The Importance of Coaching and Initial Induction of New Employees

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When a company takes on new employees, at any level, the initial impression of professionalism and competence will have an impact on the effectiveness and contribution of that employee. It sets out the standards of what is expected in terms of safety, procedures, and performance. A good induction will welcome the new employee and help them to integrate into the business more smoothly.

It is important to remember that all employees, new and existing, have skills which may not be fully utilised. When recognised and developed, these skills could be of great benefit to the business. A good leader must also be a good coach. Coaching can be used to help develop these untapped resources, and to build on known skills. It will improve an employee’s sense of self-worth, and improve the effectiveness of a team.

In this assignment I will describe some of the benefits of induction, and the support that can be offered after the induction period. Including the induction procedure of Romec Ltd. I will also talk about a recognised coaching technique which can improve confidence and performance in the workplace. I will prepare a plan for a coaching session to show how timescales can be used and how to overcome resource implications. To conclude, I will explain the principle of feedback, and the importance of this in a coaching relationship.

Benefits of Induction

“Most employers recognise the fact that their staff are their greatest asset, and the right recruitment and induction processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes effective in the shortest time”

ACAS, June 2005

Inductions should be a key part of every employee’s education into Romec. There are many benefits to having a good induction w...

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...tant. To be constructive, feedback should not be delivered in a manner that provokes resentment, resistance, defensiveness, hurt feelings, shame or a sense of failure. This is where emotional intelligence really makes a difference.

Constructive feedback can be an effective tool when coaching other people in order to praise their strengths and develop the areas where they need to improve. The coachee’s performance and behaviour must be the focus and not the nature of the coachee. This will guarantee a positive response and understandings which will make the coaching effective. The positive attitude towards the coachee will boost self-confidence and assure sustainable learning and development.

In conclusion, timing of the feedback is also important as the main goal is to get the full attention of the coachee and main the focus should be to help team members

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