The Pros And Cons Of Sugar

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Sugar consumption in the U.S. has increased by 19 percent since 1970. Americans consume around 30 teaspoons of added sugar per day that’s about a half of a cup! When the A.H.A. (American Heart Association) only recommends about six teaspoons daily, that’s pretty horrific. How is it that we Americans are so used to consuming more than we need? Is it the fact that we are oblivious to what we are consuming, or in all reality, are we just addicted to sugar?
There are three main types of simple sugars to look out for; Glucose, which is produced when, starches and carbs are broken down by the digestive system, this is one of the body’s preferred sources of energy. Next is Fructose, it’s common in fruit and also packaged treats you can find in a store. When too much is consumed it can in a sense flood your bloodstream and enter your liver which processes excess sugar into fat! This is of course leads to weight gain, especially around the abdomen, where your liver is located. Last is Sucrose, most-commonly known as your table sugar that most people add to their cereals or coffee. With that these three types of sugars are the most-commonly consumed ones throughout the states. Another way to recognize there are to think, anything that ends with ‘ose’ is considered sugar. An easy way to remember it by is to think ‘ose’ is gross!
It’s reasonable to understand that if a sugar glazed doughnut is sitting right in front of you, calling your name, especially the fact that the doughnut just seems to be there the day that you skipped out on breakfast. You’re going to eat it! Unfortunately that’s the case for 90 percent of us. With that though come consequences! People who consume high amounts of high-fructose corn syrup are 20 percent more-likely to...

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...tra pounds.
Just remember the next time you hear about sugar, spice, and everything nice. It might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Instead, just look over your decisions that put you in trouble towards your diet. One thing that I came across during this research paper was by a man named Jeffrey Rossman, who has his Ph.D., his words towards this topic was to be kind to yourself. To end the struggle with sugar, learn to nourish your body well and respond compassionately to your own feelings. The best sugar substitute is genuine self-acceptance. By learning more on the problems we Americans face by consuming too much sugar, I have made myself more aware on self-decisions towards my eating habits. Hopefully every ones’ eyes will open when they hear about how much excess sugar we consume, but in all reality it’s only going to help a few. That’s better than none though!

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