Smith Report on Teaching Mathematics

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Briefing paper explaining the changes which have been made to Maths education in England in response to the Smith Report.


The purpose behind this briefing paper is to provide the Secretary of State for Education with an idea as to how the Smith Report, 2004 “Making Mathematics Count” has changed Maths education in England. It is important that the Secretary of State for Education to understand how important the Smith Report has been to the advancement of Maths education and what recommendations have not yet been implemented. It is important at this juncture to state that the political landscape has changed in England since the publishing of this Report, thus this may have had an impact on the continuing role which the Smith Report has had on post-14 mathematics education in England.

Mathematics Education Pre-Smith:

Mathematics is an important subject to be studied in any educational system, and this is the case within the English system. Smith (2004: p. 3) reiterates the position of mathematics within society

‘The Inquiry regards it as vital that society fully recognises the importance of mathematics: its importance for its own sake, as an intellectual discipline; for the knowledge economy; for science, technology and engineering; for the workplace; and for the individual citizen.’

Smith (2004) believes that mathematics is important to the structure of society. It is an important tool for the citizens of any society as users of the end product. Smith (2004: p. 13) believes that both children and adults should have a fundamental knowledge of mathematics

‘The acquisition of at least basic mathematics skills – commonly referred to as “numeracy” – is vital to the life opportunities and achievements of individ...

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...nal Audit Office

Education and Skills Committee, (2004) National Skills Strategy: Oral and Written Evidence, House of Commons

Hoyles, C., Morgan, C., & Woodhouse (1999) Rethinking the Mathematics Curriculum, Falmer Press

Howson, G., (2008) A History of Mathematics Education in England, Cambridge University Press

Smith, A., (2004) Making Mathematics Count, The Report of Professor Adrian Smith’s Inquiry into Post-14 Mathematics Education, TSO, February 2004 -

Royal Society, (2006) Making Mathematics Count – Two Years On, The Royal Society, 8 March 2006 -

Educational Strategy Group, (2004) Post-14 Mathematics Inquiry 2004 and the Society’s Recommendations, Royal Statistical Society -

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