Gerund Essays

  • How Does Wallace Stevens Use Dynamic Images In Poetry

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    Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems “Description restores vitality to the plain visual object” (Altieri, 250). Take for example when Horatio, after having seen the ghost the first act of Hamlet, notices the beginning of the new day: “But, look, the morn in russet mantle clad, walks o’er the dew of yon high eastward hill.” (Shakespeare, 347). He doesn’t say “Sun’s coming up!” and we do not read Shakespeare in hopes that he would. Instead we are given a description

  • Realisations of direct object

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    In this essay I would like to focus on the possible realisations of a direct object. At the beginning I will try to explain what an object is. I want to make clear difference between direct and indirect objects and I will also write about some other clausal elements which influence objects. Generally, we can distinguish five basic elements within a sentence: subject, verb, complement and object. Let’s imagine we have a sentence in which there is involved some action. If the action or event involves

  • Analysis Of Narcissus

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    Here the boy lay down, weary both from his zealous hunting and because of the heat, drawn to the beauty of the place and the fountain. While he was eager to slake his thirst, another thirst grew, and while he drank, he was seized by the image of a figure he saw, and he loved a discarnate dream. He thought that which is a shadow is a body. He was enthralled with himself, and, with his face still, he stared at that same face, just like a statue made of Parian marble. Seated on the ground he observed

  • Pros And Cons Of Driverless Cars

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    Humans and animals have been evolving for years and years and so have cars. Cars have changed throughout time(Noun clause) to the point where racing(Gerund) with cars is considered a game itself. Now, cars are being made driverless to take one’s place without one having to drive(Infinitive). Companies such as Google are experimenting with testing(Gerund) them out in public places. The outcome of these tests are not always positive. Due to the crisis that autonomous cars can cause issues (Adverb) such

  • Lesson Plan Rationale

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    Taking into account the students’ background, I developed this lesson to help them comprehend the targeted grammatical features (gerunds and infinitives) and make them able to use those features in communication with others. The students, as mentioned in the lesson plan, take this class in the evening, which means that they most likely work during the day and probably need to communicate using the language in their work settings. Therefore, it is important to give as many opportunities as possible

  • Letter To Booker Essay

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    will learn so much in this class that your brain will probably explode. She even gives us vocabulary like were tiny ignorant kids. Sometimes if you use her vocabulary words in sentences when you talk to her she gives you candy. Do you know what a gerund is? Most likely you don’t and even though she taught me I don’t know either, I forgot.** Ms. Booker bewilders me, she should probably teach 9th graders in my

  • Indirect Intimation For Innuendo

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    The word or expression thus explained. Word Origin and History for innuendo Expand n.1670s, "oblique hint, indiscreet suggestion," usually a deprecatory one, from Latin innuendo "by meaning, pointing to," literally "giving a nod to," ablative of gerund of innuere "to mean, signify," literally "to nod to," fromin- "at" + nuere "to nod". Originally a legal phrase (1560s) from Medieval Latin, with the sense of "to wit." It often introduced the derogatory

  • Irish Poet Seamus Heaney

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    The Irish poet, Seamus Heaney broadcasts his constant awe towards his family member’s abilities in a plethora of his poems. In the poem “Follower,” Heaney brags about his father being a digger and yearns to follow the family tradition, which in his poem “Digging” he gains closure by claiming that he can “dig” in his own sense by writing. In “Clearances #5,” the poet is in awe with his mother’s ability to make sheets out of mere flour sacks. Heaney’s work stresses the importance of family life through

  • Summary Of Stan Grant's Resignation

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    ABC journalist Stan Grant formally addresses his resignation from the QandA program for mental health through a message. Grant is a Wirudjuri Indigenous Australian and has connections with Indigenous culture, such as connection to land and spirit. The message was made after Grant was abused and experienced racism, and serves an emotive function. Through the message, he reaffirms his Wiradjuri identity, his identity as a family-focused and caring person, encourages Indigenous and Wiradjuri solidarity

  • Reflective Essay for Inquiry Five

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    Rhetoric 111 happened to be my college essay where I used only two to-be verbs per paragraph and I cannot say this surprises me. Additionally, I have not had to include various phrases in assignments before this class. Having to identify such phrases as gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, participle phrases, and absolute phrases has forced me to pay attention to the appropriate time to include certain phrases. In college and my professional career... ... middle of paper ... to question why that

