Feedback Driven Culture Paper

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As a department we are moving towards a coaching and feedback driven environment. Leadership is being asked to challenge and develop their teams. In order for that to be successful, we need to establish a baseline for coaching and development. I am proposing activity driven training sessions for agents. The primary goal in these training sessions is to promote a feedback driven culture. It is important that everyone know and understand that feedback and coaching are good things.

What is Coaching?;
"A method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills. There are many ways to coach, types of coaching and methods to coaching. Direction may include motivational speaking and training may include seminars, workshops, and supervised practice."

What is Feedback?:
“Feedback is the information sent to an entity (individual or a group) about its prior behavior so that the entity may adjust its current and future behavior to achieve the desired result.”

Culture: …show more content…

Culture helps move us forward and also raises morale. We have a fun culture that is incredibly unique. What I am proposing is that we challenge ourselves to take our culture a step further. It’s important that our leadership promote and build a feedback based culture. However, it is irrelevant if we don’t teach our people how to receive and give feedback.

Where are we now?
Every agent is at a different level in their professional development. Some agents have been on teams in the past where they experienced great feedback and coaching. Other agents have never truly worked in a coaching and feedback driven culture. Those agents may receive feedback and take it with a punitive and negative connotation. They believe that leadership exists as a form of punishment. It’s easy to assume that everyone knows how to be coached but, that is not the case.

What this training will look

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