Implication Essays

  • Implication for the Retail Industry

    571 Words  | 2 Pages

    Thomas, Ryan, “The Right Mix: Brands versus Private Labels,” Apparel, Feb’04, p. 30-33 Overview of Article Department stores that may want to develop or expand private labels to replace lagging national brands should be aware of the downfalls as well as the benefits. Private labels increase margins from 6-10% higher than national brands. They also allow for fashion garments to be reproduced the following season if they are still in demand. However, department stores risk opposition from national

  • Exploring Dyslexia and its Implications

    2776 Words  | 6 Pages

    Exploring Dyslexia and its Implications Introduction Imagine yourself in a crowded room. You are sitting at a table with other people your age, reading a book out loud, and it is your turn. You look up at the other people, terrified because nothing is coming out of your mouth. You can't manage to force even one word out because you don't know how to read. Now, imagine yourself as a teenager. This is what it was like for fourteen-year-old Anita, a dyslexic. Life was horrible for her. She said

  • Implications of the Dinosaur Heart Discovery

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Implications of the Dinosaur Heart Discovery The article from Science News, “Telltale Dino Heart Hints at Warm Blood”, by Tina Hesman and the Journal article it was based on from Science, ”Cardiovascular Evidence for an Intermediate or Higher Metabolic Rate in an Ornithischian Dinosaur”, by Paul Fisher and others both offer a new perspective on the topic to be discussed, however there are some key differences between the two articles. How the two articles differ will be discussed later on in

  • The Meaning and Implication of Oral History

    3314 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Meaning and Implication of Oral History In the United States the institutional beginnings of oral history can be traced back to Allan Nevins’s Oral History Project at Columbia University in 1948. As a field it developed in the early 1980s and at this time advocates started to seriously reflect on its methods and implications. Today oral history and public history are considered the growth engine of the historical discipline, absorbing many historians who are competing in a tight job market

  • Synesthesia and the Implications of Sensory Fusion

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    Synesthesia and the Implications of Sensory Fusion Synesthesia is defined as the sensation produced at a point other than or remote from the point of stimulation, as of a color from hearing a certain sound.[1] (From the Greek, syn=together+aesthesis=to perceive). In common language synesthesia is an involuntary blending of the senses by some people, which allows them to see colors when looking at numbers, for instance. This is a topic that was introduced over a century ago, but has not

  • The Implications Involving Dinosaur DNA

    1094 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Implications Involving Dinosaur DNA Of course it was the movie Jurassic Park who seemed to coin the phrase “Dino DNA.” This movie gave the public the thought that, a) it is possible to find dinosaur DNA and b) we can clone dinosaurs from this DNA. This essay is not going to pick apart Jurassic Park’s scientific value, however it will share the current knowledge and information on dinosaur DNA. The discovery of DNA is important because it may uncover different bits of information. The

  • Ethical and Professional Implications

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ethical and Professional Implications The autonomy of a competent patient is an issue not often debated in medical ethics. Refusal of unwanted treatment is a basic right, likened to the common law of battery, available to all people capable of a competent choice. These fundamental rules of medical ethics entered a completely new forum as medical technology developed highly effective life-sustaining care during the 20th century. Several watershed cases elucidated these emerging issues in

  • Learning Theories and Implications for Educational Technology

    1638 Words  | 4 Pages

    Learning Theories and Implications for Educational Technology Abstract The theories of Vygotsky, Gardner, and Gagne present vary different models of learning. Vygotsky and Gardner see culture as an important factor in how a child learns, and see growth and development and individual thing. Gagne, however, focuses on a formal model of instruction, with the method used depending upon the content being taught. All three theories have a role to play in educational technology. Learning Theories

  • Implications of the AOL-Time Warner Merger

    1667 Words  | 4 Pages

    Implications of the AOL-Time Warner Merger On January 11, 2001, America Online and Time Warner completed their historic merger shortly after the Federal Communications Commission approved the deal with conditions that affect instant messaging and Net cable access. This one hundred and nine billion dollar merger of America Online and Time Warner is one of the largest deals in corporate history. The deal combines the world's largest Internet Service Provider with the world's largest media company

  • Implications of Modernist Thought in Tender Is the Night

    1004 Words  | 3 Pages

    Implications of Modernist Thought in Tender Is the Night The implications of modernist thought in F. Scott Fitzgeralds' Tender Is the Night, become apparent when conceptualizing crime and punishment. Besides the murder of the Negro in the Parisian hotel, the idea of crime is plastic; adultery, deceit, moral depravity barely have consequences. Actions committed with good intentions often end in despair, such as the marriage of Dick and Nicole Diver. Similarly, seduction and dissimulation

  • Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur's Ideology Concept

    2882 Words  | 6 Pages

    Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur's Ideology Concept (1) ABSTRACT: This paper intends to shed light on the issue of ideology as found in the work of Ricoeur. According to Ricoeur, ideology is not only distortive of social reality; it is as well related to society's power and integration, which in fact changes our way of understanding the entire world. Ideology is an endless and unresolvable problem, since there is no non-ideological place from which to discuss ideology. The phenomenological

  • Policy Implications from the Montreal Protocol

    3765 Words  | 8 Pages

    Policy Implications from the Montreal Protocol Executive Summary In the mid 1980s, the international community decided to address the issue of ozone depletion. In 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed, setting out abatement schedules for major ozone depleting substances. Due to several unique factors surrounding the issue of ozone depletion, the Montreal Protocol was, and continues to be, a great success. That being said, there are a number of problems that parties to the agreement have

  • Wittgenstein's Children: Some Implications for Teaching and Otherness

    3274 Words  | 7 Pages

    Wittgenstein's Children: Some Implications for Teaching and Otherness ABSTRACT: The later Wittgenstein uses children in his philosophical arguments against the traditional views of language. Describing how they learn language is one of his philosophical methods for setting philosophers free from their views and enabling them to see the world in a different way. The purpose of this paper is to explore what features of children he takes advantage of in his arguments, and to show how we can read

  • Detailing The Implications Of A Team Leader Not Having Interpersonal Skills

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    Detailing the implications of a team leader not having interpersonal skills; After successfully holding a training session for a small team of people on the merits of team working and interpersonal skills, I now have to identify the implications of a team leader not having the type of interpersonal skills that are needed to run an effective team. Interpersonal Skills enable you to work with others harmoniously and efficiently within a team, working well with other involves understanding and appreciating

  • Racial and Cultural Test Bias, Stereotype Threat and Their Implications

    3792 Words  | 8 Pages

    Racial and Cultural Test Bias, Stereotype Threat and Their Implications A substantial amount of educational and psychological research has consistently demonstrated that African American students underperform academically relative to White students. For example, they tend to receive lower grades in school (e.g., Demo & Parker, 1987; Simmons, Brown, Bush, & Blyth, 1978), score lower on standardized tests of intellectual ability (e.g., Bachman, 1970; Herring, 1989; Reyes & Stanic, 1988; Simmons

  • Benefits and Implications of Technology Use in America’s Classrooms

    2347 Words  | 5 Pages

    Benefits and Implications of Technology Use in America’s Classrooms In today’s world, technology is transforming conventional methods of every facet of human life; from the way that we grow our crops, to the way that we communicate with one another. Technology has opened our minds to new ideas and even to new places, such as space exploration. Simply put, technology means applying science toward an objective and the outcome is advancement in modes of construction. Technology is improving

  • The Himba of Southwestern Africa and the Implications of the Nation State

    2323 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Himba of Southwestern Africa and the Implications of the Nation State For over five centuries, the Himba people have breathed the “hot and filmy” air of the Earth’s oldest desert, raising fat, prosperous herds of livestock in a shrewd network of grazing lands, and honoring their ancestors through ancient sacred fires and venerated grave sites (Crandall). Anthropologists suppose “the Himba's [ancestral] firelight has been flickering . . . since the 1600s, when they arrived as part of the great

  • Moral Implications of the Battered Woman Syndrome

    3171 Words  | 7 Pages

    Moral Implications of the Battered Woman Syndrome The Battered Woman Syndrome, like the Cycle Theory of Violence, helps to illuminate the situation of the person victimized by domestic violence. However, it may also contribute to the violence of the battering situation. In this paper, I explore some of the implications of the Battered Woman Syndrome for domestic violence cases wherein an abused woman kills her abuser. I begin by delineating some of the circumstances of a domestic violence situation

  • Implications of Racism in Canadian Society: R.D.S. v. The Queen

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    Implications of Racism in Canadian Society: R.D.S. v. The Queen "The courtroom is no place to find the truth." This quotation is taken from a Hollywood film, but has a tendency to ring true in legal disputes in Canada involving minority groups. Racism as a component in the Canadian societal context has prevented the realization of truth and justice throughout history. For instance, Donald Marshall Jr. endured a wrongful conviction as a result of racism in the criminal justice system. While

  • Population Structure and Economic Implications of Kenya and China

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Population Structure and Economic Implications of Kenya and China In this piece of text I will be analysing and comparing the population structure and economic implications of two countries. The two countries that I have chosen are Kenya and China. China is a mixture of an LEDC and an MEDC whilst Kenya is a LEDC. You will be able to notice the difference when I give the facts and details of both countries. Population structure is such things as death rate and also birth rate and population