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Drunk driving and its effects
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Drunken driving causes and effects
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The first sets of the visual analysis are on drunk driving and drug use. All of these pictures relate to drunk driving and drug use and why it is bad for us to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the first visual set, there are drunk driving and drug use advertisement pictures that are more effective than the others.
The first ad picture of set one “Think”shows a picture of a glass cup that has alcohol in it. This picture wants us to understand that people should think of what they are doing before making a decision to drive while they are drunk. It is also trying to advise people who drink to moderate their drinking, especially when they want to drive. We need to control ourselves so that we will not become a victim of drunk driving. Even though this picture shows people that driving under the influence of alcohol is bad, it is not convining enough. The last thing the creator of this picture wants is for people to be tempted to drink. Some people like alcoholics might find this picture attractive and they could be tempted by this picture to get drunk.
The second picture of set one shows a doctor smoking cigarette. This picture is showing how numerous doctors smoke camels than any other type of cigarette. This picture is not effective in any way because it does not have any, relation as to why people should resist from using drugs. Anyone who sees this ad would not be influenced nor convinced to change their ways. This picture does not show any convincing detail that would persuade people to stop using drugs.
The third ad picture of set one shows two pictures of the same person. One of the pictures says drunk driving and the other says buzzed driving. This ad is trying to inform people that buzzed driving is exac...
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The tenth picture from the first visual set is titled “Date night”. This picture shows a couple of old men in a jail cell. They are all wearing dirty clothes. This is trying to show that if you drink and get cut, you will go to jail and be in jail with these kind of people. I think this picture is persuasive because it shows that someone will go to jail if they get cut drinking and driving. I think this ad will be more effective for younger adult than older adults because it can be a lot scarier for the young adults.
Most of this ad pictures in this set are persuasive enough to convice people from drinking and driving and using drugs. Most of these ad are very effective because they all show what the concequences of drinking and driving and using drugs can lead to. It is up to us as a society to try and help each other out and put an end to this issues.
Again, I had difficulty selecting which piece to use for my second piece. Ultimately I selected Temptation, 1880 William-Adolphe Bouguereau. The dimensions are 39x52 inches and is oil on canvas.
The first point is the advertisement has an effective pathos. The picture describes the emotions on people who are smoking. It shows a man who is dying from smoking, which has a bad health. The picture will keep the person think about the emotions or feeling for the people who smoke. The advertisement shows that smoking will lead to many diseases
Then the viewer understands that this advertisement is about marijuana. In this advertisement, Pathos, which is used for emotional appeal, is embedded efficiently. Also, it is the best choice for this anti-drug ad and more suitable than ethos or logos because appealing to a person’s character or logic does not work so much for the marijuana addicts. That is why this image successfully persuades people to disregard the risks of marijuana. First, the ad tells the story of an accident that was caused by a person who smoked weed.
Over time the use of alcoholic drinks has become an increasing problem. Budweiser is a company that makes and sells alcoholic drinks. Although they are well aware that the alcoholic drinks can be harmful when they are over used. To advertise their drinks they made an ad that not only advertised the drink but at the same time shows people that drinking and driving is dangerous and not only hurts the people doing it but also others around them.
These ads misinform patients, encourage over-medication, and pressure doctors and medical providers. The counter side states that prescription drug ads educate patients, encourage the correct usage of drugs, and cause patients to ask their doctors about possible treatments. Both sides have examples and evidence, but the cons of prescription drug ads are stronger. The pros explain how some lives can be improved. However, the cons focus on the dangerous effect these ads have on the viewers. Although these drugs are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, DTC prescription drug ads can be manipulated to have catastrophic effects on the
The target audience is both males and females in their late teens to mid twenties. This company gets the male side of the equation by getting their attention and interest drawn to the attractive woman on the right with bright colors drawing your attention there as well as the bottle of whiskey which is right in the middle of the page. Then what gets these peoples attention to stay there is the fact they have an incredibly good looking female who is posing in next to nothing. Then a way that they try and get the females to look at the advertisement and read it is by showing a very plain girl who seems to be very typical of girls during their younger years. Then beside they show the same girl who now has become a women who is very attractive and just seems so much more powerful and sure of herself. One way that you can achieve that is if you drink Evan Williams Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey.
