Importance Of Mathematics Essay

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Why mathematics is important:
Devlin believes that mathematics has four faces 1) Mathematics is a way to improve thinking as problem solving. 2) Mathematics is a way of knowing. 3) Mathematics is a way to improve creative medium. 4) Mathematics is applications. (Mann, 2005). Because mathematics has very important role in our life, teaching math in basic education is as important as any other subjects. Students should study math to help them how to solve problems and meet the practical needs such as collect, count, and process the data. Mathematics, moreover, is required students to be capable of following and understanding the future. It also helps students to be able to think creativity, logically, and critically (Happy & Listyani, 2011, …show more content…

School are responsible for the graduation of creative students capable of development in all aspects of life. Mathematics is the best subject can help students to evolve creative thinking. Therefore, educators believe there are a strong relationship between studying mathematics and increasing creative thinking. Mathematics teachers, however, are required to give the students the opportunity to think creativity in classroom. The teachers are able to provide an effective environment for thinking in classroom. Classroom environment such as order of students in classroom, type of questions, clarity of the purpose of the lesson, and feedback effect on the relationship between teacher and student, and might develop the communication, and facilitate the exchange of information between teacher and student. Bharti mentioned several points will help teachers to promote the creative thinking. Classroom environment has a crucial role to improve students’ creativity. Teacher can employee classroom environment to send the massage to students that the classroom is the best place can precise creative thinking. Teachers can do that by create discussion in the classroom and give the opportunity to all students to share their ideas, make time for informal class and listen to the students ideas, and memorize all students name and call them by their name and the teacher should be sure that every students knows everyone’s name. Using different

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