Snapchat Research Paper

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Snapchat has been one of the most popular media applications following Facebook and Twitter. It is very easy to use and enjoyable for people of all ages. However, it can be dangerous teens who encounter cyberbullying and partake in sexting. Often times, parents are unaware because of the simple circumstance that anything that is posted on snapchat whether it is a story or a message it deletes under 60 seconds which makes it hard for teens to report to their parents. Snapchat has an app for both apple and android. Snapchat app for android was found to be secure so therefore it makes it hard for hackers or suspicious activity to occur.

There are various forms of social media applications. Amongst them includes Facebook, …show more content…

Teens are bullied and indulge in sexting, which parents are unaware about. One major problem is unawareness. The simplicity of Snapchat makes it enjoyable for people of all ages, but it can be a trouble spot for sexting and cyber bullying for all ages. Snapchat makes it easy to get away with such activities because it vanishes. Snapchat is supposed to be secure for everyone who utilizes it, but this is often up for discussion.
Firstly, the age to sign up for snapchat is thirteen. However, children who are below this age still find a way to create an account using a spurious identity or date of birth. There is an app titled “Snapkidz” for individuals who are under thirteen. This app for children allows them to doodle over their pics but they are prohibited from sending them to anyone which makes it secure. Yet, some under age kids still use the app designed for thirteen and older. Why do kids like …show more content…

It can be used to send messages or to even post videos and pictures. When one is feeling uninterested, in that time span they can use snapchat to draw all over their pics of use the silly filters it has. The age limit for snapchat is thirteen. However, many teens below this age bracket tend to still sign up and use a wrong date of birth.
Many teens prefer this app because most of the things on their snap deletes after seconds. Another reason they prefer this is because their parents cannot keep track of their actions. Some teens use snapchat for enjoyment while others use it for actions they feel are compulsory. Some use it to send/ post nude pics their story or to their significant other.
In this way, if parents were to go through their children phone they would never find out.Snapchat can also be unsafe because there are websites that can be utilized to hack a person’s account. This can be scary because like I previously stated, some pics can be saved to snap while others are posted as your story. If there is explicit content featured on your snap it can be posted involuntarily. Even though, it last ten seconds others can still screenshot this post and notification will be received once it’s

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