Bend It Like Beckham Essays

  • Bend It Like Beckham

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the movie Bend It like Beckham there are a lot of factors showing the environment shapes who we are and who were meant to be. These influence our character’s actions and behaviours towards each other and their families. Although there are many scenes showing the environment shaping jess and Jules there are still numerous scenes where jess and Jules are truly themselves. In scene two of the analysis, we can see how the environment jess lives in has ultimately changed who she is. This is portrayed

  • Bend It Like Beckham Sociology

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Bend It Like Beckham follows the life of teenage girl Jessminder “Jess” Bhamra. Though possessed with an incredible talent and obsession for the game of soccer, Jessminder’s parents believe that it is her destiny to grow up to be a proper, traditional Indian woman, one who is concerned with providing for a man and their kids. Jessminder had never played soccer for a team until her talents were noticed while playing a game of pick-up soccer by Juliette “Jules” Paxton, the Hounslow Harriers’

  • Bend It Like Beckham Analysis

    734 Words  | 2 Pages

    “HOW IS INDIAN DIASPORA DEPICTED BY DIASPORIC FILM-MAKERS IN CROSSOVER INDIAN MOVIES?” I remember watching the movie “Bend it like Beckham” by Gurinder Chaddha and how fascinated I was with the entire depiction of Indian diaspora and the process of negotiation and assertion of identity that is spun across the movie. In a similar fashion Mira Nair’s the namesake is the story of identity conflict and formation of two diasporic generations in the U.S. I was captivated by the idea of how the Diaspora

  • Bend It Like Beckham Religion

    1536 Words  | 4 Pages

    world outside of the United States, players like Mia Hamm, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Renaldo, and Abby Wambach come to mind. Lovers of the game each have their own favorite player, and if you’re Jesminder Bhamra, your favorite player is David Beckham. In Gurinder Chadha’s Bend It Like Beckham, Jesminder “Jess” is an eighteen year old British-Indian aspiring to be a professional football player despite her family’s orthodox Sikh views. Bend It Like Beckham challenges the ideas of religion and how Indians

  • Bend It Like Beckham Sexism

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the film “Bend it like Beckham” which was made in 2002 and created by Gurinder Chadha it shows different concepts of how people are treated differently according to their race and identity and how they change an individuals life because of the environment. This makes the main character Jessminder who lives in an Indian household overthink the future choices she going to make and struggling between cultural barriers of her dream. Throughout the film it shows how Jess shapes her self because of

  • Bend It Like Beckham Themes

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ever heard of the movie Bend it like Beckham? I have seen the movie more than once before I had to watch it for class. This is since I actually own the movie, and also because I enjoy football. The movie is about an Indian girl who is not allowed to play on an all-girls football team, even though she is out of high school. While she is playing for fun another girl watchers her, and convinces her and the coach that she needs to join the team. While she hides it from her family, she also has to deal

  • Bend It Like Beckham Gender Roles

    1549 Words  | 4 Pages

    in “Bend it like Beckham” which helps us understand the relationship between a central character, Jess and her mother Mrs Bhamra, is when Jess disobeys her mother and tries to bend the gender roles . The film set in modern day, West London, explores the problematic relationship between Jess and her parents after she disobeys her parents over playing football. The film portrays Jess’ struggle

  • Opening of Romeo and Juliet and Bend it Like Beckham

    2126 Words  | 5 Pages

    Opening of Romeo and Juliet and Bend it Like Beckham It is very important that a film has a good opening. As these first few minutes of a movie establishes the first impression and causes the viewers to carry on watching. So, what makes a good opening? The main aim of the opening is to grab the audience's attention (make them want to watch more). The opening should tell us the genre of the film, the setting or location, and it may tell us one of the storylines of the movie to keep the

  • The Effectiveness of Bend it Like Beckham by Gurinder Chadha

    721 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effectiveness of Bend it Like Beckham by Gurinder Chadha Bend it like Beckham is a film about a tradition Indian family with two daughters, Jessminder and Binky Bamrah. Binky is engaged to another Indian Sikh, Teetu, and Jessminder is only interested in one thing… Football! Jessminder plays football in the park with her friend, Tony, and his friends until Jules, a player for the Hounslow Harriers Women's Football Team, asks Jessminder to come along for a try out for her football

  • Jess's Expectations In The Film, Bend It Like Beckham

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jess, Bend it Like Beckham From what it seems like even as a child Jess a young indian girl has always loved soccer, her parents didn’t mind when she was a child but to them she has reached an age where it is time for her to stop playing soccer and get married, but Jess doesn’t wish to have a husband, she had dreams of her own. In the movie Bend it Like Beckham, the main character Jess deals with internal conflicts such as her Family’s expectations vs her Own expectations. Ever since Jess

