Results of Impatience and Ignorance All teens have put themselves in circumstances that require a consequence. It is part of being young, many believe in the statement “You only live once”. You only have one life to do new things and take risks, so do not worry about what could happen. The consequence is part of figuring out who you are and what you value. Teens tend to live in the moment, rather than think about the result. This mindset is not always a good thing, a young girl named Marilyn decides to take a risk, not considering what could happen. The conflict over Marlyin’s actions and choices in Tom Godwin's short story “Cold Equations” develops the argument that impatient and ignorant actions can lead to unforeseen consequences. Firstly, …show more content…
He chooses to call the commander to see if there is any way not to eject her from the ship. The commander feels a sense of confusion because Barton has never tried to help a stowaway before. Barton soon informs Commander Delhart that this stowaway is different, that she is a girl. He is shocked by this, but is confused about why Barton called because he knows there is nothing he can do. The smile on her face quickly disappears as she realizes what is coming for her. She could have avoided this if only she had not left to go to Mimir early. Ignorance is not always a good thing, as it can lead to sacrifices and hardships. Marilyn knew she would be breaking a regulation by getting on the ship, but she proceeded anyway. She says, “When I hid on this ship, I got into something I didn’t know anything about and now I have to pay for it.” (Godwin 8). Barton was assigned to deliver fever serum to plant Woden, whose supply had been destroyed by a tornado. The ship was designed with the precise amount of fuel for the journey to Woden and a safe landing with no room for error. This could allow for no stops along the way or a change in mass being carried on the …show more content…
The people of Earth are blindsided by the reality of what is going on around them. In this case, Barton decided to help her, even though he knew there was not much he could do. If only she would have known what sacrifice she was going to make before hiding in the Stardust. Marilyn soon starts to wonder how she will tell her family, if she can even tell her family, what they will think of her. She has read what happens to people who are ejected into space, it is a painful and ugly death that she does not want to be remembered for dying in such a horrible way. Barton wants to comfort her, so he expresses how her family could never think this way about their little girl. He suggests that she write her parents a letter and call her brother to explain what is going to happen because there is little time left. She calls him and when Gerry finds out he becomes upset, “‘Don’t, Gerry — I only wanted to see you; I didn’t intend to hurt you. Please, Gerry, don’t feel like that’”(Godwin 15). Marilyn tries to stay calm, comforting her brother, but she can not simply hide her