The short story written by Tom Godwin “ The Cold Equations” illustrates appreciate what
you have because it could be taken away in a matter of seconds. The story starts in the late
2170’s, when a girl, Marilyn, who just wants to see her brother boards a ship without anyone
knowing . The pilot ,Barton, then finds her and calls the ship ,Stardust, to tell them that they had
an emergency, a stowaway. Then the commander says that they have to get rid of her they
needed to kill her. Barton finds a way to let her live for a couple more hours, that way she could
at least say goodbye to her brother. She writes letters to her parents, but then tries to call her
brother: however, her brother is on a trip and should be back anytime now. She hopes
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Mackenzie Aksamit
December 14, 2015
Summary Paragraph
The short story written by Tom Godwin “ The Cold Equations” illustrates appreciate what
you have because it could be taken away in a matter of seconds. The story starts in the late
2170’s, when a girl, Marilyn, who just wants to see her brother boards a ship without anyone
knowing . The pilot ,Barton, then finds her and calls the ship ,Stardust, to tell them that they had
an emergency, a stowaway. Then the commander says that they have to get rid of her they
needed to kill her. Barton finds a way to let her live for a couple more hours, that way she could
at least say goodbye to her brother. She writes letters to her parents, but then tries to call her
brother: however, her brother is on a trip and should be back anytime now. She hopes to speak
to her brother before she dies, just in a matter of seconds, he calls back and they talk about
what happened. Suddenly, it was time for her to go; they say their goodbyes and she goes to
the cage, and when the door closes the cage is released and she dies. The author explains
She becomes the ships spy. The captain thought his crew was slow and lazy. He sometimes even hurts them or takes away the crew members
its course, this way she would be able to say her final good-byes to her
The description was "After grabbing $438,000 worth of watches and jewels from the store, one of the robbers yelled "Let's go". Once the thieves cleared the door, these few quickly rose to their feet. Sergeant Prothero followed his instincts and ran out after the robbers. Drawing his weapon from his holster, he sprinted through the entrance.
men arguing by the truck, and then when she turns to pay her bill, they're gone. She finds Ren
sisters (Judy & Jo) who decide to go for a drink one day. They meet
hurt and she falls because of the wounded hand and Winston helps her up. But the
she uses her brains to mastermind a plan to cleverly sneak her way behind enemy lines and
blond hair), and she is talking to him as he descends into the earth. The scene
by ice, a man in a bad way is found and taken aboard. He is later
Captain Miller and his squad of eight World War II soldiers are assigned the seemingly impossible combat mission to locate and return one American soldier, Private James Francis Ryan, all of whose brothers have already been killed in action. He is trapped somewhere behind enemy lines. In order the save the family name and relieve an already grieving mother, Captain Miller is instructed to find Private Ryan and bring him home.
The computer HAL is malfunctioning and tries to get rid of the crewmembers. The only survivor is Dave Bowmen, who decides to disconnect HAL, and heads toward the Logic Memory Centre Room.
Meanwhile, Monk and Natalie manage to drag themselves to the fireplace and Natalie sends out an SOS smoke signal in Morse code. The two policemen with whom Monk works see the signal and are able to come in just in time. They save Monk and Natalie from being shot and arrest the handyman.
There is a another occurring situation that happens during the time it is happening. Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon is tracking a rouge troll when she is low on magic. She is assisted by her commanding officer, Commander Root and the centaur Foaly and she manages to take down the troll. She is yelled at by her commander and is told to refill
When he {the worker} walked out, Danny released her and told her to leave quickly. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
"The Titanic - Crew." History on the Net. n.p., Nov. 2000. Web. 01 Mar. 2014.