Social philosophy Essays

  • The Educational Philosophies Of Existentialism And Social Reconstructionism

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    finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning”. It is my educational philosophy that learning is innate and instinctual. I believe that learning should focus on the whole student and making them a well-rounded individual. I believe in the educational philosophies of existentialism and social reconstructionism. Learning should be student centered with the teacher as a helping hand and a guide. Data shows that students are more successful

  • Philosophy Of Social Responsibility

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    1. Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual must perform to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. My views on social responsibility include respecting the surrounding community by giving back, forming trusting relationships, behaving ethically in all aspects to include the impact on the environment

  • Scott Hughes Social Philosophy Essay

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    Social philosophy concentrates on social behavior and social issues. As Scott Hughes mentions in “Social Philosophy,” individualism, social interaction, motives for behavior, society as a whole, and many other social sciences make up the entity of social philosophy. Social philosophy also correlates to other philosophical domains such as epistemology, metaphysics, morality, and political philosophy. The analysis of human behavior concentrates on elements that influence social philosophy such as the

  • Personal Philosophy Of Social Work

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personal Philosophy During my sophomore year of my undergraduate career I decided to switch my interests and major to social work. I realized that coming into college I was not sure of what path I wanted to take career wise, I just knew I wanted to do something that I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. After analyzing my life and acknowledging the things I enjoy doing I came across the field of social work. Instantly I realized that this was the right profession for the goals I want to accomplish

  • My Philosophy Of Social Work

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    standardized test in high school that included a career portion that would indirectly tell you what you should do with the rest of your life. Up until this point, I had only every heard horror stories of social workers removing children from homes and breaking families apart. I never knew what social work was or just how important it would be to the rest of my life. During my second year of high school, I underwent some major life changes. I decided I was tired of hating life and everyone in mine and

  • Social Work Philosophy

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    Giving back to the community is one of the core ideas that Social Workers uphold, and they know that the gift of giving is better than the gift of receiving. Communities can not exist if it is not for one another helping each other, no matter who is helping who. Communities thrive off of working together to accomplish goals, no matter how small. When I first started to volunteer, I just saw it as something that would look good on a resume. But after really pushing myself, I learned that I had a love

  • Social Reconstructinism: An Effective Philosophy

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    Sadker and Zittleman social reconstructinism encourages, “schools, teachers, and students to focus their studies and energies on alleviating pervasive social inequalities and, as the name implies, reconstruct society into a new and more just social order”. Social Reconstructionist is mainly founded on a “student-centered” classroom. It also encourages students to get out and help out in the community. Teachers can alter their curriculum around their classes needs. The purpose of social reconstructinism

  • Examining The Social Change Philosophy

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    behaviors which correspond with research-based factual evidence, as well as policies and laws. For this reason, I firmly believe the social change philosophy informs my way of thinking. The philosophy that is most parallel with my personal views of health education is the social change philosophy. While examining the uses and goals of the five predominant health philosophies, I noticed a majority of their disciplines revolved around changing a patient or student’s behavior or outlook of a particular health

  • Langdon Winner's Article: Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding it Empty: Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Technology

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    Langdon Winner (1993): Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Empty: Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Technology The Social Construction of Technology, or Social Constructivism, is a theory introduced by Wiebe Bijker and Trevor Pinch. The theory proposes that the development of technology is an interactive sociotechnical process within relevant social groups (e.g users, producers). As a methodology, social constructivism analyses artefacts in the context of society and explores the

  • The Responsibility To Protect Doctrine

    503 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Responsibility to Protect doctrine is one that I feel extremely passionate about; in fact, on a daily basis, I adopt this philosophy on a small scale. For instance, most of my volunteer experiences aim to help and provide support for those who are less privileged, whether monetarily, physically, or emotionally. Participating in countless food and toy drives, providing warm clothing for the homeless, collecting donations for the Cancer Society, and interacting regularly with the community, I have

