Louisa May Alcott: The Understanding Nature Of Books

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The Understanding Nature of Books
Books are one of the greatest artifacts mankind has to offer. History is preserved through the written word, and anecdotes are often passed down through storytelling. Books have fierce power over the human experience. They provide a sense of companionship for the lonely and teach people about themselves. Emilia Fox said, “I never feel lonely if I've got a book - they're like old friends. Even if you're not reading them over and over again, you know they are there. And they're part of your history. They sort of tell a story about your journey through life.” According to an article in Scientific America, a study conducted by Canstano, a social psychologist, has suggested reading improves empathy levels in people, giving individuals a better understanding of the world around them. As John Green states, “Good books help you to understand, and they help you to feel understood.” …show more content…

In many ways, people’s relationships with the books that mean the most to them create a similar experience. When people read, they are taking it upon themself to implement empathy, forcing them to think about the feelings of those in the book and also their own feelings, creating a unique exchange of understanding and feeling understood. John Green supports this thought with his quote, “I know that books seem like the ultimate thing that's made by one person, but that's not true. Every reading of a book is a collaboration between the reader and the writer who are making the story up

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