The Importance of Questioning

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One of the main topics discussed during this week’s course module is the subject of questioning. This subject is a very important and necessary one in leadership, teamwork, and project development. I believe questions can and should be asked in every aspect of an organization. In this paper, we will investigate the importance of questioning in project success, as well as specific types of questions that may be asked. We will also discuss the ways in which a leader may know if the correct questions have been asked.

Questions and Project Success

Asking many questions is one of the main ways in which a leader can ensure the success of a specific project. Observing and posing questions is vital to the success of a project in that it assists in forming the initial plan. Asking many questions will ensure that all details of the project are discussed and deliberated over before taking any action, thus reducing the amount of potential problems that may arise. In addition, a brainstorming gathering among all team members will get every member to begin considering all aspects of the project, which will result in more creative ideas. (Clark, 1997). Team members who take part in the each phase, including the planning and finding the resolution, will be more likely to work hard until completion.

Questions could help to analyze each portion of the project, from the largest and most important to the smallest and seemingly insignificant. This way, no details will slip by unnoticed or forgotten and cause future concerns. Asking questions will help to reveal any current issues in project development or completion that may be unnoticed, as well as to solve any problems that arise along the way. Simply asking the question “why?” five times is a...

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...further questioning is necessary. Remarkable leadership questions have the ability to get people inquiring about their function and tasks, as well as to encourage people to challenge the theories and beliefs they currently hold (“Are you asking,” 2007).


Asking questions is a vital step not only in the act of leadership, but also in project completion. This step can only be beneficial to an organization and a team, and should not be overlooked. Furthermore, I believe it shows prudence for a leader to develop a quality that already exists in our human nature – curiosity – and use to the advantage of a team.

Works Cited

Are you asking enough? (2007, Summer). Manager: British Journal of Administrative Management, (59), 21.

Clark, D. R. (1997). Leadership & Direction. Retrieved April 9, 2011 from

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