In Willa Cather’s short story, “A Wagner Matinee”, Cather uses a sense of regret, along with the setting and the music from the concert hall, to bring a sense of sadness to the story and to Aunt Georgiana. Aunt Georgiana was a music teacher who loved her career but gave it up to marry a farmer. She recognized her mistakes and moves on to regret marrying the farmer. As Aunt Georgiana continues to live with Mr. Clark, she cannot help but think about how she wanted to live her own life without anyone
A Place for All Musics? Confrontation and Mediation he talked about how the “School of Music” and “Departments of Music” are so far from the reality of accepting all music. These schools typically only study Western European art music and Nettl through this article is pointing out the major flaws with this system as a distant observer. He wrote, “Even the various sorts of Western art music may not be included on equal terms. Actually, there are some ways in which the music school functions almost
graduating from high school, attending the perfect college, and choosing the ideal major that would make me happy. Senior year in high school, I didn’t have the slightest clue as to what I wanted to do, much less what college I wanted to attend. When the time for picking a degree and a college came around, I found myself having my parents call all the shots. It wasn’t until after I officially left for Valdosta State University that I figured out that I wanted to get my bachelors degree in music therapy. At
Music Education I’ve chosen to become a Music Educator as a career. I feel that music has had such a great impact on my life that I can give back to the future generations by teaching it. I have a great love for education, so this career is for me. Requirements The basic requirement it takes to become a Music Educator is to receive a bachelor´s degree from a college or a university. Most colleges and universities offer teaching licensure in the state that they are located in. With a bachelor’s
In the article “The Case against College,” Linda Lee argues that upper-level education should only be for those who intend to go into jobs where a degree is essential such as medicine, law, and education. Lee dismantles the hope for higher education for those who are unsure of what they want to do or simply see it as the next step in life. Lee’s case is not specifically about why not to go to college; it is more about who belongs there and who does not. Receiving a degree, especially in the creative
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything”(Plato). No truer words have been spoken such as those uttered by the great philosopher Plato. Music is the language of love and felling which is the reason that music educators play such a pivotal role in the world today. The field of music education is one full of people ready to usher in the next generation of music makers. The word performed by the music
Senior year. This is the year that every teenager waits for their entire school career. I have finally made it to the top. In high school, there are many challenges that need to be faced. My few main challenges are going to take place during my senior year. I am applying to the University of Minnesota Duluth, preparing myself for music auditions for potential scholarships, and having to say goodbye to all of my high school friends. Since the fifth grade, I have known what I wanted to do with my
high school graduation is very important if I wish to fulfill my goal in life. To be successful in life, education is a key point to attaining it. Many high paying jobs requires a high school diploma as well as a degree which is resulted from attending college. After completing high school, I fully intend to register in either the University of California, Los Angeles or go to Pima Medical Institute. Music has always been one of my passions in life. I have always loved to sing, listen to music as
Music Education Improves Academic Performance Music educators have always believed that a child’s cognitive, motivational, and communication skills are more highly developed when exposed to music training. Now, study after study proves that music instruction is essential to children’s overall education because it improves their academic performance. The positive effects of music education are finally being recognized by science, verifying what music teachers have always suspected. Music enters
about making sure the music others create, goes well with a particular scene in a movie/TV shows or advertisements. The advantage of this is that you get to have fun and know that your music will be heard and enjoyed by others. However, the field is very hard to get into as there is a lot of competition. It is very difficult to make a living off this career as most projects want original music, but if a person puts in enough effort they could actually make a fortune. The music is important in the film
the college students to finish their degrees faster, even though they have a lot of responsibilities to do. (B) This article explains why night classes are beneficial to College students. (C) Van Thompson is an attorney and a writer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in music and computer science from Westchester University, and a Juris doctor from Georgia State University. He is the recipient of numerous writing awards, including a 2009 CALI Legal Writing Award. (D) This article tells the College students
has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities encountered while in college, coupled with personal qualities and traits. Employers and graduate schools are looking for outstanding skills and experience, not college pedigree.” (O’Connell, 2007). When considering which college to attend, many students consider prestige, ranking, and selectivity to be among the most important factors, as if a degree from a ‘name-brand’ school, such as the Ivies or Stanford, will
Furthermore, universities such as the University of Arizona provide platforms through which students are able to voice their beliefs, no matter what those beliefs are, upholding our nation’s provision of free speech for all. Typical high
performing arts. Music education being the right of all children it must be taught in appropriate ways suggested by the geographical cultural and social environment (3). And yes, that is true. Every child should have the write to experience. Every person, in every culture is introduced to some form of music. Whether a person lives in Asia, Africa, Italy, or the USA. That person is introduced to the kind of music in that culture. But scientists have said time after time that “Music lessons appear to
and uninteresting job until I reach my dying years horrifies me. For me, music is the only career worth grinding through the hardship to reach success, it was all that I could actually be passionate about and I realized this as a young teenager. Music was the one thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. The big picture was that I would not be able to sit around and watch my life unfold. I knew I would have to work at music if I ever wanted to go anywhere, and I started immediately. I taught myself
Why Music Education Is Being Cut Many schools around the country are cutting their music program because of budget cuts in their counties. The arts for some reason are always the first to be cut; apparently the school doesn’t think they are essential to their students learning. Schools try to focus on the more important academic classes because of the high testing standards they must now meet. (Nesoff 2003) This is not just happening in poor school districts it is happening in large districts
a taboo topic today, but something that is even more taboo and frowned upon is speaking up about rape. The 2015 film documentary The Hunting Ground explores rape on college campuses through students who have opened up about their sexual assaults on campus and how they are trying to make people envision the true issue of rape in schools. The producer of the film, Amy Ziering, contributed to the recognition of on-campus rape and with the aid of director Kirby Dick, who is best known for creating documentary
Management at university as I am studying HNC Events at college and have learned how complex and intricate this subject is through the units I have studied and the practical work I have completed. I have also discovered the incredible sense of achievement you obtain when an event is a success. It is for these reasons that I endeavour to take my studies to the next stage, allowing me to expand on the skills and knowledge I have gained from college. I hope to study Events Management at university as I have
President Obama was the first one to apologize for his mishap, and then told ABC and him to apologize for their live segment. Not close to a year later, the famous singer, Avril Lavigne released a new music video with stereotypical “Japanese girls as backdrops and accessories” (Keith). Her music video continues to stream on YouTube, and was not taken down, despite the commotion and the dispute about the word kawaii and arigato, and the discrimination against Japanese and Japanese
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) began as Branch Normal College, which sought to accommodate the higher-educational needs of Arkansas’s African-American population. UAPB is the alma mater of such notable figures as attorney Wiley Branton Sr., Dr. Samuel Kountz, and attorney John W. Walker. State senator John Middleton Clayton sponsored a legislative act calling for the establishment of Branch Normal College, but it was not until 1875 that the state’s economic situation was secure