The Busy Bee

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The Busy Bee

When I envision my future ten years from now, I see a young African American woman dressed in scrubs. A beret decorated by three discs denoting her rank as a captain in the United States Army sits atop her head. She hurriedly shuffles around the hospital with a stethoscope draped around her neck and a look of determination plastered on her face, the same look she has always worn when confronted with a challenge. Thermometers, the scent of disinfectants, antibiotics, and syringes are a part of a daily routine she has grown accustomed to. She smiles kindly to the young mother in the waiting room nursing a sick infant and the wary daughter guiding her feeble father by the elbow, knowing that somehow she will be able to ease their worries. Moreover, she is gratified by the opportunity to make a positive difference in a person’s life.

When I was three years old I declared to my parents that I was going to be a doctor, namely a pediatrician. As I have matured, the dream remains the same even if the specialty has changed. I chose the field of medicine because of the limitless opportunities available; as technology grows so too does our knowledge of diseases, the roles certain plants play as curing agents, and the ability of doctors to provide better care for their patients. Nonetheless, my ultimate career goal is to be an infectious disease specialist in the United States Army. There is nothing more gratifying than serving other people, especially the soldiers who are committed to defending our nation.

Due to the fact that I intend to join the United States Army, my career goals coincide with my leadership goals. Currently I am a cadet in the Army ROTC program at Mercer University. ROTC is a valuable program becaus...

... middle of paper ... stay focused so that I may achieve my goal. I now understand that it is important to practice forgiveness and to accept things that are beyond my control. Additionally, I realize that I never know what a person has gone or is going through. Not everyone wears openly shows their emotions; thus, I try my best to always exercise sympathy and humility.

The title “Busy Bee” is a childhood nickname given to me by my father. He calls me the “busy bee” not just because I am very meticulous about my work and I like to be a part of something greater than myself like a worker bee, but also because I strive to work hard to overcome any obstacle set in my path. In brief, being a doctor in the United States Army is my ultimate goal. I know that with dedication and resilience, the vision I described previously will no longer be a figment of my imagination but a reality.

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