  • The Narrow Road To The Deep North

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    The haibun is a traditional Japanese form of poetry, first introduced by Bashō in The Narrow Road to the Deep North. The haibun includes a passage of poetic prose and a haiku. Most Americans believe that the form is best suited for children due to its straightforwardness, however, that could not be further from the truth. The simplicity of the haibun is deceiving, while the structure may seem easy to replicate, crafting a haibun is laced nuance. A closer look at the classical theme and its execution

  • Essay On Prescriptive Grammar

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    Grammar has two primary approaches—prescriptive and descriptive. Prescriptive grammar is the general approach of right versus wrong, and historically the kind of approach overzealous English teachers apply to their students. Popular culture has lovingly deemed the rigid prescriptive grammarian the “Grammar Nazi,” which actually refers to the grade school graduate who clings tightly to the Latin based traditional rules and enforces those rules online. Due to these perspectives and due to various

  • Stereotypes In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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    by skin color. They do not let the black and white people live in the same houses. When Lennie asks Crooks why he doesn’t stay in the same, he says that the white people say he stinks. (Steinbeck 68.) Separating Crooks from the other guys is wrong (Gerund phrase.) Candy doesn’t hang out with the other guys. He stays by himself in the bunkhouse. He doesn’t go with them just because he is old. He goes into the barn with Lennie and Crooks because the other guys left him by himself. (Steinbeck

  • Analysis Of The Body In Pain By Elaine Scarry

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    almost prevents it from being rendered in language” (Scarry 161). In other words, because physical pain has no ‘voice’ and is directly linked to one’s personal five senses, the suffering of another other is often remote and intangible. While the gerund “imagining” connotes an action, to fully perceive another person’s suffering requires a reference point that can conjure the sentiments of pain; it is difficult to imagine without imagining

  • Phrases: Definition, Type and Discrimination in old type and new type.

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    type is harder than the new one and can make many students confusing. According to Simmons (1997) to identify types of phrase, we need to know the types of phrase and its grammatical rule and structure clearly. There are 5 types of phrase including Gerund Phrase that will begin with –ing word and always function as noun. They can wo... ... middle of paper ... ..., verb, adverb, adjective and preposition. For example, to identify noun phrase, you only have to look for noun (I, He, Tommy) and to

  • I Am a Writer

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    extra work because I would just need to take a couple English classes in college, and then it would finally be over. English class persisted every year since first grade. I knew how to construct an essay, and the beat iambic pentameter had, and what a gerund was. Enough! I wanted a break. The University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth and University of Southern Maine were calling to me. Actually, they simply had rolling admissions. Somehow all other deadlines had escaped me due to this intense fear of failure


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    As it is shown in the Contents section, this chapter will be organized in two sub-chapters (The etymology of the ~ing form and respectively, The multiple uses of the -ing form) under the generic title of THE DIACRONIC APPROACH OF THE -ING. We propose to start with a diachronic approach of the -ing form, beginning with Old English until Modern English. We believe that only by a historical analysis of the -ing phenomenon we can understand its multiple uses and flexibility, consequently, we continue

  • The Intylistic Elements Of Michael Shaara's Style-Surrender?

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    First, I used participles and infinitives. I did not include any gerunds because he does not commonly use them throughout the whole book. I also included lots of imagery because a majority of The Killer Angels is compacted with imagery and descriptive words. I decided to use similes and a couple metaphors. Shaara does

  • The Value of Human Life in The Bet by Anton Chekhov

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    In the short story “The Bet” by Anton Chekhov a wager is made that changes the lives of two people. The story begins with a heated argument at a party over which is more moral, capital punishment or life imprisonment. The host of the party, the banker, believes that capital punishment is more moral because the death sentence kills the victim quicker rather than dragging out the process. A twenty-five year old lawyer at the party responds, saying, he would choose the life sentence to be more moral

  • Analysis Of S & S Smoothie

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    S & S Smoothie has four main Marketing Objectives. First is to increase the awareness of S & S Smoothie products among the target market. Second is to increase gross sales by 50 percent over the next two years. Third is to introduce two new product lines over the next three years: a line of low-carb smoothies and a line of gourmet flavored smoothies. Fourth is to increase distribution of S & S Smoothie products to include new retail outlets both in the United States and globally. So, how is S &