Springfield College Essays

  • The Evolution Of Basketball: The History Of Basketball

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    its invention in 1891 Springfield, Massachusetts by canadian physical instructor James Naismith as a less injury prone sport than football. A game that started with eighteen men in a ymca gymnasium in springfield massachusetts has grown into a game that more than 300 million people play worldwide. The men who created this instantly successful sport was Dr.James Naismith. The game of basketball as it is known today was created by Dr.James Naismith in December 1891 in springfield to condition your athletes

  • 30 There's No Place Like Home Analysis

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    The Original Rules of Basketball In the documentary, “30 for 30: There’s No Place Like Home”, there is a very debatable subject. The documentary was created by Josh Swade who is an intense KU fan. He had a quest to obtain James Naismith’s original rules of basketball and bring them back to Kansas University. In the end, he completed his mission. This was the disputable topic that while many people thought it was unworthy, others thought it was honorable. Nevertheless, this historic document does

  • James Naismith Sports Injury

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    got a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education while there and later taught Physical Education and was the Athletic Director there (Kansas Historical Society [KHS], 2016). In 1890, he changed schools and went to YMCA International Training College in Springfield Massachusetts. A year later, he was given an assignment to make an inside game that the students would enjoy playing during the winter. While trying to think of a game based on skill instead of strength,

  • Dr. James Naismith: A Very Brief History Of Basketball

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    The game of basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. How it happened is that Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game. He came up with a new game that incorporated the rules of soccer but where players were allowed to use their hands. The first day that Naismith taught his students the game, there were 18 students in his class in the YMCA in Springfield. They played with a soccer ball and peach baskets with a small hole in the bottom. If someone

  • Basketball and its Inventor: James Naismith

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    Naismith dies on November 28, 1939, 22 days after his birthday. He died in Lawrence, Texas. He invented two things. He invented Basketball and the Football helmet. James went to school at Springfield College, McGill University, The Presbyterian College, Montreal. James was at the YMCA when he made basketball. He was a worker and a member at the YMCA. In the early days wooden peach basket was hooked to a wall with players shooting a

  • How Did Basketball Start

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    the university of Kansas. The YMCA began to promote it internationally, also began to be an summer olympic sport (6).he might of invented basketball but he still had an personal life. He married an woman called Maude Evelyn sherman in 1894 inn springfield. And they had 5 children. But frankly died and suffered a severe brain hemorrhage in 1939, nine days later he died in lawrence, kansas (6).

  • NBA Influence In Today's Society

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    basketball association (NBA) by adding rules, to becoming an international sensation affecting people around the world to fall in love with the sport. The NBA is major influence in today’s society, although it was a minor sport when it was created in Springfield, Massachusetts by Dr James Naismith, who worked as a YMCA trainer (“Basketball Origins, Growth…”). He was given only certain amount of time to create a game for a winter sport because it was too cold outside, so he grabbed a soccer ball and a peach

  • Drop The Handkerchief: The Invention Of Basketball

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    basketball has driven change and improvement in all aspects of the game. Basketball is dated back to December 1891. James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, was a physical education teacher at Men’s Christian Association Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. James was given an assignment by Luther Halsey Gulick to create an indoor game in 14 days for his class. Two previous instructors had failed to come up with an indoor game. At first, he had difficulties finding something that

  • Informative Essay On The History Of Basketball

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    reason why I choose basketball for my topic for my research informative paper. Body Paragraph 1 Basketball was originated in 1891 by a man named James Naismith. He was assigned to teach a physical education class at the YMCA training school in Springfield Massachusetts, where he came up with the idea of making basketball a sport. The equipment he used when basketball was first originated

  • Basketball: The Evolution And Evolution Of Basketball

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    Basketball is a popular sport that millions of people play around the world but does everyone know how basketball started and how it evolved throughout history? “Many people do not know that basketball was around since the early 1890s. In 1891, James Naismith, a Canadian-American sports teacher invented this simple sport”(Livestrong.com). Certainly the rules and the style of play wasn’t similar as today’s game. When it was first played in the early ages, there were more carrying the ball and tackling

