Soundtrack Essays

  • Personal Narrative: Soundtrack To My Life

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    Soundtrack to My Life Music means many things to many people. Music has the power to transcend boundaries, motivate, inspire and influence our emotions among other things. Throughout my life music played an important role, especially during my more troubling moments. Many of my dearest and fondest memories are easily relived by merely listening to music. My musical tastes have changed as I have grown. During different time periods in my life my musical sensibilities provided the soundtrack that

  • Analyzing a Five Minute Extract

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    The main aim of this essay is to analyze a extract from my chosen film ‘Bourne Identity (2002)’, discussing the different techniques used in the extracted clip such as the on screen graphics. The main focus in the duration of this essay is to discuss the way ‘the sound establishes moods and might even lead the whole atmosphere of a film, driving its narrative [1]’, (human voice, sound effects and music). In my conclusion I intend to provide a synopsis on Bourne Identity as an additional appendix

  • Music Of Music In The Indian Film Industry

    1371 Words  | 3 Pages

    Music plays a vital role in the making of any movie. A good background score can enhance the vibe of a film. Imagine a movie without a fitting background score and the entire movie would fall out of place. Music, in the Indian film industry has a bigger role to play than in any other film industry. Music is also what generates a lot of revenue for the makers and it has an entertainment value which has remained unmatched by any other industry in the world. From our traditional forms of classical music

  • Analysis Of The Film Memories Of A Geisha

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    that help shape the meaning of a film is the soundtrack. The soundtrack is a selection of recorded music that can be synchronized to the film. There are five main types of soundtrack recording which include Musical film, Film scores, Pop albums, videogame sounds, and albums with dialogue and music. All of these types of sound creates the environment of specific scene. There are three movies that interests me with its stimulating storyline and soundtrack

  • Film Music Analysis

    1580 Words  | 4 Pages

    In film music, composers use compositional techniques to control, manipulate and alter the objectives and foundation of a story, improving the development of characters, emotions or initiating subtext in film. The job of creating music for film has taken different forms, but as film production and technology changes and improves, the process of scoring music for films has been taken to a high standard of work, involving a strenuous and careful process to provide the film 's objectives to reach their

  • Analysis Of The Movie Gravity

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Gravity, a sci-fi movie, was out in 2013. It was produced by Alfonso Cuaron and David Heyman. The movie is about astronauts in space who are in trouble because of space crash. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney were the protagonists in the film. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock), a brilliant medical engineer, is being accompanied by veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) on her first spacewalk. The film depicts the astronaut’s attempt to return to Earth. The cinematography and the

  • Analysis Of Sicario

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    Sicario is a 2015 film starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro. The movie is directed by Denis Villeneuve and is a realistic take on the war against drugs on the border of US and Mexico. In many aspects this is a perfect movie: editing, acting, movement, photography and sound. Though the story is nothing to write home about, the subject matter remains serious enough to write to Obama about. As crucial as it is to win the war on drugs the movie does a great job at showing the dark underbelly

  • Men In Black Film Analysis: Men In Black

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    introduced to the main Leif Motive, or theme, for the Men in Black agency. What’s interesting is how we are kind of thrown into this film, with minimal background to what is going on. Overall this film has a unique style, a good integration of the soundtrack elements, and places the viewer in this different world where aliens exist. Starting off, what makes this film feel unique is its’ ability to throw the viewer into this film and make it feel like aliens have always existed. This first film is

  • Role Of Film Arrangers

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    Career in film scoring: Film Arranger Introduction: Film scoring is all about making sure the music others create, goes well with a particular scene in a movie/TV shows or advertisements. The advantage of this is that you get to have fun and know that your music will be heard and enjoyed by others. However, the field is very hard to get into as there is a lot of competition. It is very difficult to make a living off this career as most projects want original music, but if a person puts in enough

  • Instrumental Music in The Hunger Games 2012

    540 Words  | 2 Pages

    pieces of instrumental music were used in the movie “The Hunger Games”, an American science fiction adventure film that was released in 2012. The movie was directed by Gary Ross and based on the novel of the same name by Suzanne Collins. All the soundtracks in the movie were scored by James Newton Howard. He is an American composer best known for his scores to motion pictures. He is one of the most popular and respected composers for cinema, and has scored over 100 films. Howard was born in Los Angeles

