The Greater Good

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I believe that working toward to increasing the quality of life for others around me by helping the greater good has been the driving ethical principle of my life. Over the course of my life, I have consciously been making choices and taking action based off of how I can help others reach a positive state of life. After every interaction I have with someone, I hope that in someway I have made their life better in some capacity. Whether my action be as small as holding the door for someone, or getting out of my car to help a women who has been in an accident on the side of the rode; I hope that my actions help benefit that person in a positive manner. By helping one person, I believe that I am helping the greater good. One small act of kindness I give towards one person will hopefully inspire him or her to pay forward the good deed to another soul in need. …show more content…

No, this mindset of thinking, acting, and choosing derives from the environment I have grown up in with all of the influences surrounding me. From the interactions with my parents, the faculty of my catholic grammar school, my grandfather, Bob Gionfrante, and hundreds of other influences; I have learned how to be a good person, how to help others, and how to serve the greater good. Whether it be Bob teaching me healthy fishing practices, my mom telling six year old me to help the women struggling with her bags to her car, or Sister Mary Brailee teaching me to give back to the less fortunate through community service, all of these interactions have created the person I am today. These lessons I’ve learned all come back to helping the greater good, and have developed my character to where I stand

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