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My five greatest strengths according to the StrengthsFinder survey are activator, restorative, achiever, command and relator, in rank order. Upon reading about these strengths, I can see how I have used and will continue to use them. I was aware of these strengths, for the most part, but while researching I was able to learn a few things. One article that stood out to me was “Don't let your strengths become your weaknesses” (Kaiser, & Kaplan, 2013). In this article, the possibility of strengths becoming weaknesses when overused was discussed. The authors explained how overdoing can be just as purposeless as under doing. The ability to read and respond adeptly is crucial in handling challenges, they explained. As with everything else in life, balance is key!

I also wanted to know a little more about exactly what StrengthsQuest was about. Reading, “StrengthsQuest is a student program that focuses on strengths rather than weaknesses. It is intended to lead students to discover their natural talents and gain unique and valuable insights into how to develop such talents into strengths-strengths that equip them to succeed and to make important decisions that enable them to balance the demands of coursework, extracurricular activities, employment, and family” (Hodges, & Harter, 2005), provided further explanation of the idea. With all of this in mind, I began to read about my strengths.

My strength as activator explains why it is important that I seek a career where I can be a leader. The statement “Once a decision is made, you cannot not act” (Clifton, Anderson, & Schreiner, 2006, p. 28) describes me perfectly. This strength helped me to understand why am I so impatient for things to happen. I feel this is a strong, valuable trait in ...

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...l relationships. I am, as I already knew, a very analytical person. This serves as further proof as to why this is the case.

I am pleased to acknowledge and affirm these strengths. I hope to never let these become obstacles to anything I am trying to attain. I find that it is always good to be aware of who you truly are and I plan to use this newly discovered knowledge to the best of my ability.

Works Cited

Kaiser, R., & Kaplan, B. (2013). Don't let your strengths become your weaknesses. Finweek, 36-37.

Clifton, Donald O., Edward Anderson, and Laurie A. Schreiner. StrengthsQuest: Discover and Develop Your Strengths in Academics, Career, and Beyond.Washington, D.C.: Gallup Organization, 2006. Print.

Hodges, T. D., & Harter, J. K. (2005). A Review of the Theory and Research Underlying the StrengthsQuest Program for Students. Educational Horizons, 83(3), 190-201.

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