Pessimism Essays

  • The Importance Of Defensive Pessimism

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    self-critical and have a pessimistic attitude towards a situation at a point in their lives. It is simple to assume that pessimistic attitudes and anxiety would be less effective in coping with stressful events, but studies indicate using defensive pessimism is effective in coping with anxiety and motivate performance (Norem and Cantor, ). Recent studies have demonstrated that rumination, or the tendency to dwell on a future event and rehearse all scenarios, is associated with negative emotions and

  • The Difference Between Optimism And Pessimism

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    (Massey). Optimism is generally seen as healthy, while pessimism is generally seen as dangerous. The difference between optimism and pessimism is a difference in perspective and mindset. An optimist has a positive perspective, while a pessimist has a negative one. An optimist has a cheerful mindset, while a pessimist has a gloomy one. There are consequences to both perspectives. The difference in consequences, according to William James, is that, “Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.” However

  • The Importance Of My Pessimism

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    looking out for me and always tending to my needs. Which is part of the reason why I have a pessimism attitude. My lack of confidence in future stems from everyone figuring out what’s best for me and not allow me to make my own decisions. If you ask any of my family members, I’m the most pessimism person they have ever encounter. I like to think different about myself but my track record of my pessimism behavior keeps adding up. Naturally, I don’t realize that I’m speaking negative until my

  • Compare And Contrast Optimism And Pessimism

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    generally seen as healthy, while pessimism is generally seen as dangerous. The difference between optimism and pessimism is a difference in perspective and mindset. An optimist has a positive perspective and cheerful mindset, while a pessimist has a negative perspective and a gloomy mindset. There are consequences to both perspectives. But which has better consequences for one’s health? Assuming that it is moderated, pessimism is healthy for a person’s well-being. Pessimism is more realistic than optimism

  • Optimism or Pessimism in A Raisin in the Sun

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    Optimism or Pessimism in A Raisin in the Sun “Is your glass haft empty or haft full?” This saying perfectly describes what optimism opposed to pessimism is. Some people always see their glass haft empty, others haft full. The majority of people see their glass haft full some days and on other days haft empty. Our outlook on life is intimately related to the situation we are in and whether or not we believe we can get through the hard times. In the play A raison in the sun certain characters are

  • Determinism, Objectivity, and Pessimism in The Open Boat

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    Determinism, Objectivity, and Pessimism in The Open Boat In Stephen Crane's short story "The Open Boat", the American literary school of naturalism is used and three of the eight features are most apparent, making this work, in my opinion, a good example of the school of naturalism. These three of the eight features are determinism, objectivity, and pessimism. They show, some more than others, how Stephen Crane viewed the world and the environment around him. Determinism

  • Optimism vs. Pessimism in Pope's Essay on Man and Leapor's Essay on Woman

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    Optimism vs. Pessimism in Pope's Essay on Man and Leapor's Essay on Woman Both Alexander Pope's Essay on Man, Epistle 2 and Mary Leapor's Essay on Woman expound the fatalist contention that neither man nor woman can "win," as each individual exists in a world of trade-offs. Yet, by each author's singular technique of sculpting his ideas with the literary tools of contrast, argument, and syntax, the cores of the two essays turn back to back, evolving into distinct, but contrary perspectives of

  • William Golding's View of Humanity

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    theme (of the book) is an attempt to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human nature..." Golding's view of humanity is clearly displayed throughout Lord of the Flies. Through the constant symbolism we are made aware of Golding's pessimism towards society. As the book progresses he forms an allegory between the island and the real world. When the boys first arrive on the island they are full of enthusiasm and are eager to begin a new, civilised society. We witness immediately

  • Examples Of Optimism In Candide

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    accepts the varying calamities in life and understands that no place can be truly perfect (Souder 6). Cacambo and Epicureanism suggest that there is adversity in every region, so accepting this truth and seizing opportunities is necessary to avoid pessimism and boredom. Candide in this aspect reflects Voltaire’s belief that man will never be satisfied; only the pursuit of satisfaction will give life In Candide, he presents radical philosophies and their rational counterparts. One shouldn’t be overly

  • Pessimism Essay

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    An Optimistic Look on Pessimism Society judges things in black and white; people are either this or they are that. Democratic or Republican. Admirable or evil. Intelligent or foolish. A glass is either half empty or half full to an individual with this thought process. Society believes one is either a pessimist, or an optimist. Back to societal views: Optimism is superior to any other style of thought. Yes it was a disastrous day, but tomorrow will be better. Brush off that attempt, success will