  • Conflict of Cultures in the film Bend It Like Beckham

    1183 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cultures in the film Bend It Like Beckham Gurinder Chada creates conflict of cultures in various different ways in the film Bend It Like Beckham. Gurinder Chada uses techniques such as accents in the voice, contrasts, stereotypes, sarcasm, characterization and juxtaposition of British and Indian cultures which creates humour. This creates a film that attracts the attention of the audience and keeps them interested in the storyline. In the film Bend It Like Beckham a young female Indian

  • The Issues of Culture and Gender in Bend It Like Beckham

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Issues of Culture and Gender in Bend It Like Beckham Culture and gender are the two main issues of ‘Bend it like Beckham’. In this film gender is put across by using sex and religion, but it is much more complex than that. Race, sex, religion and beliefs should not stop you getting a job; or achieving what you want in life. In ‘Bend it like Beckham’ all Jess wants to play football, however because of her religious and cultural beliefs her mom says this is not possible. In this essay

  • Language Used in Two Trailers for Bend It Like Beckham

    1517 Words  | 4 Pages

    Language Used in Two Trailers for Bend It Like Beckham A trailer is supposed to promote a certain movie that is coming soon on DVD or in the cinema. They could be action, trailers, romance trailers, or detective trailers. For example if it was a action trailer it could include a fight scene blood, fire arms and cool stunts, but if it was a romance film it might include some slow music at the beginning, a candle light at dinner with someone you love or a red flower because the colour red

  • The Representation of Gender in the Films Bend it Like Beckham and Billy Elliot

    1448 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Representation of Gender in the Films Bend it Like Beckham and Billy Elliot The society we live in today is full of stereotypes. Each job, sport, item of clothing carries and many more carries a certain stereotype. When people go against and challenge these stereotypes they are seen as strange and unconventional and can end up stuck with these stereotypes for life. In both films Billy Elliot and Bend it like Beckham we see stereotyping but in a different way in each one. In Billy Elliot

  • Media Devices Used in Bend It like Beckham and Billy Elliot

    966 Words  | 2 Pages

    Media Devices Used in Bend It like Beckham and Billy Elliot Narratives are constructed in many different ways; narrative editing, narrative music, cinematography and mis en scene. This assignment will take you through media devises and method used by the directors of "Bend it like Beckham" and "Billy Elliot" use to construct their narratives. The plots of both films are based on stereotypes and how the main characters are challenging them in each film. This leads to many similarities and

  • The Differing Film Languages Used in the Two Trailers for Bend It Like Beckham

    2249 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Differing Film Languages Used in the Two Trailers for Bend It Like Beckham The purpose of a film trailer is to promote a film and to try and to portray the film genre and narrative to a certain audience to get them interested, and to encapsulate the film in a little over two minutes and hopefully indicate the unique selling point of the film. The trailer holds our attention because the images change really quickly and we must concentrate all the time or we may miss something. From the

  • How the Director Manipulates the Audience's Reaction to the Opening and Closing Sequences of the Film Bend It Like Beckham

    1305 Words  | 3 Pages

    How the Director Manipulates the Audience's Reaction to the Opening and Closing Sequences of the Film Bend It Like Beckham The Film 'Bend It Like Beckham' is shown as a light hearted comedy in the blurb and also at the very start of the film. The term 'Comedy' means humour, a film with a comedy genre is supposed to make people laugh. So, it seems that 'Bend It Like Beckham' is comedy, however once the storyline of the film begins the director starts to add themes and particular issues. The

  • Bend It Like Beckham

    1112 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the movie, Bend it Like Beckham, the father-daughter relationship dynamic rings true to real life experience. A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health (2012), determined that “father-daughter interactions potentially influence both social cognition and HPA reactivity to developmentally salient stressors in young women” (Byrd-Craven, Auer, et al, 2012). Effectively, a young woman who feels protected, supported and loved by her father, is more likely

  • Bend It Like Beckham

    1400 Words  | 3 Pages

    The cultural traditions and social expectations of contemporary families hinder the growth and potential of an individual, particularly those of younger generations wishing to discover a deeper sense of self and personal beliefs. In the film, Bend It Like Beckham directed by Gurinder Chadha depicts the lives of two very culturally different girls (Jess and Jules) living with the same struggle of finding one’s own identity combined with following the outdated expectations of their families that hold

  • Bend It Like Beckham Tone

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    importance of specific issues presented in each text, allowing the audiences to better understand the severity of each issues. Moreover, symbolism is used to unveil the truth or a perception depending on the context. Tone and mood can be seen in Bend it like Beckham when Jess’s coach learns of the cultural expectations she is expected to follow to gain respect in her family. Before this time he was seen being especially harsh on her unable to understand the circumstances that outweigh her ability to play