Unhealthy Choice Essay

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Finally, the most common choice people make that causes them to be obese is eating unhealthy. Obesity frequently occurs from poor diet. This includes eating processed foods and foods with high fat content, such as sugary sodas, candies, and sweets. Filling themselves with these unhealthy foods leaves individuals with little room for healthy choices such as fruits and vegetables. Eating out frequently at a fast food chain or restaurant, where ordering fattening foods is the norm, contributes to a poor diet. In addition to numerous unhealthy options, large portion sizes at restaurants are also a factor which contributes to obesity. Comfort eating is another unhealthy choice. Comfort eating occurs whenever somebody feels depressed or has a …show more content…

According to the Journal Science and the Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI), researchers explain what the new genetic factors are that leads people to gain weight. During the science study, researchers at Boston Children 's Hospital implemented a study on mice. They concluded that they have founded a rare genetic mutation that prevented the animals from burning off the caloric fat. In addition to finding a rare genetic mutation, they founded the same gene in a group of obese people. During the mouse study, the research team determined that “mutations in the Mrap2 gene led to the animals eating less than they initially would, but still gain twice as much weight than they normally would.” Whenever the mice retrieved their appetite, the mice continued to gain weight despite being fed the same calories as a group of controlled mice. This investigation led to scientist figuring out that mice with the mutated gene were simply isolated their fat rather than breaking it down for energy. Also, during the scientific study, the mice, like, people, possessed two copies of the gene, Mrap2. Also, the scientists figured out a similar pattern among a group of 500 obese people. They identified four mutations in the human version of Mrap2, and each obese person possessed only one bad version of the …show more content…

Their researchers, reported in JCI, discovered a particular form of a gene, previously linked to obesity, is known as FTO. FTO is a gene that is traced to increasing the crave for high-fattening foods. In addition to the studies linked to obesity and the various tests, scientists have also found recent genes that have been linked to obesity. The first gene that is related to obesity is leptin. Leptin is considered to be the "obesity hormone", leptin is made by fat cells and is the thermostat for the body 's energy needs. In each individual their own leptin entrance, if for any reason the leptin levels fall below the correct amount, the brain understands that the body is starving, and needs more calories, if maintained or exceed the correct amount,, the brain knows that it does not need any more food. In obese patrons, they have higher leptin levels in their blood. However, researchers have confidence that obese people are not getting the signal to stop eating. Another gene is ghrelin. Ghrelin is the gene that is the appetite hormone, making the food look more desirable. Studies have shown that people who are sleep-deprived have increased ghrelin levels, The final gene that is allegedly relates to obesity is neuropeptide Y. Neuropeptide Y triggers eating by manipulating the appetite, resulting in mood swings and high stress levels (Health). According to the bariatric surgery source, obesity

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