Pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with the actual or potential tissue damage” (“Pain Management Nursing Role”). Pain is categorized into acute and chronic and its management is an integral part of all areas of health care. Pain management is alleviating and reducing pain to a level that is acceptable to the client. Pain is managed with analgesics, or pain killers. One specific When admitted the nurse needs to properly document the patient’s report of pain or oligoanalgesia, or the under treatment of pain could occur. Pseudoaddiction is when a client being undertreated for pain becomes demanding for more medication and seems like he is inappropriately seeking drugs.
The major concern of clients that have made an Emergency Department visit is due to pain. In fact, according to Tanabe and Buschmann 70 percent of patients who go to the Emergency Departments are going due to pain. (Duignan & Dunn, 2008, p. 30). Olioganalgesia is a prevalent issue in emergency health care. In a study by Wilson and Pendleton in 1989 on 198 patients, 56% patients received no pain medicine while waiting in the emergency room; 69% had to wait more than one hour to receive pain medication, and 42 had to wait more than two hours. These patients that received analgesics, 32% received too little to meet their needs. Many factors seem to lead to this problem by it seems that the most widespread reason in the emergency department is the lack of time. There is much bias that contributes to inadequate treatment of pain. An evaluation of 321 clients showed 80% of the young clients received pain medicine received pain medicine while only 66% of the elderly patients received the same treatment. A study conducted by P...
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...gnan, M. & Dunn, V. (2008). Barriers to pain management in emergency departments.
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Hall, J. K., Boswell, M. V. (2009). Ethics, law, and pain management as a patient right. Pain
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Motov, M. M., Khan, A. N. (2009). Problems and barriers of pain management in the emergency
department: Are we ever going to get better? Journal of Pain Research, 2, 5-10. Retrieved from
Pain Management Nursing Role/Core Competency A Guide For Nurses. Board of Nursing.
Thomas, S. H. (2013). Management of pain in the emergency department. ISRN Emergency
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Sarah Cullen and Margaret Klein, “Respect for Patients, Physicians, and the Truth,” in L. Vaughn, Bioethics: 148-55
Siegler, M., and W. Winslade. "Ethics in Medicine." Clinical Ethics. By A. R. Jonsen. 7th ed. N.p.:
A. Chronic pain signifies a developing public health issue of huge magnitudes, mainly in view of aging populations in developed countries (Russo).
The practice of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) has been around for approximately four decades now. During this time there have been improvements to the technology and the understanding of how to use this form of patient pain control; however, there continues to be concern related to the safety and efficacy of PCA. As this analysis proceeds it will briefly explain what PCA is and how it is used, then delve into the benefits and the safety issues surrounding PCA use as it pertains to the patient and the nurse. Some of the benefits of PCA include improved pain management, improved use of nursing resources, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced pulmonary issues (Hicks, Sikirica, Nelson, Schein & Cousins, 2008). Some of the safety issues surrounding PCA use include infusion pump programing errors, basal infusion dosing, and proxy errors when using PCA by proxy (Ladak, Chan, Easty, & Chagpar, 2007). Therefore, the purpose of this report is to examine the benefits and risks of patient-controlled analgesia and how it relates to nursing practice.
Wilson , James G. S., “Rights”, Principles of Health Care Ethics, Second Edition, eds. R.E. Ashcroft, A. Dawson, H. Draper and J.R. McMillan. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2007. pp. 239.
Pain is not always curable but effects the life of millions of people. This essay examines the Essence of Care 2010: Benchmarks for the Prevention and Management of Pain (DH, 2010). Particularly reflecting on a practical working knowledge of its implementation and its relevance to nursing practice. It is part of the wider ranging Essence of Care policy, that includes all the latest benchmarks developed since it was first launched in 2001.
Morrison, E. E. (2011). Justice for Patients. In Ethics in Heatlh Administration-A Practical Approach for Decision Makers (p. 66). Sudbury, Massachusetts, United States of America: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Assessing and managing pain is an inevitable part of nursing and the care of patients. Incomplete relief of pain remains prevalent despite years of research due to barriers such as lack of kn...
The major concepts deduced from the hypothesis fall under three categories: (1) multimodal intervention, (2) attentive care, and (3) patient participation. Multimodal intervention includes the concepts of potent pain medication, pharmacological adjuvants, and non-pharmacological adjuvants. Attentive care relates to the assessment of pain and side effects and intervention along with reassessments. Patient participation includes goal setting and patient education. The resulting outcome of these three categories working together is the balance between analgesia and side effects.
Conclusions. An adequate and clear understanding of the concept of pain and implementing interventions of pain treatment and management is essential in the clinical settings. Understanding the concept of pain is necessary for its relationships with other concepts that are related and similar to the pain experience for theory building. The in the end, understanding the concept of pain will ultimately benefit the patient and lead to better and approp...
This essay will aim to look at the main principles of cancer pain management on an acute medical ward in a hospital setting. My rational for choosing to look at this is to expend my knowledge of the chosen area. Within this pieces of work I will look to include physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of pain management.
Steinbock, Bonnie, Alex J. London, and John D. Arras. "’Rights- Based’ Approaches." Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine. Contemporary Readings in Bioethics. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. 23. Print.
Management of pain is very important when it comes to palliative care patients, considering that 55-95% of this patient population requires analgesia for pain relief (Creedon & O’Regan, 2010, p. [ 257]). But what is considered pain management? And why does pain continue to be inadequately treated? According to the article on chronic non-cancer pain in older people: evidence for prescribing, in the past few decades significant improvements have been made to the management of pain in palliative care. However, it is universally acknowledged that pain on a global scale remains inadequately treated because of cultural, attitudinal, educational, legal, and systemic reasons (Creedon & O’Regan, 2010, p. ...
Pain is worldwide. In every county and every city, pain is being experienced. Whether it is the pain of a stubbed toe or the pain of a massive heart attack, someone is in pain and that pain has a purpose. However, from the first experience of pain we begin to suspect that pain is no friend of ours. And as we continue to endure and be subjected to pain, we begin to loathe it. As the dislike towards pain grows, we Americans give up on bearing and conquering pain. Our medicine cabinets have become filled with pain pills and popping a pill at every miniscule ache has become routine. Yes, some pains of excruciating and chronic levels should be diminished, but pain should never be eradicated. We may wish to be invincible to pain, but pain has a purpose and it is a necessity to be felt. As humans with no natural armor, we fear pain and try to escape it; however, the rare disease of Congenital Insensitivity to pain reinforces and confirms that pain is the vital teacher essential to our survival, and above all we should all be grateful for pain.
McGee, Glenn and Arthur L. Caplan. "Medical Ethics." Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1997: Microsoft Corporation. CD-ROM.