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Perils associated with social media
Perils associated with social media
Effect of social media on privacy on people
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Recommended: Perils associated with social media
Another negative effect social media had is a person’s lack of privacy. People can see your every move, and sometimes even see where you are. You can post your location on a FaceBook status, or even on just a tweet, it says where you posted this tweet from. That’s a scary thought that someone can constantly know where you are if they truly wanted to. According to the “Negative Effects” article, “Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives.” People feel it’s necessary to share every detail of their lives. As a regular social media user, I don’t usually feel the need to share little things that I do. I feel the need to share the important things, like if I go to a concert or an anniversary with my girlfriend. People like to see things like that, but not little details of a person’s life. According to the article “Facts About Corporate Social Media” there are risks to using social media in the corporate world, like “While social …show more content…
is Losing the War on Terror,” the author Rand Waltzman, who is the former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program manager, states “according to the US Law 50 U.S. Code § 3093(f) effectively prohibits our intelligence community from action “intended to influence the United States political processes, public opinion, policies, or media.” There are specific needs for our country about what needs to get done about these policies. “With social media and the Internet, there is no way to guarantee that no U.S. person will be inadvertently exposed to information operations that are not intended for them, and this rule is broadly applied as a basis for banning any type of useful action.” The author is right, there are no guarantees that the people of the United States won’t be exposed to this
Many people today may not realize how much the media, Internet, and Social Media impacts their lives because of how reliant we’ve become on them. In “Of Losers and Moles: You Think Reality TV Just Writes Itself” by Derrick Speight, “Mind Over Mass Media” by Steven Pinker, or “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., each story may talk or argue about some issue that society faces in relation to media. In the first article I read by Derrick Speight, the main goal was to explain to the audience that reality TV is real, but in the scheme of the production, the writers and producers must transform the reality of it into a story line. In the next reading by Steven Pinker, the purpose of
Social media allows you and your friends to publicly share photos, talk, make plans, and give out information about yourself. Those were all positives but could easily be negatives as well. When you receive a friend request on Facebook, the profile pic used could easily be faked and so could the person’s identity. By putting something on social media, you allow others to gain access to your photos, messages, arranged plans, and even your address, depending on what’s on there. Social media effects society in both positive and negative
Social media has affected people negatively because people depend on social media more than their brain .Which does not bring any benefit to them .Our society has come from being very social to antisocial over the years. Many people don 't interact with each other anymore .We search, post ,tweet and snap not even knowing who we are sharing are information with . In his article “Mind Over Mass Media ,” Steven Pinker writes about the amount of knowledge and power social media is taking away from our brains .College
The first one is the fact that is is very addictive. Internet addiction is a very real problem and is classed as clinical disorder. Being addicted to something is very draining on your mental and maybe even physical health. For example, you may be so addicted to reading through Facebook every night that you miss out on sleep, making yourself ill. Slowly, as like any other addiction, you do not realize that you would not be able to go without it. Many young people, when faced with overcoming something like anorexia, find it harder to tackle the issue if they have access to certain websites, as the websites fuel their addiction to become thin. Another negative impact that social media has is that it makes us compare our lives to others. Social media is there because it helps us to mask who we really are and sugarcoat our lives. When we get too sucked in, we start to compare our actual lives with a life that someone has more or less made up. This can give us phycological issues and cause us to be very obsessive, especially if it's that we are comparing looks or image. Cyberbullying is a very big factor that has only been around in the past 10 years or so, since social media. A very frequently used site called 'ask.fm' became popular around the year 2013. It involved people writing anonymous comments to each other. In August 2013, ask.fm literally got so out of control that a
Thousands of people are using Social Media in today’s world without knowing the consequences of using it. Everyone wants to be the best one. Have you ever wonder what Social Media can do to one’s life? Does it make the life better or worst? Does it benefit the user or harm? If you ask me, then I would say that there are more risks than benefits of social media because it decreases the amount of social interaction of people, increases the amount of cyberbullying, and violates privacy.
Social media is ay websites that allows social interaction, social media growing rapidly throughtout the world and every generation, use joining sites like facebook,twitter,line,instagram, etc. Social media have such a causes it have a negative and positive impact, first I can talk about about negative effects for users
Social media can also make us more emotional. Because we’d rather it is easy to get the bad news that can make our hearts be pissed off. This could be the impact that this is bad for us. In social media sites will make a person more self-interested. They become unaware of their surroundings, as most spend time on the internet. surely you never walk with your friends but your friends are more concerned with they social media.
