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Job stress and its impact on employee performance
Workplace stress discuss
Workplace stress discuss
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Recommended: Job stress and its impact on employee performance
Managing Stress
Stress on the job affects many individuals. The percentage of employees suffering from work-related stress has increased substantially. The effects that come from stress can be detrimental to a person’s health. Individuals view stress as a typical day to day issue that can be easily maintained, but that is not the case for many who are suffering from it. As the symptoms go on untreated, the severity magnifies. Work-related stress migrates from work to home unknowingly, causing more stress in an individual’s life.
In a recent study, it was found that 44% of workers felt work-related stress was typical in their workplace (Steemson, 2013, p.9). Workload and work hours cause most work-related stress. Employees are burdened with
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Stress is a problem not only for employees but the organization as well. In further studies, U.Treven, S.Treven and Zizek (2011) stated, “Stress at work can be a real problem to the organization as well as its workers” (p.46). If an employee is under stress his/her ability to work productively decreases. The consequences that occur from not meeting company standards increase the stress and pressure already existing with the employee. In related to health, statistics shows that 50 to 70% of diseases found in today’s economy are stress …show more content…
Writing about the things that are affecting a person on a daily basis may proof to be helpful (Plaut & Middleton, 2012, p.168). Exercising, doing yoga and going for a walk are all ways that can help manage stress caused by work and home life. Also, getting adequate sleep at night and eating a well-balanced meal will be beneficial in managing stress. Avoiding negative thoughts and surroundings can take an individual’s mind to a happier place, stress-free. As stated by Plaut and Middleton (2012), “Flip your negative thinking” (p.169). The thoughts people have played a significant role in the outcome of their day. Thinking positive is a reliable way to have a stress-free day. In addition to this, self-help can drastically change how stress affects
Work related stressors: Psychological ill health due to the demands of work such as long hours, work overload, pressure, and complaints.
Seward, B. (2012). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. (7th ed.). Burlington, Ma: Jones and Barlett Publishing.
Workplace stress and burnout is one of the leading problems in healthcare workers today. Stress is a mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Healthcare leaders today have to meet so many demanding needs and responsibilities. We ask why does stress and burnout play such an important role in today’s society. There are many reasons why it plays an important role in our everyday work and life. There have been studies on ways to detect, prevent, and decrease stress and burnout.
In this essay it is my intention to show how stress appears in working environment, what causes it and how it affects the workplace. I will start by defining what stress is and how it might be perceived. Then I will take a look at the factors that cause stress and how these might show in result when working. I try to look at all the possible reasons for stress and through that hopefully to show how to avoid a stressful environment. I will not try to put straight answers on to paper, but to think why workers might be stressed, and how this affects the organisation instead of just saying that things are like that because they just are.
The potential ramifications for the employer can be costly when employees succumb to internal and external stressors. To effectively combat job stress and develop a comprehensive stress management program, organizations must be cognizant of several areas that may be contributing factors to an employee’s stress level. Internally, organizations should review the employee’s workload and ensure that they have the necessary skills to complete the tasks they are expected to complete (Ornelas & Kleiner, 2003). They must also work to “motivate, challenge and take full advantage of the employee’s skills and abilities” (Ornelas & Kleiner, 2003). Employee’s job stress can also be decreased by allowing them take an active part in decisions, creating an atmosphere that facilitates a support network, and offering flexibility in their schedules that allows them to address responsibilities outside the workplace (Ornelas & Kleiner, 2003).
Work place or occupational stress refers to any form of restrain that is experienced when there is no match between job demands and the output of the worker. The article ‘Occupational stress’ aims at showing ways in which stress people get from their work place affect them and what causes the stress. This condition may encompass many conditions that include maladaptive behavior, psychological disorders, cognitive impairment, as well as emotional strain. These conditions lead to poor performances at work, injuries, or biological reactions that in turn may compromise the health of the employee.
Modern life is full of troubles, frustrations and deadlines. People have to suffer stressful from many directions and they seem to be consent to live with stress. Many people think that they can stand with stressful and it is harmless, but it is not. If people live in stress during a long period of time, it has bad effect to health and spirit. Therefore, there is actually that you can protect yourself by understanding stress and how to reduce these harmful effects caused by stress.
