The Cold Equations Essays

  • The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin Analysis

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cold Equations Analysis In a galaxy far away, where an EDS ship has fuel limited to the exact weight of the cargo there is a stowaway on the ship. In order to calculate for fuel ,a math equation is used to determine the amount of fuel the ship needs to get safely to its destination. If there is an unwanted x added into the equation the ship will run out of fuel and crash. In the short story, The Cold Equations,

  • Analysis Of Tom Godwin 'The Cold Equations'

    1092 Words  | 3 Pages

    The short story written by Tom Godwin “ The Cold Equations” illustrates appreciate what you have because it could be taken away in a matter of seconds. The story starts in the late 2170’s, when a girl, Marilyn, who just wants to see her brother boards a ship without anyone knowing . The pilot ,Barton, then finds her and calls the ship ,Stardust, to tell them that they had an emergency, a stowaway. Then the commander says that they have to get rid of her­­ they needed to kill her. Barton finds

  • Summary Of Tom Godwin's The Cold Equation

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tom Godwin’s short story “The Cold Equations” elucidates the thematic tension law versus opinion; accordingly, the author shows bias towards law because he believes it overcomes opinion when being forced to make a decision. The Cold Equation begins by bringing the reader to a dangerous situation where there is a stowaway on this man’s EDS, spaceship, and he is forced to do the unthinkable, the law--kill it. Then when the man finally stands up and forces the stowaway out, he is shocked to see it

  • The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin Summary

    511 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin tells a story with the central thematic tension of one person's life against the winning aspect of the greater good. On the frontier of space there are very precise rules that must be followed and when they are broken there is a punishment. In this story Marilyn hid on The EDS to see her brother who she had not seen in ten years. However, if she had only waited a year Marlin and her brother Gerry would have been working on the same planet. The ship captain has to

  • Being Human in The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    human is simply conveyed as human nature in “The Cold Equations”, by Tom Godwin, where the author shows the common ground that makes each and every one of us human. First of all, everyone must obey universal Natural Laws. For example, Death is inevitable. “b amount of fuel will not power an EDS with a mass of m plus x safely to its destination…to the laws of nature she was x, the unwanted factor in a cold equation.” (Godwin pg. 21) In “The Cold Equations”, An EDS pilot found a stowaway in the closet

  • Cold Equation Theme

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    The short story “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin portrays the theme that sometimes your best isn’t enough. This short story starts out with a stowaway found on a spacecraft by an EDS Pilot, but this stowaway was a teenage girl named Marilyn. All Marilyn wanted was to see her brother on the planet called Mimir, she was willing to pay a fine, do her share of work, anything, but unfortunately, according to the laws of nature and man, she had to leave the ship or else the ship would crash. Or in other

  • The Cold Equations Play Summary

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    Our group selected our play presentation on “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin. This play is about a girl named Marilyn who was ejected from the Stardust aircraft. Our group selected this play so we could create an exciting, interesting, and suspenseful alternative ending. We titled our alternative ending, The Slightly Warmer Equation because of the happier and lighter storyline that our play has in comparison to “The Cold Equations” dark and dreadful storyline. The reason we did this was so that

  • Ignorance In Tom Godwin's 'Cold Equations'

    1132 Words  | 3 Pages

    moment, rather than think about the result. This mindset is not always a good thing, a young girl named Marilyn decides to take a risk, not considering what could happen. The conflict over Marlyin’s actions and choices in Tom Godwin's short story “Cold Equations” develops the argument that impatient and ignorant actions can lead to unforeseen consequences. Firstly,

  • Manipulation In The Cold Equations By Tom Godwin

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    In “The Cold Equations”, a short story by Tom Godwin, Godwin did some interesting things with time as he described the unfortunate story of a girl who stowed away illegally on a small spacecraft. The girl, Marilyn, did not know the consequence would be her own death. Unquestionably, in “The Cold Equations,” Tom Godwin manipulated time in order to influence the pace of the plot, because the manipulation and presence of time and deadlines creates suspense, inspires increased interest, and purposefully

