Child discipline Essays

  • The Many Ways to Discipline a Child

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    spanking a child is child abuse, and that it causes the child to grow up aggressive and violent. This would mean that every child that is spanked during their developmental stages will grow up to be an example of bad behavior. However, there is no actual data or information that can confirm that spanking a child will cause a child to grow up to be violent or too aggressive. Children have been trained to obey rules or a set code of behavior for centuries. It is the best way to mold a child to be a respectable

  • Methods of Child Discipline

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    age of the child, methods of child discipline vary widely. The topic of child discipline involves a wide range of fields such as parenting, behavioural analysis, developmental psychology, social work and various religious perspectives. Advances in the understanding of parenting have provided a background of theoretical understanding and practical understanding of the effectiveness of parenting methods. The word discipline is defined as imparting knowledge and skill, to teach. Discipline is used by

  • 16th and 17th Century Child Care and Child Discipline in Europe

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    Families also consisted of a larger amount of people than they usually do today. To teach kids discipline and morality, some parents and teachers used reasoning to articulate as why to a certain act or behavior is considered disrespectful. On the contrary, other parents used harsh punishments, either because they didn't love their children, or simply believed that it was the only way to ensure that their child would never commit the act that warranted such a consequence again. Other children were extremely

  • Child Abuse Or Discipline

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    Child Abuse or Discipline When I was a child, I used to think that people made a big deal over nothing and child abuse was not a serious issue. I was wrong now I believe that not enough people are aware of the amount of people that are harmed by child abuse. You would think that after a while children would tell someone that they are being abused. Since only the child knows exactly what happened, the type of abuse, and now it is affecting them. If parents would just learn the when it is appropriate

  • Discipline: Corpal Punished Or Disciplined Child?

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    parents never interpret the correct way to care for a child, creating a negative effect on their life. I feel that it is important to enforce discipline at a young age. Discipline is a great responsibility that all parents need to grasp in order to raise obedient and healthy children, creating an enjoyable life as they mature and become adults. Disciplining a child properly is a method that you as a person have to create. When correcting a child, I believe

  • Discipline Teaches a Child to Follow the Rules

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    Discipline If you want your child to become a responsible, respected adult then you must discipline your child. This must be done without humiliation or abuse. “Discipline is the process of teaching your child what type of behavior is acceptable and what type is not acceptable. In other words, discipline teaches a child to follow rules.” (WebMD, 2005-2014) The most important thing is to teach the child what it is that you expect of them, teach them the consequences of not following the rules, and

  • Understanding Child Discipline: A Perspective from Ms. Lowe

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    Discipline: Ms. Lowe reported that she would discuss and evaluate each situation before disciplining the children. She stated that physical discipline or corporal punishment would never take place; instead, she would take away non-essential items such as toys or time appropriate time outs. Ms. Lowe stated that she was rarely received spanking and will not subject the children to this discipline style either. She stated that she support’s DFPS practices as it pertains to discipline. Child Care

  • Child Discipline

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    Children in today’s society seems to be more “out of control” than prior generations. Is this due to lack of discipline? For generations children were spanked, had their mouths smacked when back talking, or other various forms of discipline that today would be viewed as child abuse. With today’s generation, when spanking, if a mark is left on that child for longer than 24 hours, it is considered child abuse. How did society, who once thought spanking was okay, go to not seeing eye to eye? Through many years

  • Child Abuse Versus Discipline and Their Respective Consequences

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    Raising a child is a challenging life task that is given over to individuals all over the world without an instruction manual. People must learn by experience how to nurture, care for, and provide for miniature versions of themselves for almost two decades in most cultures! Discipline plays a major role in raising a child because most parents truly want what is best for their children and want them to grow up to be responsible, respectable, and successful adults; however, in some unfortunate cases

  • My Personal Philosophy of Discipline

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    Discipline is a way of behaving which shows the willingness to obey rules or a code of behavior. It is also a way of knowing the right from the wrong, the acceptable from the unacceptable. Teaching children discipline should help them engage with others and behave better in situations. It should also help them control and modify their behavior depending on the situation and the environment. It should help them to maintain positive behavioral equilibrium under persuasion and inducement, chaos and

