Calorie In Vs Calorie Out

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The idea that human weight comes down to calories in and calories out is just absurd. According to the Calorie In vs. Calorie Out way of thinking, obesity is simply a matter of eating too many calories. Along these lines, the food industry gives new solutions every day. Everything in the grocery store is made with less fat and fewer calories, and yet people worldwide keep getting bigger and sicker. It makes no sense. The answer lies in simple idea that optimal nutrition and disease prevention goes beyond calorie counting. Each type of food goes through completely unique metabolic pathways before it is turned into energy, and each type affects the body in a different way. Moreover, the foods can affect the hormones that regulate what, when,
But what if the calories are consequences of the weight gain and not the cause? Sugary foods, which create high dose of insulin stream into the blood, block the feeling of fullness and leave a person hungry, which results in feeling tired, slothy, annoyed, exhausted, and suchlike. This sounds like the description of every overweight person. In fact, the inactive and sluggish behaviour associated with obesity is the results of the biochemistry not the cause (Epel et al. par. 18). It is not the increased calorie intake that is driving the growth, but hormones and the physiological growth causes the increased intake of calories. Like hormones in some medications can increase weight gain as a side effect (many birth control pills, antidepressants, antihistamines, and so on), sugary foods create the side effect of gain weight through the insulin and ghrelin hormones disbalance (Bermudez and Gao 215-16). In a similar way that a teenage boy’s muscles and bones grow because of the hormones, an obese person’s fat mass may be growing because of
As some parts of this judgment are true, what stays important is the reason why sugary foods make people so excited to consume them. Studies from Princeton University have noted how rats change their eating behavior if they are allowed to drink sugar water, and 40 out of 43 cocaine-addicted laboratory rats chose sugar water over cocaine (Avena et al. 313). That means that sugar makes food hyper-palatable and gets people to come back for more and more. Similar studies conducted in California State University conclude that “[c]raving, tolerance, withdrawal and sensitization have been documented in both human and animal studies” (Fortuna 148). Those study had the same results as the studies from Princeton University: the brain actively responses to sugar intake and lights up with sugar just like it does with cocaine or heroin. In fact, sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine according to Dr. Nicole Avena and her colleagues (314). Moreover, sugar contributes to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, hypertension, obesity, and Alzheimer’s disease (Bermudez 216). So is sugar really the best way to deal with psychological tension? Evidently, sugar negative impact on human’s health overshadows all pleasant feelings associated with

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