The Benefits Of Reading Books?

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Do you read books? Reading books can benefit you in many ways. Studies show that those who engage their brains in activities such as reading could be 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who spend their down time on less stimulating activities. Reading has a huge value, not only can reading entertain you for hours on end, but you’re also increasing your vocabulary at the same time! Instead of just sitting around watching T.V. all day, read a book every once in awhile because it can help you. Reading can benefit you in many ways, one study done by Sussex University researchers showed that reading can reduce stress by as much as 68 percent. That’s a lot of stress that can be reduced just by reading! In another study, researchers estimate that we learn 5 to 15 percent of all the words we know through reading. Children’s books expose kids to 50 percent more words …show more content…

In fact, a lifetime of reading might just help keep your brain in shape when you reach old age. In a study with 294 participants who died at an average age 89, found that those who engaged in reading earlier and later on in life experienced slower memory decline compared to those who didn’t. I think reading has a pretty high value if you can have a better memory later in life just by reading.
Do you read books? Reading books can benefit you in many ways. Studies show that those who engage their brains in activities such as reading could be 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who spend their down time on less stimulating activities. Reading has a huge value, not only can reading entertain you for hours on end, but you’re also increasing your vocabulary at the same time! Instead of just sitting around watching T.V. all day, read a book every once in awhile because it can help

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