Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines

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Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines Body image is an important concept in many adolescent and young adult minds. To have a positive body image is to know that you are beautiful. To be beautiful is to reach the standards of beauty in society. However, society is constantly changing those standards as time goes by. Many young men and women strive to reach the positive, even if it means their health, money, and mind. They have the media, such as magazines to thank for these wonderful standards. Cosmopolitan is the queen of women’s magazines. Her royal court also consists of Glamour, Red Book, Vogue, and other smaller magazines. These magazines demonstrate these beauty standards. Naomi Wolf researched on body image and found a survey on this topic by none other than Glamour. Seventy-five percent of women ages 18-35 thought they were fat. Ironically enough, only 25% were medically overweight. What is sadder is that 45% of the underweight females claim they were too fat. These magazines are setting up the ideal women standards: skinny, 5’7” or taller, straight long hair, s...

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