Why Exercise Is Important

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The Three Reasons Why Exercise Is Important Do you know three reasons why exercise is important? Exercise is something everyone can benefit from. It is hard to ignore the positives in your life you can achieve from it too. Exercise helps control weight, regulate health conditions, and is a social activity. To stay healthy people need to avoid weight gain on a day to day basis. This is not easy to do, but you really need to practice this every day. Keeping your goal weight as to be done once you reach it. To maintain your weight staying active and watching your diet will help. Burning calories is a great way to lose or stay at your desired weight. The more extreme the activity is the more calories will be burnt. One way to get the workout that is …show more content…

If you stay busy no matter your size or weight it will help your good cholesterol (HDL) also known as high-density lipoprotein. It also lessens your unhealthy triglycerides. The danger of you having cardio vascular diseases are weakened. It will keep your blood running smoothly. Some health problems that can be prevented if you exercise are a stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, different types of cancers, arthritis, and falling as you get older. Being exertive is to your benefit when you are young and as you get older to help with your health. Exercise can be done for more than just your health. It can be a lot of fun. It gives some people a chance to destress from a busy and crazy day. If you are someone who enjoys being outside it is a way to get fresh air and have time outside during the day. Plans can be made with your friends and family to work on your health together and encourage each other. It helps you to stay on track and challenge each other. There are fun things that can be done to stay active like dancing, Zumba, and hiking trails that are near

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