  • The Sounds of "Rebel Without a Cause"

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    Director Nicholas Ray was lucky to have a talented composer create an original score for Rebel Without A Cause. Leonard Rosenman was born in 1924 and studied music in New York and Europe. His work as a film composer and arranger is very traditional, and has been regarded by some music critics as "insignificant." However, Rosenman received Academy Awards and Oscar nominations for his work. Along with film scores, Rosenman wrote theme music and scores for numerous television shows. The score in Rebel

  • Skyfall Music Analysis

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Movies tend to utilize many different factors to make them unique from other films. One of these factors is music. Most movies contain music in some form or another, whether it be an original score in the background, or a song with vocals, or both. Skyfall contains a musical score but uses a song with vocals only during the opening credits. Music in films in general can be used for symbolism within the movie. For instance, a slow song that creates a melancholy feeling could be played when a main

  • The Importance Of Music In Film Music

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    Music has become a common language in film in the twentieth century. It has become the lingua franca of films. Scholars working on this topic find it challenging to explore some aspects of film music for several reasons. One main reason is that films (images and sound) are interdisciplinary by nature, posing challenges for the scholars. Despite visuals and auditory means evident in films, scholars do not adequately examine the two means as they work with each other. This could be partly due to the

  • Evolution of Film Music: A Comparative Study of King Kong

    799 Words  | 2 Pages

    the music in certain scenes. While my focus was on one sound, it switched which created a different mood or tone to the movie. Howard used similar techniques as the ship entered the fog and the drums started to become louder and louder. Both soundtracks from each film created a myth in the island scene. In other words, I was not sure what was going to happen. In a sense, I expected something to happen just because of the music. It kept me on my toes and made me listen more closely. On the other

  • A Soundtrack To Black History: A Soundtrack To Black History

    1177 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Soundtrack To Black History was primarily a suited musical about inequality and segregation. Prairie View A&M University which started as a plantation and then developed into the second public coed institution of higher education. The play was primarily about how prairie view was from the beginning from being an all boy school for colored people to being a coed university for colored people. A play is supposed to give you an emotional work out. Theatre illuminates some aspect of the human condition

  • Anthem Soundtrack

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    After reading the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, we recognized different aspects of the story such as the overall theme, plot, love theme, and conclusion which tied the entire story together. We can tie these aspect together with the lyrics we hear in the music we listen today. Music is a way for artists to express emotions and/or events that occur in people’s life. For example a song can serve as a love story or a message that shows one’s emotion. Songs and novels relate because of the similar message

  • Soundtrack For A Revolution Essay

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    The documentary, Soundtrack For A Revolution, explores the high points of the African American struggle from 1955 to 1965 through stirring songs that inspired a generation of activists. Soundtrack For A Revolution does an excellent job in showing the nonviolence side of the Civil Rights Movement and African American freedom struggle but fails to give the complete Civil Rights Movement by excluding the Armed Resistance and the Black Power Movement as well as other aspects. In the following essay,

  • Soundtrack 63 Music Report

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Soundtrack '63 is a live, multimedia musical performance and retrospective of the African-American experience in America. It is an artistic survey of the past that gives context to the present day condition and asks important questions about our future. The performance was very powerful and the way it took the audience on a journey from Slavery to the current times kept the audience engaged. The performance was empowering to see because we often forget the history of our nation and think everything

  • My Life Soundtrack Essay

    1317 Words  | 3 Pages

    My Life Soundtrack In a world like today, one must stay true to their own beliefs, even if they are standing alone. A person must have a mode for motivation and a positive outlook. One of the things that keep me going in today’s world is, doing me and what makes me happy, and wanting to leave an impact on the world, no matter what people think. I realize I have done wrong in my life, but I can accept it. I’ve been lost, now I’m found. I want to leave my mark somewhere, I don’t really care where

  • Soundtrack Of My Life Analysis

    1541 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Soundtrack of my life The world of music is full of songs from variety of genres that include pop, rock and roll, country, and has a way of effecting us. It’s found in almost every part of the earth, as a way of making the world more derive, and helps a way to relieve stress from our daily lives in this world. But, no matter what genre someone listens to, everyone has the favorite songs they like to play in the car or on their phones. As Billy Joel once said ‘’I think music in itself is healing