  • Arthur Schopenhauer's Ideas Of Nihilism

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    Pessimism is the belief that the world is as bad as it could possibly be and that life has no value. According to pessimists, there is no real meaning to life. Pessimists anticipate the worst and see things for how they are in order to avoid suffering. It is because of this that they do not see a meaning to life. If life is filled with so much suffering and holds negative value, then there is no point in living it. At the core, ideas of nihilism, the outcomes of trying to achieve attainment, and

  • Personal Narrative: Cherokee Middle School

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    seemed to drag on as the rain poured down. I could hear the pitter patter of each individual raindrop saying loser, no one loves you. My outlook on life was bleak. I yearned to be home, in my bed where no one could judge me for having a rough day. Pessimism was my automatic system. It was my first at Cherokee Middle School. I pulled up to the front of the school. Reluctantly, I pulled my legs to the right side of the seat and slide out of the passenger seat. My lungs automatically lifted and I took

  • A Separate Peace Essay

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    “because it was Finny’s idea, it happened as he said” (129). Leadership comes easy to Finny, as he can come up with a new idea and get a group... ... middle of paper ... ...which easily outshine the contradicting points of their optimism and pessimism, and. Genes and Finny’s comparable insecurities illustrate the darker forces of human nature, mainly fear, which all people must learn to come to terms with then put it to rest by conquering and embracing it. Everyone has a choice to either fight

  • Critical Thinking

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    Every day, living creatures are making decisions. Whether the decisions are big or small, they have to be made. As the decisions are performed, there is a process that one goes through. Different types of thinking styles and thought processes are available. The way one feels, believes, attitudes, and relating ideas can play a big part in their thinking styles. Various methods of thinking and thinking styles are used. In this paper the subject is to discuss is three different types of thinking styles

  • Susan Bordo Discovers The Male Body Summary

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    value of pessimism with negativity because remaining optimistic seems to be a societal goal. However, optimism and pessimism go hand in hand and they are both needed daily. Susan Bordo wrote an article titled "Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body" touching on the various perceptions of viewing beauty and art. In this article she utilizes both pessimistic and optimistic views to describe the current beauty industry. Several ideas that can be stemmed from Bordo's writing include how pessimism is usually

  • Evil and Human Nature

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    Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta, William Shakespeare’s Richard III, and John Garder’s Grendel _______ The topic of evil and from where it originates is one that cannot be proven through factual evidence, and so rather is a notion that exists only in the thoughts of each individual, allowing him or her to possess unique beliefs that affect the way he or she lives. What is considered evil depends upon each individual’s view of morality, which constantly changes through the course of that person’s life

  • The Pitfalls of Philosophical Absolutes in Voltaire's Candide

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    of all possible worlds” (1.4), Pangloss is later found to be rather fool headed in his complacency. In a stark opposite to our rather sanguine philosopher, we come across Martin, a well traveled and experienced scholar who holds stock in extreme pessimism. Though a more honest rendition of Candide’s philosopher, Martin’s unenthusiastic outlook on the world doesn’t consistently serve him right. As can be seen throughout the text, both doctrines of thinking contain imperfections, due to the extremities

  • Thomas Hardy's Philosophy Influences His Writing

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    Thomas Hardy's Philosophy Influences His Writing In a letter written in 1920, Thomas Hardy comments, "it is my misfortune that people will treat my mood-dictated writing as a single scientific theory" (Hicks 111). Hardy did not write under the pretenses of a single belief system, but was "so often misunderstood that he had to try and give some clear and precise statement of his beliefs" (Hicks, 110). Although he did not fulfill the role of philosopher, often these statements were read as Hardy's

  • Optimism Essay

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    Or would the pessimism of only a few individuals take over and halt the success of the full group? Having successful experiences is a way to create a feeling of positive possibilities. Nevertheless, optimism is much more than gratification from instant success, “People

  • I Am An Occasional Pessimist

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    half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer… the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.” Although I appreciate the humor in this joke, it has provoked me to consider my worldview. The statement makes the assumption that pessimism, optimism, and engineering are mutually exclusive concepts; however, I have found that it takes a combination of all three ways of thinking to be successful. I admit it: I am an occasional pessimist. Although that term usually carries a negative