  • My Role Model In The Simpsons: Matt Groening

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    Matt Groening is very smart, hard working and argumentatively one of the best comedic animation masterminds of all time. As you may know, he has created the longest running US animated T.V. series ‘The Simpsons’. They first aired on the ‘Tracy Ullman Show’on April 19, 1989. I think Groening has done a lot for the world of adult animation comedy or even animation all together. Spawning a lot of new shows like ‘Family Guy’ probably from ‘The Simpsons’ show although Groening is only one man, getting

  • Wampanog Indians: People of the First Light

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    At first, the Algonquian Region was an oasis for its Native American’s who inhabited the land. Thousands upon thousands of Mohegan Indians, Agawam Indians, Chappaquiddick Indians, Pequot Indians, and even the Naragansett neighbored and collectively made up the Wampanog Indians. Each one of these subtribes spoke a different dialect; however, they were all mutually intelligible (We Shall Remain, Episode 1). All the tribes, or subtribes, shared and traded with one another. They established order for

  • My New Journey - Original Writing

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    be shaped into becoming society’s next working class. In our society, women and men were born into two different worlds. Men were born into the free world of opportunities, while women were sent to the underground world of Springfield Illinois, also known as a UW. Springfield used to be the capital of Illinois before the Splitting War. This war occurred years ago, in 2020, where the leader of the country decided that the world would be a better place if we eliminated the female species from society;

  • Arnold's Obstacles

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    Indian culture has been disappearing for centuries since the Native Americans were forced to migrate from their original homes. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian, an Indian boy displays how to escape the poverty of his Indian Reservation by going to a wealthy white school, as well as keeping his Indian Culture alive when living on the reservation. The Native American boy Arnold is able to show toughness, courageousness and the capability to overcome obstacles, by illustrating

  • Bass Pro Shop Essay

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    I always passed by it on the freeway feeling curious as to what it was about. There was a big sign in front of the place that had huge red letters reading “Bass Pro Shop”, with a yellow background and a big fish. What stood out to me every time I saw it, was right under the store sign was an even bigger sign that read in huge letters “Outdoor World.” Every time I passed by, there was always a multitude of cars in the parking lot, which made me assume it was probably a cool place to go to visit, so

  • Abraham Lincoln Reflection Paper

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    As I watched this documentary in and out of class, I was able to pick out the most interesting part presented as well as discovering new perspectives about Abraham Lincoln. This documentary provides insights from many individuals that Professor Henry Louis Gates encountered in search of the truth and Lincoln himself. One interesting idea presented by Professor Gates was the fact that Abraham Lincoln was not god, but a human. He has human characteristics therefore establishing that he too was not

  • Becoming A Coach Essay

    1913 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction to your Topic: Basketball was invented in 1891 by a man named Dr. James Naismith. He wanted it to be a game that people would enjoy and have fun playing. Michael Jordan once said, “Just play, Have fun, Enjoy the Game.” To Michael jordan basketball isn’t a game, it’s a talent. In 1998 Michael Jordan won his last championship of his NBA career and was excited to see what the future held for basketball. Basketball is a privilege, you don’t just get up and say I’m gonna be a basketball

  • Peach Baskets Research Paper

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    There was a Canadian man name Dr. James Naismith, a physical education professor and instructor at the men Christian Association training school. He was trying to keep his gym class to stay active while it was raining that day at school, so he decided to think of some indoor activity that his class could do, then he finally came up the basic rules and nailed a peach basket to a10-foot 3.0 m elevated track. The Peach basket had its bottom still so you had to get the ball out of the basket manually

  • Chris Paul Research Paper

    4031 Words  | 9 Pages

    School in Clemmons, North Carolina. Chris had potential to play in the NBA by high school by averaging 25 points, 5 rebounds and 4 steals in his junior year! Chris Paul graduate from high school and went to Wake Forest. Chris Paul was amazing in college. Averages 14 points 5 assists and 3 steals per game. After two years, Chris Paul decided that it was time to go pro and enter the NBA draft. In June of 2005, Chris Paul was the 4th pick in the 1st round by the New Orleans Hornets (now known as the

  • The National Basketball Association: The Invention Of The NBA

    1842 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction What is the NBA? The NBA is the National Basketball Association. This is one of the most popular sports in the United States. The NBA is a career where players can be paid millions of dollars playing the sport they love. There are many aspects of the NBA. This paper will fill one's mind if they wish to know more about the sport of basketball. History Basketball has evolved into the fantastic sport that people know today. But, who invented basketball, and when was the first game