Staying Positive

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Staying positive through stressful times is something I have always struggled with. Whether it be school causing me stress or my personal life, I do not always handle it the best. I tend to dwell on the negatives rather than focus on the good and the positives of what I am enduring. Stressful and eventful, the end of my senior year will be filled with many different emotions and activities. I plan to use the word positivity to guide me through this stressful, but exciting time, Throughout 2018, instead of spending too much time dwelling in the negative outcomes, I plan on only focusing on the positive side of all events. Throughout this year, I will endure numerous trips to the Mayo Clinic in both, Minneapolis, and Rochester, Minnesota. During these numerous appointments, I will meet with surgeons to discuss the possible outcomes of different surgeries, and meet with pain specialists to discuss the root of my pain. Already enduring four cortisone shots to my hips, and most recently one shot on each side of my spine, staying positive is something I need …show more content…

These months will be filled with many lasts and goodbyes, but being negative and sad about the end of my high school career will be no help to me. I need to stay positive and focus on all of the fun times I had, and on all of the fun times to come. Because there are still five months of school left, I have five months worth of fun school activities to attend, and in return, make positive memories to carry with me for the rest of my life. With senior slide being a very appealing option, I will need to keep the positive outcome of finishing sting in the back on my mind at all times. I cannot let myself slide because, although this may be my last year of high school, I still have many years of college work ahead of me. Staying positive through these months may be tough, but in the end, will turn out to be

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