In 1976 Skemp published an important discussion paper spelling out the differences between relational and instrumental understanding as they apply to mathematical teaching and learning. Skemp highlights two faux amis, the first is understanding. Skemp defines understanding in two ways: 1) instrumental understanding and 2) relational understanding. The second faux amis is the word mathematics which he describes as two different subjects being taught. I have considered Skemp’s article in four sections.
1. Faux amis
2. Instrumental and relational understanding
3. The mismatch
4. Implication for mathematics teaching
Key terms: Schema; faux amis; Instrumental understanding; relational understanding; mathematics.
Setting the Scene
It is extremely difficult to define understanding. Skemp attempts to assimilate it into some form of an appropriate or inappropriate schema that is dependent upon many variables such as language, environment, belief, tradition and culture. Could understanding be an abstract thing, brain pattern or rule? Skemp uses the term ‘faux amis’ to mean that language can have different meanings to different people even though the root origins of words are the same. He looks at French and English and identifies what he calls a ‘mismatch’. He uses analogies and understandings based on his own experience and others in his community of practice (Mellin-Olsen, 1981). This mismatch, he believed, is the root of many difficulties in mathematics education including the word mathematics itself. This assignment attempts to appraise his arguments in relation to other literature and my own personal experience.
A schema is a mental structure we use to organize and simplify our knowledge of the world around u...
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...). Understanding the concepts of proportion and ratio among grade nine students in Malaysia. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 31, Number 4, 1 July 2000, pp. 579-599(21)
Skemp, R. (1976). ‘Relational understanding and instrumental understanding’, Mathematics Teaching 77, 20–26.
Von Glasersfeld, E.: 1991, ‘Introduction’ to (E. Von Glasersfeld, Ed.) Radical
Constructivism in Mathematics Education, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Von Glasersfeld, E.: 1995, Radical Constructivism: A Way of Knowing and Learning.
Falmer, London.
White, P. (1991). Rules versus understanding. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 5(1), 9-10.
Wood, T. (1995). ‘From alternative epistemologies to practice in education; Rethinking what it means to teach and learn’ in Steffe, L.P. & Gale, J. (Eds) Constructioism in Education, Lawrence Erlbaum.
The second part of this memo contains a rhetorical analysis of a journal article written by Linda Darling-Hammond. Interview The following information was conducted in an interview with Diana Regalado De Santiago, who works at Montwood High School as a mathematics teacher. In the interview, Regalado De Santiago discusses how presenting material to her students in a manner where the student actually learns is a pivotal form of communication in the field (Personal Communication, September 8, 2016).
Marples, R. (2010). What should go on the curriculum? In Bailey, R. (Ed.), The philosophy of education: An introduction (pp 33-47). London: Bloomsbury
All children learn differently and teachers, especially those who teach mathematics, have to accommodate for all children’s different capacities for learning information. When teaching mathematics, a teacher has to be able to use various methods of presenting the information in order to help the students understand the concepts they are being taught.
Wong, M., & Evans, D. (2008). Fractions as Measures. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (pp. 597-603). Brisbane: MERGA inc. 2008.
However, one must remember that art is by no means the same as mathematics. “It employs virtually none of the resources implicit in the term pure mathematics.” Many people object that art has nothing to do with mathematics; that mathematics is unemotional and injurious to art, which is purely a matter of feeling. In The Introduction to the Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics, Max Bill refutes this argument by stati...
Shaver, J. P. (1992). Epistemology and the education of social science teachers. Paper presented at the International Conference on Subject-Specific Teaching Methods and Teacher Education. [Online]. Available: ERIC Database #ED355143.
The concept of Schema was first introduced by Jean Piaget (1926). This theory is used in the case study done by Brewer and Treyens (1981). The method of this study was simple subjects were told to wait in a psychologist's office for 3 minutes, and then moved into a another room and were asked what they saw in the office. They said that remembered things which would be in a office such as pens and books, this proves the schema theory. The Schema theory strengths are that it is testable, and their is a lot of evidence to back it up.
