Essay On Social Benefits Of Reading

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The Dividends of Reading
Take a minute and indulge me as you immerse yourself into an imagery experience. How would you like your sunset years to play out?
Imagine this, you are seated at the veranda of your palatial countryside home, side by side with the love of your life, looking out at the sunset after a day spent with family and friends. He or she looks at you and you smile, you cannot help but marvel at how bountiful your union has been. Your mind is a sharp as a razor. Although you have been retired for over a decade, you are able to keep up with the convoluted narratives of your youngest grandchildren as they seat on your lap and let their imaginations pour forth. Even in your advanced …show more content…


Don’t wait till you are old to reap the social benefits of good reading habits. You just may miss out on the love of your life.
According to Emanuele Castano Professor of Psychology, at The New School for Social Research in New York, if you read a lot of literary fiction it improves you understanding of human behavior. This because you spend a lot of time living vicariously through different characters. You are better placed to make decision based on your insight that will improve your interactions.

Reading has also been show to improve men’s attractiveness. Women like intelligent men. When you are perceived to be smart you will have an easier time getting a date. This is according to Dr. Mark Prokosch, a researcher and psychology professor at Elon University.
Youth cedes to middle age which in turn cedes to old age. The process of age is unavoidable but doing so gracefully can be orchestrated by the habits we develop in our youth. I have done a rendition of this speech before but I would like to emphasize the importance of keeping up a reading habit well into your old

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