Contrasting Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding

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In 1976 Skemp published an important discussion paper spelling out the differences between relational and instrumental understanding as they apply to mathematical teaching and learning. Skemp highlights two faux amis, the first is understanding. Skemp defines understanding in two ways: 1) instrumental understanding and 2) relational understanding. The second faux amis is the word mathematics which he describes as two different subjects being taught. I have considered Skemp’s article in four sections.

1. Faux amis

2. Instrumental and relational understanding

3. The mismatch

4. Implication for mathematics teaching

Key terms: Schema; faux amis; Instrumental understanding; relational understanding; mathematics.

Setting the Scene

It is extremely difficult to define understanding. Skemp attempts to assimilate it into some form of an appropriate or inappropriate schema that is dependent upon many variables such as language, environment, belief, tradition and culture. Could understanding be an abstract thing, brain pattern or rule? Skemp uses the term ‘faux amis’ to mean that language can have different meanings to different people even though the root origins of words are the same. He looks at French and English and identifies what he calls a ‘mismatch’. He uses analogies and understandings based on his own experience and others in his community of practice (Mellin-Olsen, 1981). This mismatch, he believed, is the root of many difficulties in mathematics education including the word mathematics itself. This assignment attempts to appraise his arguments in relation to other literature and my own personal experience.

A schema is a mental structure we use to organize and simplify our knowledge of the world around u...

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Skemp, R. (1976). ‘Relational understanding and instrumental understanding’, Mathematics Teaching 77, 20–26.

Von Glasersfeld, E.: 1991, ‘Introduction’ to (E. Von Glasersfeld, Ed.) Radical

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Von Glasersfeld, E.: 1995, Radical Constructivism: A Way of Knowing and Learning.

Falmer, London.

White, P. (1991). Rules versus understanding. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 5(1), 9-10.

Wood, T. (1995). ‘From alternative epistemologies to practice in education; Rethinking what it means to teach and learn’ in Steffe, L.P. & Gale, J. (Eds) Constructioism in Education, Lawrence Erlbaum.

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