A child’s schema can be seen as part of their inspiration for learning, their unquenchable drive to move, illustrate, discuss, and inquire about (Phillips & Pearce, 2011). According to Woolfolk, Winne and Perry, “schemas (sometimes called schemata) are abstract knowledge structures that organize vast amounts of information” (2015, p. 277). These schemas are mental structures that escort an individuals perception and comprehension of known and unknown experiences and allow an individual to symbolize large amounts of complex data, make assumptions, and make sense of new information (2015). Through the gathering of additional research, it was noted that the term schema possess several definitions as defined by various individuals. These various
Using literacy strategies in the mathematics classroom leads to successful students. “The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 1989) define mathematical literacy as an “individual's ability to explore, to conjecture, and to reason logically, as well as to use a variety of mathematical methods effectively to solve problems." Exploring, making conjectures, and being able to reason logically, all stem from the early roots of literacy. Authors Matthews and Rainer (2001) discusses how teachers have questioned the system of incorporating literacy with mathematics in the last couple of years. It started from the need to develop a specific framework, which combines both literacy and mathematics together. Research was conducted through
The purpose of this essay is to form a deep understanding of three mathematical concepts, numeracy, number sense and place value. As a teacher understanding the definition of these concepts is vital to deliver an authentic math experience. Both numeracy and number sense are linked directly to place value, with place value giving deeper meaning to both. Thus a teacher of mathematics must seek out computational activities that build from student’s pre-base-ten cognitive development allowing them opportunities to bring their prior learning into the classroom to further investigate mathematical problems. Social context is also important to any teacher, but plays a multimodal role within the math classroom.
We must first look at the need for a constructivist approach in a classroom, to do this we think back to our days in primary school and indeed secondary school where textbooks we like bibles. We were told to take out our books, look at the board, and now complete the exercise on page z. This approach in a class is repetitive, the teacher holds authoritarian power and learning is by no means interactive. “In a traditional classroom, an invisible and imposing, at times, impenetrable, barrier between student and teacher exists through power and practice. In a constructivist classroom, by contrast, the teacher and the student share responsibility and decision making and demonstrate mutual respect.” (Wineburg, 2001) This approach focuses on basic skills and strict adherence to the curriculum. Children are being forced to learn through repetit...
The author defines schemata as how our mind relates our past experiences and reactions to the new things we perceive through our sight. Sometimes when the things we see fit our expectation and our schemata, our past experiences help us to interpret. But when we see things that are different from our experiences and unexpected, our schemata can sometimes confuses our minds and causes misinterpretation - seeing things the way we want them to be. The function of schemata can be illustrated by the following example. Some people cannot swim or even hydrophobia because they have been pushed into the water or drowned when they were small, not because they didn't learn. For these people, the first interpretation they have when they see a swimming pool would probably be "it is a very dangerous place where you might be drowned, so don't go near it!" For some of them, no matter how hard you try to make them understand that swimming doesn't equal drowning, they will never try to go into the swimming pool. But for some of them who might be persuaded to try to overcome this challenge would find out that swimming pool is actually not dangerous if you know how to swim; after that, they will have a completely different interpretation of swimming pool. In this example, people who remain terrified of the swimming pool are making a misinterpretation by selecting the wrong schemata which relates to their past experiences. People who later learned not to be afraid of swimming have selected new schemata to interpret swimming pool.
Kirova, A., & Bhargava, A. (2002). Learning to guide preschool children's mathematical understanding: A teacher's professional growth. 4 (1), Retrieved from
Mathematics teachers teach their students a wide range of content strands – geometry, algebra, statistics, and trigonometry – while also teaching their students mathematical skills – logical thinking, formal process, numerical reasoning, and problem solving. In teaching my students, I need to aspire to Skemp’s (1976) description of a “relational understanding” of mathematics (p. 4). Skemp describes two types of understanding: relational understanding and instrumental understanding. In an instrumental understanding, students know how to follow steps and sequential procedures without a true understanding of the mathematical reasons for the processe...
A schema is an abstract concept proposed by J. Piaget to refer to abstract concepts. For students, their schemas amount to what they already know about a concept. The most important rule for teaching based upon schema theory is: make sure the students’ existing schemas are up and running at a conscious