Teen magazine Essays

  • TEEN Magazine

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    TEEN Magazine Lately I have been reading the teen magazines YM and Seventeen and I've noticed one thing; they really annoy me. I feel like they are just for preps and the trendoid freaks. Well what about the other groups? The gangsters, punks, skaters, bikers, or whatever. They should really give recognition to the other people in our society. Maybe they want just the good teenagers around. They are not going to get what they want. Maybe they think if they print stuff up all about

  • Teen People Magazine

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    Teen People Magazine The Teen People, September edition, is a magazine designed to appeal to young female readers. Its content features well known celebrities, use of bright and flashy colors, and an organized layout that attracts an upbeat, young readership interested in high-quality appearance and style. Although the magazine’s main focus may appear to insure a great fashion sense, it also concentrates on a philosophical orientation by covering a more diverse readership that includes all colors

  • Summary Of A Semiotic Of The Magazine Cover: Teen Girl Magazine

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    A semiotic of the Magazine Cover: Teen Girl magazine (comparison 1970s/80s and now). What does this say about changing social structures? This essay will analyse the semiotic codes of the front covers of adolescent girl magazines: Comparisons will be made between examples from 40 years ago and now. What does this say about changing social structures? There will be an analysis and comparison of issue October 1972 (fig.1.) and issue March 2014 (fig.2.) of the Seventeen magazine covers. Furthermore

  • Teen Magazines' Negative Influence on the Teenage Society

    1078 Words  | 3 Pages

    “hottest” teen magazines on the market; Allure, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, and Teen Vogue are a few at the top. As I flip through the magazine this holiday season I see pages of clothes that only the rich can afford, pictures of half-naked people draped over each other, articles about horoscopes and editorials talking about which teen star is the sexiest. Fashion, makeup, men, sex, celebrities, and exercising are the most popular topics I see as I peruse these magazines. These popular magazines take no

  • The Plastics

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    The popular teen movie “Mean Girls” accurately portrays several concepts from Chapter Two including Interaction Appearance Theory and Undue Influence, just to name a few that allow teen viewers to see the type of communication there is or will be in high school. Through the interactions with her new peers, Cady Heron is able to communicate and experience several of the concepts learned in Chapter Two thanks to the interactions she had with the deceiving Regina George. “Mean Girls” begins as Cady

  • Teenage Magazine

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    pounds before the Holidays? Or maybe you want to learn “new kissing tricks“, that are guaranteed to be guy approved. Those are just some of the catchy titles you may find on the covers of different magazines. Walk into any grocery store and you’ll find yourself reading the covers of various magazines while you’re checking out. If the bright and loud orange, yellow, and pink colors don’t get you, the side messages will. You’ll be reading the latest gossip about your favorite celebrities and their


    3842 Words  | 8 Pages

    1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The importance of Magazines: Magazines are a major source of communication and entertainment in Australia today. Any newsagent will have racks showing hundreds of different titles. Magazines cater for special interests and give more recent information than books. They usually have interesting pictures and graphics making them easier to read. Because they are popular, they make good profits for publishers, through sales, advertising and market links. 1.2 Aim of this

  • Advertising Techniques

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    persuade people in the public, to respond in a certain manner to the product they wish to sell. In the world around us every day, we are subject to advertising whether we want to see it or not. Everywhere we look, from the T.V. to the radio, magazines, newspapers and the Internet, there is always a company trying to convince us that we need their product to make us popular, prettier, richer or healthier than what we already are. The ads seem to work on our fears, as the companies know that

  • Teen Drug Abuse

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    Adolescents abuse illegal drugs for several reasons. If a teen is abusing drugs, your family is no different from many other families today. The question some may ask themselves is, “Why does a child do drugs?” This research paper will explain some of the reasons adolescents abuse drugs. Parents cannot blame themselves for all of a teen’s actions. Two major reasons for adolescents abusing illegal drugs are peer pressure and depression. These concepts will be expanded upon in detail in this paper

  • Teens, Sex, and Virginity - Teenagers and the Importance of Abstinence

    1197 Words  | 3 Pages

    1999. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/library/TEEN-Pregnancy/helpyoung.html>. Planned Parenthood. What to Expect if You Choose Abortion. 21 Mar. 1999. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/abortion/what-to-expect.htm>. Powell, Betsy. "Dangers of Teen Abortion." San Francisco Chronicle 5 Apr. 1996: A23 Teen Pregnancy. CDC State-by-State Pregnancy Rates for Teens 15-19. 21 Mar. 1999. http://www.teenpregnancy.org/govrates.htm>. Teen Pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy Facts and Stats. 21 Mar. 1999. http://www

