How The Author Create Suspense And Irony In Keeping The Bargain

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Keeping the “Bargain” The short story “Bargain” by A.B.Guthrie, Jr. contains suspense and irony. The story really keeps readers interested and wanting to read more. The “Bargain” definitely should be used as school material for quite a few reasons like: learning to find clues given by the author to figure things out, paying attention to small details, and teaching students to understand why the story ended the way it did along with the author’s lesson for the story. Finding clues left by the author is essential for figuring out where a story’s headed. Readers can find these clues and use them to create a hypothesis in their own mind of how the story will end. “There was Slade and here was Mr. Baumer with his bills and here I was, just as before, …show more content…

Being able to understand the minds of the characters can help people to predict actions by characters which could lead to a major event in a story. “At the last, at the crossing where I had to leave him, he remembered to say, “Better study, Al.. Is good to know how to read and write and figure.” I guess he felt he had to push me a little, my father being dead” (Bargain pg. 2). As shown in this quote from the story, there’s a detail that many overlook about Al’s father being dead. If one pays attention to all of the details, readers can fully understand that Mr. Baumer feels responsible to stay on Al and be the father figure in his life.This can really be essential to understanding the lesson being …show more content…

At the end of the story, readers learn the shocking twist that very few could see coming. Slade being dead, was it an accident or a sneaky plot? In order to know this answer, people would have to read and pay close attention. “For a flash, and no longer, I saw through the mist in his, eyes-- saw, you might say, that hilly chin repeated there, “Then ye go home, Al. Is good to know how to read” (Bargain pg. 11). As shown is this quote and many more before that, Baumer urges repeatedly that's it’s good to know how to read and write.If Slade could read,does that mean he would still be alive? This story teaches students many things that they need to know and understand about when reading material in

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