Pasta Essays

  • The History of Pasta

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pasta did not originate during the thirteenth century. A popular myth, pasta originated from Marco Polo’s voyage back from China, when he brought back noodles to Venice. According to food historian Serventi et al. (2003, p211) the myth originated in the 1920s from Macaroni Journal as an American promotional policy. In fact pasta originated 4,000 years ago. According to a national geographic article the preserved bowl of noodles was found below ten feet of dirt in Laija archaeological site (Roach

  • Pasta Essay

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    The Effects of Sodium Chloride on the Cooking Time of Pasta When you eat pasta your first thoughts are usually of Italy, a huge boisterous family dinner, or a romantic dinner for two. Though you think of these things there are several misconceptions and myths about pasta. The origins of pasta have been debated throughout the years. Making pasta has adapted over the years as more tools and equipment are made to make the process easier. Pasta is made from different ingredients and also comes in all

  • Pasta Making Essay

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pasta is a food product which is made up of flour, egg/ water. Aroma, colour, appearance, texture, flavor and nutritional value of the pasta are often the main concerned for the consumer. Pasta after cooking should retain its texture (firmness, elasticity, stickiness, chewiness and bulkiness). The quality (texture, color, flavor and appearance) of the pasta are determined 3 main factors, quality of raw material, processing methods and recipe. (Sissons 2008) The most preferred raw material for the

  • Analysis Of No Sauce Pasta

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    No Sauce Pasta, as the name suggests, is an easy to prepare noodle dish without tomatoes. It is one of my favorite pasta preparations and for a few good reasons: First, making this pasta meal is easy; second, it requires only a few ingredients; and third it is ready to eat in under 20 minutes. Lastly, the short ingredient list means you can savor the components, thus enjoy the meal even more. Healthy meals come from our kitchens and this one more than satiate the appetite. When healthy cooking may

  • Informative Essay About Pasta

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    When you eat pasta your first thoughts are usually of Italy, a huge boisterous family dinner, or a romantic dinner for two. Though you think of these things there are several misconceptions and myths about pasta. The origins of pasta have been debated throughout the years. Making pasta has adapted over the years as more tools and equipment are made to make the process easier. Pasta is made from different ingredients and also comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be cooked into several different types

  • How to Cook an Authentic Italian Pasta Sauce

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    the Italian flag: the red, white, and green that are echoed repeatedly in various dishes. An authentic Italian pasta sauce is a key component to many classic Italian dishes such as baked ravioli, or chicken Parmesan. After reading this recipe, cooking a tomato sauce that is exceptional with various Italian dishes will become a second nature. In order to cook a delicious tomato based pasta sauce, the necessary ingredients must be assembled. For this recipe one must obtain ten ripe tomatoes, olive

  • The Taste Of Fun: Deke's Mardi Gras Pasta

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    Taste of Fun Most people know that the main ingredients in pasta: noodles, sauce, and sometimes meat combined makes a good meal for lunch and dinner. However, to have a great fun pasta meal that is simple and full of flavor, better than just good, people would have to eat at a restaurant/bar called Bobby Hebert’s Cajon Cannon, located in Metairie, LA. Created by the owner and his friend, Bobby and Deke’s Mardi Gras Pasta is the best cajon pasta in the Jefferson Parish area of Louisiana because of three

  • Analysis Of Vonshef 3 In 1 Stainless Steel Pasta Maker

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    VonShef 3 in 1 Stainless Steel Pasta Maker: Instructions on How to Use: You first need to mix up your ingredients for the dough, of course. Make sure that the dough is not so moist that it will stick to your pasta maker. Also, make sure that the dough is not too dry, or it will fall apart when it comes out. Mother thing that makes it easier when using this pasta maker is to have two people working it. One will need to hold on to the dough and feed it in while another turns the crank to make sure

  • The Process Of Pasta

    1797 Words  | 4 Pages

    1- Introduction Pasta is a Latin term which means dough, and this dough is formed from hard wheat flour, semolina, eggs (for egg spaghetti), water, durum flour, farina flour, and some desirable ingredients. After mixing the ingredients are typically added to an extruder that has variety of dies to form the shape of the final product, and sometimes some pigments are added. Then the pasta is dried and packaged for marketing (Debbouz & Doetkott, 1996; Fuad & Prabhasnkar, 2010). Semolina is rough-ground

  • CAT 4

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    further knowledge about pasta. Most people know what pasta is, but what about the history. I will also explain the benefits of pasta, the basic ways of making pasta and what some pasta dishes are. What exactly is pasta? Simply put, pasta is a food, but a delicious one at that. People around the world eat pasta, and it is a part of many meals. It is made from durum wheat semolina, which is then mixed with water, made into shapes and then dried or cooked fresh. Sometimes pasta contains other ingredients