  • Teenagers and their Impact on the Economy

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    at their own lives and not feel as accepted as they would like to feel. As the saying goes, “Growing up isn’t easy.” By their teen years, they often feel like they are not cool or popular enough. Many of them look up to celebrities and the media on how to be in the popular crowd. There is so much influence on young minds through television, internet or even magazine advertisements. This definitely makes a great target for advertising agencies. Many companies target young people because they

  • Depression in America's Teens

    2855 Words  | 6 Pages

    Depression in America's Teens Teenage Depression. Everywhere you look these two words appear together as one, in newspapers and magazines, as well as in scholarly reports. Teenage depression is one of today's "hot topics" this among other teenage mental health problems, has been brought to the forefront of public consciousness in recent years after several incidents involving school shootings (CQ 595). The environment that teens grow up in today is less supportive and more demanding than

  • Stereotypes In Us Weekly, By Oscar Mayer

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    After viewing the magazine, Us Weekly, it is obvious that the magazine is predominately read by white women. The demographics of this magazine include women between the ages of eighteen and forty-nine. According to the Us Weekly Reader Profile, their audience is typically a college student or a working women. A large number of these women are married and have children. Based on the ad being reviewed from the brand Oscar Mayer, the company feeds off the young student or mother audience. Oscar Mayer

  • The Impact of Modern Literature's Focus on Mystical and Fantasy

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    determines the way people think? Reading can transport people to different places, times, and state of minds. But what you read will determine it all. Even though modern literature makes great reads, it is changing the views of society because magazines send the wrong messages and modern literature only focuses on mystical and fantasy ideas. Modern literature makes fascinating reads because readers are able to escape into a fantasy world. Reading exposes the reader into a different mindset (Covington)

  • Comparing Cosmogirl and Cosmopolitan

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    "Cosmopolitan". Two successful magazines. One woman's' and one teenage. Would you read the same magazines as your daughter? Would you expect the contents in a magazine aimed at women to be diversely different from a magazine aimed at teenagers? I think that because teenagers are at very different stages of their lives to adults and therefore have different concerns, issues and perspectives on life, they should have separate influences such as magazines. Magazines portray a fantasy lifestyle

  • What Are The Negative Effects Of Advertising Essay

    1383 Words  | 3 Pages

    Young girls are having access to a lot of media that are hard to control and they are bombarded with messages from different media and their peers. Accord Teen Fact, survey was done in Septembers 2012, about 78%of teens have a cell phone and about half of those own smartphones. Also, about 74% of teens have accessed the internet through a mobile device. The survey also mention that eight out of ten teenagers have some form of computer. A lot of parents do not have enough knowledge

  • Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines Body image is an important concept in many adolescent and young adult minds. To have a positive body image is to know that you are beautiful. To be beautiful is to reach the standards of beauty in society. However, society is constantly changing those standards as time goes by. Many young men and women strive to reach the positive, even if it means their health, money, and mind. They have the media, such as magazines to thank for these wonderful standards

  • Analysis of Smash Hits

    2845 Words  | 6 Pages

    'Smash Hits' sells itself as a 'popular music magazine’; it fits well into this self-proclaimed genre and creates its image through the codes, conventions, and generic signifiers of that genre. For example, bright, bold lettering-the red and white titles, almost like a stamp. Generic signifiers and genre in general are vital to both the magazine and its audience, the audience use genre as a means of segmenting and recognition in the crowded magazine market. Genres, signifiers, codes and conventions

  • Advertisement in Magazines

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    Seventeen magazine, suddenly a lustrous, dripping image catches one’s eye. Looking closer at the image, the person’s curiosity races and wonders: What is that? Glossy swirls and fruit-like colors begin to put the images into perspective. It is the new SHINEsensational lip gloss by Maybelline. Placing the lip gloss in Seventeen magazine promotes that it is affordable and unique, two product characteristics that Seventeen magazine is known for. Typically Seventeen magazine reaches towards teen females

  • Eating Disorders: How the Media Have Influenced Their Development In Adolescent Girls

    3151 Words  | 7 Pages

    suit, underwear, or a skimpy tank top flood popular fashion magazines today. How many times have you flipped through the pages of your favorite magazine and spotted an article about how women should have a good perception of themselves and how they should "celebrate those curves," and then turned the page to find a centerfold makeover section complete with before and after pictures? Mass media serve as a type of "normative influence" to teens, and those who are high in susceptibility to the media’s