entertainment as education

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ENG-102-88 Alper 1

Education is the one of priorities in life for most parents. Previous generation, which is the generation x born between 1961-1981 has pressure on the Millenial Generation. The money is the most important variable that specifies the quality of life for them. So the Generation X pushes their children to graduate from a qualified colleague to have high life standards (How Young People View Their Lives Futures and Politics A PORTRAIT OF “GENERATION NEXT” (2007) by Andrew Kohut, Kim Parker, Scott Keeter, Carroll Doherty, Michael Dimock ). Especially parents, thinks in the same way with Balogum and he describes it as a key that “... unlocks the door of development and modernization...” in the idea of an educated person in contemporary African thought(117). This thought points out that parents think of the child’s future when forcing children to go to school. Also Balogum state that “...the concept of ‘education’ and ‘educated person’ are both common in all cultures”(118). Although both are familiar for people for people, most people may confuse these two claims and there is a link between them. Education is a lifelong process so being an educated man is connected with the developmental process. Also to have education there is no age limit. Balgum point that “...from womb to the tomb”(120) totally fits the previous sentence. The author supports his ideas by saying that “ In Rome, an educated person was a person who was a good orator and one who excelled in the military training...”(112). This example shows that in ancient times people who had various jobs were educated. Oth...

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... interest so since he can know what he likes it is easy to have fun also creating new ways to have fun. Secondly entertaining another is the almost similar because skills that he used to entertain himself are valid on this case too because to entertain somebody else it is needed to be creative and
Alper 5 known his interest. As last one contemplating a new idea is the mind think. For that education is needed also it is necessary to be open-minded. Discoveries or anticipating the resolutions is the mind game for this kind of people especially scientists. So every victory in this game is an amusement. They own this to be open-minded and education. This causes to find out that entertainment is not possible without having education.

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