  • Summary Of The Cold Equations By Tom Godwin

    1364 Words  | 3 Pages

    2024 11/05/2024. Science fiction gives rise to not only new worlds and innovative technologies, but also to new futuristic scenarios and dilemmas that make readers question the future. Both Tom Godwin’s 1954 short story “The Cold Equations” and Aimee Ogden’s 2021 “The Cold Calculations” explore similar futuristic scenarios where a space pilot discovers a young stowaway girl who is challenged with the difficult realization that she must sacrifice herself due to fuel constraints. In Godwin’s story

  • Survival In The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the short story “The Cold Equations,” Tom Godwin displays the struggles between human nature and survival, but the denouement shows how survival is only reached when doing what you must do to live and save others. In the exposition of the story, Barton, a pilot on a galactic mission to help the sick on another planet; meanwhile, he discovered a stowaway hiding in his ship, Stardust, but delayed any ridding of the extra passenger due to the fact that she was indeed a young woman. Disobeying one

  • How The Author Create Suspense And Irony In Keeping The Bargain

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    Keeping the “Bargain” The short story “Bargain” by A.B.Guthrie, Jr. contains suspense and irony. The story really keeps readers interested and wanting to read more. The “Bargain” definitely should be used as school material for quite a few reasons like: learning to find clues given by the author to figure things out, paying attention to small details, and teaching students to understand why the story ended the way it did along with the author’s lesson for the story. Finding clues left by the author

  • Hard Choices In The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin

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    all make choices, the hard thing is to live with them, and there ain't nobody that can help you with that”-unknown. This inspiring quote can be the very definition of making a hard choice and living with the consequences. In the short story The Cold Equation by Tom Godwin, people have to make hard choices every day. When society lives in a interstellar universe it can be difficult. The hard choices people make, can change their life; We all have to make hard decisions, and sometimes the right thing

  • Heat Of Reaction Lab Report

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    or subtracts heat from the solution. The amount of enthalpy change can be determined by using the equation, q=m•C•∆T, with the specific heat of the solution generally being the same as that of water, 4.18 J/g•C°.

  • Five Equations That Changed The World

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Five Equations That Changed The World “He [Isaac Newton] sought out secluded areas, where he would sit for hours at a time, not so much to observe the natural world as to immerse himself in it” Sir Isaac Newton was a man who would keep to himself. If not for that quality he may not have made the discoveries that he did. He would often sit in the garden for hours on end just thinking and formulating his ideas about the universe. In fact, that is the very place where the ideas of gravity and

  • Analysis Of Michael Guillen's Five Equations That Changed The World

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    Michael Guillen, the author of Five Equations that Changed the World, choose five famous mathematician to describe. Each of these mathematicians came up with a significant formula that deals with Physics. One could argue that others could be added to the list but there is no question that these are certainly all contenders for the top five. The book is divided into five sections, one for each of the mathematicians. Each section then has five parts, the prologue, the Veni, the Vidi, the Vici, and

  • How does Heat Transfer Works

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    reacts with one another through another material that was placed between them. I will be looking at how to calculate the rate of heat transfer in a one dimensional space. This means that I will only be focusing on two temperatures, one hot and one cold, and a medium of which the heat will pass through. External factors such as other temperatures and time will not be used as they are for three dimensional spaces. Heat is a type of energy that transfers between two pieces of matter that have different

  • Symbolism In The Bass The River And Sheila Mant

    937 Words  | 2 Pages

    English II 11 September 2024. Symbolism, Foreshadowing, and Irony in Three Short Stories by Greysyn Carrier Authors often use literary elements to make their stories more meaningful. In “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell, “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin, and “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, the writers use symbolism, foreshadowing, and irony to show how decisions and unexpected events affect their characters. These elements help tell the struggles the characters face, what

  • Calorimeter Essay

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    The temperature of the hot metal decreases when put in the cold water, in turn increasing the water’s temperature. Therefore the heat lost from the metal must equate the heat gained by the water, assuming that no heat escaped to the surroundings or the calorimeter. The following equation displays that the heat lost from a system is negative and the heat gained is positive: -q(metal) = q(metal) -mmetal x cmetal x Tmetal =

  • Summary Of The Bass The River And Sheila Mant

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    English II 11 September 2024. Symbolism, Foreshadowing, and Irony in Three Short Stories by Greysyn Carrier Authors often use literary elements to make their stories more meaningful. In “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell, “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin, and “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, the writers use symbolism, foreshadowing, and irony to show how decisions, desires, and unexpected events affect their characters. These elements help reveal the struggles the characters