The reason behind my thinking of the ad with the victim as the main point is that the image is right in your face the second that you see the ad. You see a person missing half of their face
Drunk driving is a problem that we hear about every day and it is something that effects everyone, but it only becomes real when it affects us directly. What we don’t know is when a problem like drunk driving will become “real” for us. Drunk driving is an issue that has taken a toll on our country and should be stopped. Drunk driving has been an increasing problem for many years. It effects not only the driver but all of society. The good thing is there are many ways the percentage of drunk drivers can be reduced. Although many people believe drunk driving doesn't affect them because they don't drink and drive, it is something that affects the whole community.
We are used to seeing advertisements promoting alcoholic drinks and the use and purchase of these. We can find these ads in the movie theaters, television, expressway, and many other places. Have you ever seen a mockery ad against a drink? Have you ever seen an anti-alcohol advertisement that advises you not to buy a product? This is the case with the brand of Absolute vodka. There is an anti-alcohol ad that mocks against this product. At first glance the ad seems to be trying to convince the audience to have awareness that drinking and driving could bring you to an "Absolute end”. After further analysis it provide statistics where car accidents are linked to alcohol, and how teenagers today are exposed and surrounded to alcoholic beverages before their legal age to drink.
The fact is that with the amount of money spent on advertising the impact is unavoidable, the author points this out in several ways. People believe they are blocking out the message of the ad, when in reality they are often the most effected. “The addict is the ideal consumer”, this stands to reason, as these are people looking for something to fill a void. The alcohol industry monopolizing on the person, who either has a problem
Personally, after reading through this ad for Camel cigarettes, I have concluded that this sort of promotion makes no sense. The one thing that stuck out to me the most was the quote, "More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette." First of all, I think that this is a pretty insane statement, because they are provoking us to believe that if the men/women who advise us to live healthier lifestyles smoke camel cigarettes, then it is a highly convincing for us to do so as well. In support of this, they use phrases and imagery towards the beginning that portrays our ordinary doctor our friend, family member, and someone to trust and confide in. Quotes used such as, "with of all of the knowledge and skill that his years of training and experience
The advertisement portraits children baring horrible facial bruises and cuts. some children look as if they have a broken nose, while others with severe looking bruised eyes. The ad has a caption that illustrates the relationship to their mother 's features.
The first advertisement I found was from the AARP, showing a silver-haired woman in a red gown. The tagline on the advertisement said "To most marketers, consumers die the minute they turn 50." This statement pointed out that older people aren’t getting the advertisements they deserve. I found this interesting since it was the exact conclusion I had come to mere moments before. This advertisement could be extrapolated to show the stereotypes that older people don’t need to be advertised to because they are not a profitable population. It could be getting at a commonly held belief that as one ages, they become more and more predictable and less accepting of change. Therefore, they are less likely to buy a new or different product, and thus advertisers should not even try. Presently, the commercials and ads seem to all be pointed at 18 to 25 year olds who only care about sexy people, beer, and sports, an interesting phenomenon which was easily visible in my search.
I believe that the main purpose is to tell people how serious the injuries and deaths are that are caused either by driving under the influence and also texting and driving, the main causes of automobile accidents in today's era. The advertisement uses the car keys to look in a shape of a gun as an example to show how driving while drunk or texting could result in the same fatal result of a shooting a gun. It's very sad as many people don't take driving seriously which in result is why many lives are being taken because of irresponsible
Many people in the United States enjoy a drink of their favorite alcoholic beverage. It could be a nice ice cold beer after a hard day of work or going to the bar and enjoying a few shots or mixed drinks with friends. Drinking alcohol is a common way to mingle with friends and take the edge off a difficult day. However, there are dangers involved with alcohol since it does dampen the body’s ability to cope with new information. Alcohol becomes a poison to the body when consumed in large quantities. The biggest danger is not to the driver after they become inebriated, but comes to anyone the drunk driver comes in contact with. A sober person can be dangerous just by being distracted, but a drunk driver’s ability to cope with changing situations and distractions is one of the biggest hazards on today’s roads. Some individuals believe that they are not as impaired as what they are led to believe from government ads and the many videos that show what can happen to someone who is drinking and driving. Although, there are many policies in place to advocate against drunk driving, there are those who would endanger themselves and others with their thoughtless actions when they jump into the driver’s seat of a vehicle. Drinking and driving should never be combined because a person who has been drinking does not have the ability to use all mental faculties unimpaired, many people have been killed, injured, or psychologically hurt by a drunk driver, many men and women do not know the difference weight and gender have on the body’s ability to process alcohol, and the financial and legal trouble that is awaiting for those convicted by a DUI.