Letter Of Recommendation

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    I had spent a lot of time reflecting on the classes that I wished to take going into Junior year. My options were limited: IB Math Studies or AP Calculus. I have always been an advocate for free choice and independence when it comes to your education and although I valued the importance of math, I knew that I didn’t fit in with the rest of the AP Calculus students. So, I signed up for IB Math Studies with the notion that I could improve my math skills in the areas that I was struggling in. However

  • College-Level Pre-Calculus

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    I appreciate your interest in taking college-level Pre-Calculus. This course requires a higher level of dedication and effort than many other high school math courses. It can be stressful taking such a course, but I believe that you can succeed by following these tips: stay organized, read the textbook before class, take notes and pay attention in class, do MyMathLab assignments, and believe in yourself. Staying organized is a key component of being successful in any class at school. This includes

  • Joseph-Louis Lagrange

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    Joseph-Louis Lagrange Joseph-Louis Lagrange was born on January 25, 1736 in Turin, Sardinia-Piedmont (which is now known as Italy). He studied at the College of Turin where his favorite subject was classic Latin. After reading Halley’s 1693 work on the use of algebra in optics Lagrange became very interested in mathematics and astronomy. Unfortunately for Lagrange he did not have the benefit of studying with the leading mathematicians, so he became self-motivated and was self-taught. Then in 1754

  • Contrasting Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding

    1652 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction In 1976 Skemp published an important discussion paper spelling out the differences between relational and instrumental understanding as they apply to mathematical teaching and learning. Skemp highlights two faux amis, the first is understanding. Skemp defines understanding in two ways: 1) instrumental understanding and 2) relational understanding. The second faux amis is the word mathematics which he describes as two different subjects being taught. I have considered Skemp’s article

  • The Evolution of Differential Calculus

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    Differential calculus is a subfield of Calculus that focuses on derivates, which are used to describe rates of change that are not constants. The term ‘differential’ comes from the process known as differentiation, which is the process of finding the derivative of a curve. Differential calculus is a major topic covered in calculus. According to Interactive Mathematics, “We use the derivative to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g. cost, strength, amount of material

  • The Bernoulli's: A Family of Reckoners

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    II(1759-1789). It would be exhausting to discuss the accomplishments of all the Bernoulli mathematicians, so our focus will be on the brothers Jacob I and Johann I, who contributed a substantial amount to the fields of mathematics we know today as elementary calculus and the theory of probability. Before the Bernoulli family was known for its mathematicians, the father of mathematical dynasty Nicolas Bernoulli(1623-1708) was known for being a successful spice trader and businessman. His family was originally

  • The Contributions of Isaac Newton

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    Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, on December 25, 1642. He was educated at Trinity College in Cambridge, and resided there from 1661 to 1696 during which time he produced the majority of his work in mathematics. During this time New ton developed several theories, such as his fundamental principles of gravitation, his theory on optics otherwise known as the Lectiones Opticae, and his work with the Binomial Theorem. This is only a few theories that that Isaac Newton contributed to the world

  • Euclid and Archimedes

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    can never contain more than one parallel line. Euc... ... middle of paper ... important scientists in history. It is said that they both shaped the sciences and mathematics that we use and study today. Euclid’s postulates and Archimedes’ calculus are both important fundamentals and tools in mathematics, while discoveries, such Archimedes’ method of using water to measure the volume of an irregularly shaped object, helped shaped all of today’s physics and scientific principles. It is for these

  • Zeno's Paradoxes

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    Zeno of Elea was a mathematician who is known for introducing a number of intelligent and original paradoxes. A paradox is a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Zeno was not only a Greek mathematician but also a Greek philosopher and wrote books about the paradoxes that he discovered. His paradoxes continue to stump intelligent people from Aristotle done to people in the present day. Not only did Zeno’s paradoxes contribute

  • The History Of Calculus

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    Calculus, the mathematical study of change, can be separated into two departments: differential calculus, and integral calculus. Both are concerned with infinite sequences and series to define a limit. In order to produce this study, inventors and innovators throughout history have been present and necessary. The ancient Greeks, Indians, and Enlightenment thinkers developed the basic elements of calculus by forming ideas and theories, but it was not until the late 17th century that the theories and

  • Newton Raphson Method Essay

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest Physicist and Mathematician who has ever walked on planet earth.He is well-known for formulating the three laws of motion knowns as “Newton's laws of motion”, as well as the inventor of Calculus etc. Joseph Raphson was one of the greatest Mathematician known best for Raphson method which was published in 1690.It appeared that Isaac Newton had developed an identical formula known as the Newton's method that he wrote in 1671 but this method could not be published

  • Definition Of Mathematics: The Mathematical Concepts Of The Pythagoreans

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    Isara Suwansilp October 22, 2015 Math 10 Mr. Enriquez Research Task What is math? The official definition of math is “the abstract science of number, quantity, and space.” However, while a definition as to what math is is given, we will have to dig a little deeper to see where the roots of math lie. Math is a very old concept that has been used since the dawn of humankind. The mathematical concepts of “number, magnitude, and form” were commonplace in the ancient hunter-gatherer societies.