  • Knowledge And Power Essay

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    Theories of knowledge and power, and the exploration of the relationship between these two intangibles, are not nascent to the field of political philosophy. Francis Bacon first stated that ‘Knowledge is Power’, suggesting that to possess an understanding of something was to exert power over it. However, this also implies that knowledge is subservient to power, and exists as an implement or expression of power. For Michel Foucault, the relationship between power and knowledge is much more intimate

  • Analysis of the Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

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    people to gain wealth to continue to flood our mind with consumerism. With this money and social control over the mass population there is control by institutions. With constant pressure to buy certain products Debord states “the spectacle is a permanent opium war waged to make it impossible to distinguish goods from commodities.”(44) When people don’t know why they are purchasing a certain product for its social status they are under the spell of consumerism and will do as they are encouraged to do

  • Of Neocultural Deconstruction, Marxism And Sartre's Absurdity

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    Neocultural deconstruction, Marxism and Sartre’s absurdity T. J. Czeizinger, Jr., M.A. 1. Pynchon and capitalist constructivism “Society is used in the service of hierarchy,” says Derrida; however, according to von Ludwig[1] , it is not so much society that is used in the service of hierarchy, but rather the futility, and thus the meaninglessness, of society. Therefore, if Sartreist absurdity holds, the works of Pynchon are empowering. In the works of Pynchon, a predominant concept is the distinction

  • Deviance As A Sociological Deviance

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    He further notes that deviance serves several important functions for the society. First, Durkheim notes that deviance clarifies social norms and increases conformity (Williams 2004). This happens because the discovery and punishment of deviance reminds people of the norms and reinforces the consequences of violating them. For instance, if your class was taking an exam and a student

  • Utilitarian And Deontology Ethics And Ebola

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    Utilitarian and Deontology ethics and Ebola Quarantine Recently, there has been a large outbreak of the Ebola Hemorrhagic virus in West Africa, causing wide spread suffering and death in the region. In effect, many humanitarian missions have been deemed necessary to help countries treating patients suffering from the virus, as well as preventing the expansion of the epidemic. Unfortunately, some of the medical personnel who went on the humanitarian missions have returned to their own countries only

  • Ethical Supervisors

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    Operating in the role of a supervisor requires you to be ethical and fair in your all your decision making. An ethical supervisor enforces the policies of the company, build the morale of employees and practice what they preach. Fair treatment should be based on trust and respect of the employee. All complaints of offensive behavior and unfair treatment should be handled immediately according to company policies. Discipline is sometimes needed to let an employee know their work performance needs

  • The Greater Good

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    I believe that working toward to increasing the quality of life for others around me by helping the greater good has been the driving ethical principle of my life. Over the course of my life, I have consciously been making choices and taking action based off of how I can help others reach a positive state of life. After every interaction I have with someone, I hope that in someway I have made their life better in some capacity. Whether my action be as small as holding the door for someone, or getting

  • Deviant Workplace Behavior

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    Deviant workplace behavior is interesting topic to be observed. The most questions about employees or workplace deviance in the organizations is what the cause to the deviant behavior in the workplace? The negative practices incorporate representative wrongdoings, for example, not taking after the director's guideline, arriving late, easing off the work cycle, acting inconsiderately with associates and conferring frivolous burglary and not approaching collaborators with deference. Not at all like

  • Passover Themes

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    The themes that dominate Easter and Passover reveal the beauty of redemption, protection, and the promise of new horizons. While both holidays have some shared symbolism - the lamb and the egg for example - they also have some that are uniquely their own. That being the case, your tablescapes for Easter and Passover depend largely on whether or not you’ll have guests that celebrate both holidays. If you aren’t sure how to approach your decor in light of this, take heart. The following tablescape

  • Deviance and Criminality: Understanding Villainy in Comics

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    In this course we have tackled numerous topics in a short span of time. These topics have spanned from social sciences, the origins of man, the birth of personalities, and the concepts of marriage and family. Out of all these interesting topics though, the theme of deviance and criminality evolved my mindset the most. As an avid comic book/manga reader I believe that hero is only as interesting as the villains they face.This ideal shows throughout with popular examples such as Batman with Joker,