  • Nestle Frozen Food Product Development and Marketing

    1836 Words  | 4 Pages

    influenced by penetration rate of Contadina pasta (Exhibit 2). Q2 Similarities: Both launches of refrigerated pasta and pizza are aim to catch up the growing trend toward ethnic foods. Both of these two lines try to capture this growing trend by providing convenience and freshness at the same time. In terms of competition, none of the refrigerated pizza and pasta category has a big brand play yet. Therefore, by taking quick reaction to the demand, both pasta and pizza opportunity might empower Nestle

  • An Essay On Italian Food

    1795 Words  | 4 Pages

    Italian food is the world’s most popular cuisine. It is an essential part of Italian life and very common to non-Italians. The most well-known Italian dishes today are pasta and pizza, but Italian cuisine varies greatly from one region to another. For instance, “the popular Italian-American dishes generally come from the southern region of Campania and the island of Sicily, just off the southern coast” (Traditional Italian). However, many years ago, Italy was made up of different nations, conquered

  • Rasberry, Ricotta And Chocolate Cannoli

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    Idea #2: Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni Ingredients: • Fresh reduced-fat ricotta cheese • Home grown spinach leaves, chopped • Homemade pasta sheets • Homemade tomato pasta sauce • Grated tasty cheese • Baby rocket Method: 1. Preheat oven to 180°C 2. Place ricotta in a bowl, add spinach and Season with salt and pepper. Mix to combine. 3. Prepare pasta sheets and place a tablespoon of the ric...

  • Barilla Pasta

    1464 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction In 1875, Pietro Barilla founded Barilla SpA, a small pasta shop in Parma, Italy. Barilla is a family owned company that has been passed down from generation to generation and has become a vertically integrated organization, with many bakeries and factories throughout Italy. For many years, the pasta shop experienced significant growth because of the high quality products that were marketed and produced in their facilities. In fact, during the 1980’s, Barilla experienced a 21 percent

  • Christmas Eve: Italian Food

    1436 Words  | 3 Pages

    It is Christmas Eve at my grandparent’s house. I am sitting around the table in the noisy dining room with my whole family. As the seven different fish dishes finish cooking, my grandfather begins to place each one on the table in front of us. My favorite Christmas Eve dish is the first to come out—linguine with clams. As my grandfather enters the room, my senses are suddenly overwhelmed with the smell of the homemade white sauce and the fresh shellfish. My grandfather slowly sets the bowl of linguine

  • Italian Culture

    929 Words  | 2 Pages

    There’s a lot more to being Italian than the typical stereotypes that we have come to know from movies, television and books. From the Catholic mobsters who kill during the week but always make it to mass on Sunday, to the “how you doin” views of Joey from the television show “Friends”, people often forget the more important parts of being Italian. It is a culture like no other, full of history, art, and most importantly, their passion for food. Italian food, in my opinion, is the best in the world

  • Compare And Contrast Italian Food

    2303 Words  | 5 Pages

    people who have been there for awhile. They are super relaxed about many things, like train times, the market, shopping, but food is one thing that are uptight about. Some of the rules may include; pasta is never a side dish, never cut your spaghetti, do not use ketchup, and meat never belongs with pasta. These are some of the basic small principles Italians follow, and seeing tourist break any of those, is like watching someone eat ribs with a fork and knife. In America we have so many ‘Italian '

  • Just in Time Distribution

    2188 Words  | 5 Pages

    Just-In-Time Distribution and Barilla SpA Anybody who knows something about business had heard the term Just-in-time (JIT) inventory. It involves producing only what is need, when it is needed. The principle of Just in time is to eliminate sources of manufacturing waste by getting the right quantity of raw materials and producing the right quantity of products in the right place at the right time.(1) In this way, manufactures receive parts and materials “just in time” to meet the day’s manufacturing

  • Persuasive Essay On Cooking

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cooking is not made easy when you 're still guessing. In fact, guessing at cooking increases the stress because guessing makes you unsure of the results to come. I 'm going to give you a little cooking help by offering some tips on how to end your guessing. One of the reasons that you guess is because it 's hard to believe something until you can actually see it. But I want to help you to wrap your head around the idea that you have to believe it first and then you 'll see it. Quantifying your

  • Spaghetti: My Favorite Kitchen

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    to create, delicious, and a nutritious meal the whole family can savor. Pasta noodles are inexpensive, making them the ideal food item for any money-saving meal. The sauces are also inexpensive to make when the ingredients are bought on sale. Spaghetti can be made in large quantities without emptying your wallet. This quick recipe will feed a family of 6 with leftovers for ten dollars. Serving homemade spaghetti sauce with pasta is a wonderful