Improving job satisfaction and productivity is an issue which is imperative among all employees and workplaces. There are various issues contributing to the decrease of job satisfaction including conflict, issues with pay, stress and workplace training. Low productivity rates and unsatisfied employees increase the risk for absenteeism and employee turnover. Occupational stress can often occur in the workplace, leading to an increased rate of ab...
Park, C. L., Wright, B. E., Pais, J., & Ray, D. M. (2016). Daily Stress and Self-Control., 35, 738-753.
In conclusion, workers should balancing theirs relax time and work time unless employee cannot avoid stress. This will help us to reduce the chance to get stressed and forget in 21st century’s problem. Stress in the workplace is caused by work and workload. Employees are harmed emotionally and physically by workplace stress. There are two factors of stress in the workplace which are internal and external. When you are relaxing at home, just forget the problems at work. This is the only time you have to relax and being peaceful. Lastly, stress always brings negative attitude and affects your health, so relax as long as you can.
As the world becomes more and more developed, stress gradually becomes an unavoidable feature of modern society. “Stress is a dynamic condition is which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, demand, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important”. Stress occurs in a lot of events in our everyday life such as everyday events (suddenly sees a red light), exciting events (having a baby), scary events (watching a horror movie) and many more. Among the different types of stress, job stressors has been generally accepted as an universal phenomenon. Job stressors trigger problems for people both physiologically and psychologically. However, individual differences when they face a particular event to be a job stressors. Culture difference is one major factor that causes the individual differences. America, England, China and Japan are used for analyzing the different types of stress in western and eastern culture and their unique ways of coping the stress. Just like western culture, eastern culture also has a lot of stress among employees. China is one of most representative countries in eastern culture. While China becomes more and more universalized, China still contains its own Confucian culture. Since China has a special environment and culture, it causes unique types of stress compare to western culture. Those types of stress are mainly work demand stress and family demand stress. Work demands are psychological stress at the workplace, such as overloading of work; time shifts; complexity of work; and having conflict demands. Due to these work demand of stress, it damages employees’ both physical and psychological states (e.g., tension and anxiety...
Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or demand related to what they desires and for which the outcome is perceived for both uncertain and important. Robbins claimed that not all stress are negative and some may be a healthy stress as such, pressure of heavy workloads and tight datelines are the positive challenge that can enhance the quality and satisfaction of job. Robbins, referring to A Model of Stress (exhibit 18-9) identified three set of stress factors; environment, organisational and individual. Although Robbins confess that such level of stress may be functional and may lead to higher employee’s performance, the employees perspective may be differ. Individual may not want to have any amount of stress in their life depending on how they manage their lifestyle. In this topics, Robbins believed that many people have a problem with their time management. He promotes a work life balance by making a daily to do list, activity prioritize based on importance and urgency, and knowing the daily set of the most demanding part in individual’s life. Apart from that, Robbins suggest that random physical activity and relaxation techniques can be among the popular activity to reduce individual’s level of stress. From the other point of view, organisation can be another source of stress for the individual. However, the way each individual response to their stress may be differ from one
Organizational change and stress management are widely accepted as two major issues in organizational life today (Vakola & Nikolaou, 2005). If there is one constant in the business world, it is change (Washington & Hacker, 2005). But with change, stress will normally follow. Change is defined as making things different while stress is defined as a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, a demand, or a resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. This paper will focus on the results of research from experts who have analyzed the influence that resistance to change, potential sources of stress, and the consequences of change and stress have on organizations. As part of the results of each study, the authors’ conclude that there is an apparent need for additional research to be performed and the provided recommended approaches suggested in managing change and stress may not address all issues. The first of these topics explored will focus on individual resistance to change in organizations.
Since people are always dealing with certain changes in their lives, they are always dealing with some type of stress. One of the biggest growing issues with stress is stress in the workplace. According to Northwestern National Life, one-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives (“Stress at Work,” 1999).... ... middle of paper ...
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone’s life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people’s daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.