  • The Importance Of Discipline On Children

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    spoil the child.” –The Bible. Discipline is a vital requirement when it comes to raising children. If they are not properly disciplined, they are not prepared for life. Some believe spanking does more harm than good, but there is a vast difference between healthy discipline and abuse. The lack of discipline in America has led to a decline in society because of a misconception about the correct way to discipline children. I. There has been a misconception about how to properly discipline children due

  • Spanking

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    incorporating it into their discipline, and what benefits corporal punishment might have? Spanking is the most controversial form of corporal punishment historically and in our society today. Spanking is a form of punishment that involves an adult striking the buttocks of an infant, toddler, child, or teenager. Proponents of spanking say that it is a form of discipline that will help the child know they made a mistake or did something wrong. I don’t believe giving your child a spanking or “whipping

  • Does Long-Term Consequences Of Physical Punishment Effective?

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    others believe that raising children requires a lot of patience and love and physical abuse never turns out well. The application of iron discipline in raising children does, in fact, bring more negative consequences than positive ones and highly affects their future development. Therefore, practicing regarding counseling and communication may prevent the child-parent relationship, lower self-confidence, and mental health problems. For example, modeling behavior, reward systems and teaching

  • Parents and Children: Effective Discipline and Communication

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    Parents and Children: Effective Discipline and Communication One of the biggest issues for parents to resolve has been the ways in which they discipline their child. Along with these concerns, parents and child psychologists have battled to find a solution to common problems of communication between parents and children. While many styles and methods have been used to address these issues and responsibly raise a child to adulthood, many great debates of parenthood have continued through time

  • Summary: Psychological Effects Of Spanking

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    American Psychological Association, aimed to explore any links between spanking and an increased risk for detrimental child outcomes (Spanking and child outcomes: Old controversies and new meta-analyses, 2016, June). The large-scale meta analyses of 88 studies included 62 years of collected data, and looked for associations between the use of domestic corporal punishment and 17 child behaviours and experiences. Corporal punishment was the dependent

  • Essay On Corporal Punishment

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    punishment is the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain but not injury for the purpose of correction and control of a child’s behaviour (Oas, 2010). Historically this mode of disciplining has been used without malice, due to the biblical reference of “spare the rod, spoil the child”. This belief has been perceived to be necessary to instill respect for authority, to maintain discipline, and to rear good citizens. This paper seeks to examine the effects of corporal

  • Children´s Discipline and Spanking

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    the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. The chapters 22 and 23 of Proverbs speak of how the rod should be used and when. It also tells parents spanking the child will not kill him. Many researchers and parents would argue these facts and state is does cause harm but if they could understand the limitations of the teachings, incorporate communication, and set boundaries the use of a rod would instill wisdom, instruction, and understanding in a child. Understanding

  • corporal punishment

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    parents would agree with using force and physical punishments regularly as a way of dealing with discipline problems in their kids. Some of the parents do not have the knowledge of the tremendous amount of negative effects they can leave on children by using corporal punishments; therefore, they use the wrong way to punish their kids. Studies show that about 50% of families use physical punishment to discipline children (Gershoff, 2008). Many may claim that punishing children is a good way to stop them

  • Effectiveness of Corporal Punishment and Learning Theory Alternatives

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    verbal reprimands, are effective in modifying children’s behaviour. Corporal punishment, while effective in the short-term, is not an effective long-term method, and can have negative effects on the future discipline of children. Therefore, parents should embrace the alternative methods of discipline, in order to raise healthy, well-adjusted members of society.

  • The Ethics Of Punishing Children

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    behavior of the children and their relative discipline in the school and at home. Punishment is seen as a way of helping them cope with their behavioral problems and provoking them to become obedient and submissive. The different views regarding their idea of punishment and its effects on learning are divided between people, and the perspectives vary from one another drastically. Supporters of punishment believe that it actually works in allowing the child to improve his or her behavior and to become