In many ways the media affect daily life, but can also be a good benefit it as well. Relationships, physical appearance, the way people perceive or judge, are some examples of how the media affect daily life. In the other hand, social media can be useful, for example; searching information of any kind, or when people need to be connected, such as the military, who use social medias to connect with their families when they are abroad. Social media can be productive in the subject, but also a great distraction to learning, and a problem for the development of youth. Time consumption is affected by the media concerned. People now adapted the social media as a method of solution for everything. Social media affect the lifestyles of today, varied in multiple ways. This research will examine the advantages and disadvantages of social networking engagement, and why is important to educate the young about the correct way to use social media and how to properly engage.
... middle of paper ... ... Social media can also affect social health; for example, it can lead to cyber bullying. Then that teen will not want to attend school because that teen is living on constant fear of being bullied. Most dangerous of all, it can give away your identity.
Since the introduction of internet in the 1990’s, its importance worldwide has always grown tremendously. From the first email send to the domination of Facebook and other social media websites, it has changed the way people communicate. The use of social media is increasingly becoming the preferred way people share their daily activities, ideas and knowledge and that is why it’s the most talked about and used platform. Many companies are encouraging their employees to use various social media platforms and engage online for office productivity, posting opinions and presenting their thoughts. Corporations realize that Social Media tools such as blogs, forums, podcasts and social networking websites makes internal communications faster, more convenient and effective. Social media is a low-cost, high-impact tool that can also complement and reinforce your existing communications efforts. It gives a new dimension to internal communications in many ways: building relationship with employees, leads to diverse thinking and innovation, and reduce costs and Increase Productivity. Social media has impacted positively in the business world, but its downside has impacted teens in high school, with issues such as cyber bullying, and people using Facebook and twitter to get over their boredom and research proving that the more they use social networking websites the more envious they feel.
One of the obvious effects is loss of production and wasting time. Studies have shown that employees would regularly check their Facebook page and Twitter even when they are at work. Also, information that is posted on social media cannot be completely deleted and that post could later on ruin someone’s life. So a cause of this could be maybe someone got into an argument with someone and took it to social media such as Twitter. What one posts online because of their emotions, could later lead to trouble. In extreme conditions, some top athletes have lost their scholarship because of what they post on Twitter. Yuri Wright was one of the top players in his class, but because of what he posted on Twitter he was expelled from his school and lost his football scholarship to Michigan University. (Dan Frank,
Social media has nothing but negative effects on people’s minds. Social networking can become very addicting and people can get wrapped up in the drama and excitement of the cyber world. It would only improve our society today if social media never existed to our knowledge. Our society today feels so connected with social media that it interferes with our lives making every task even harder with the temptations.
Nowadays, social media is growing very rapidly throughout the whole world. Social media has changed the way that we communicate with others through using these common social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, and Instagram…For that, social media has positively and negatively impacted our life.
Even though people have different opinions on whether social media has a positive or negative impact on society, it can be said that social media has a positive effect on society as a whole because it lets people communicate with each other easily, it has been said to improve education among children, and has helped improve the economy in the world. One of the main reasons why social media has positively affected our society is because of how it has made communicating with people much easier. “Today, four out of five active internet users maintain at least one social media profile” (Moe, 3). Using these websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and etc., people talk about everything with anyone from what they are planning to do, to what they are eating and much more (Moe, 24). We can also send private messages to other users of these websites about personal matters that you just want to discuss with them.
There are about one and a half billion users of social media worldwide. It can be used to meet new people, find old friends, chat the day away, join interest groups, or even to share pictures. Social networks were mostly created so people could meet and find new friends. What most users of social media don't know, are the dangers of using social media. One example is when you meet a person online, because they are not always who they say they are. If someone is not who you may think they are, who could they be? They can be a stalker or a person that wants to steal your identity; which could be done easily thanks to new developments of new technology. Also thanks to new technology it is now easier for people using your information to track you. Posting personal information can risk your family and friends lives. Social media can be used as a weapon against you. It can even lead to a kidnapping, or even someone's death. Many people use social media to help to waste time, but could also become an unhealthy addiction. Also social media can damage your future. When you are a teen you tend to post pretty much anything you want. This is dangerous because you can post too much personal information. What most teens don't realize is that what they do on social media now can affect them for the rest of their life. It can even come back to haunt you in the future. Social media is dangerous because it makes it easier to be stalked, identity theft to happen, kidnappings and murders, and also can ruin your future.