Snapchat Controversy

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Leading networking site plans to replicate its contender Facebook comes up with an idea of cloning the fast growing application, Snapchat. Snapchat a famous application developed as an photo and video sharing messaging app. It has shown a drastic rise in its user in a short span of time and also now become a tough competitor to the world famous social networking site, Facebook.
What made it succesful? Snapchat had different other ideas what Facebook hasn’t come up with. Ofcourse, Snapchat wasn’t startd with the same idea as facebook did, but its going to be bussiness at the end of the day and the ultimate motive of both the apps is to entertain its users.
Snapchat made it the point that when it comes to fulfill the users satisfaction they …show more content…

Unfortunately every venture was a failure. Poke was an application developed soon after the decline of the proposal. It went so badly unsuccessful that the app was available at the store for months without any response. Slingshot was another attempt, soon after poke. They couldn’t turn up with better results with that either. It was a complete let down again! After which came the Camera app, a photo uploading app with a lot of similarities to Snapchat which is again became a big-time flop. Afterwhich came 11 more unsuccessful attempts by the organization. They couldn’t match the features that Snapchat availed its user. The organization was fed-up with all their doomed applications, so they planned to shut-down all their creative apps and experimentations. The users who’ve downloaded the above aplications can put in further use if they wish, but the doors are shut for those who wants to try this application …show more content…

But still its not a nbig deal because this is app put on testing among the brazialian, based upon their response the application can be further enhanced.
Blatantly ripped concept Instagram is another app owned by Facebook which is doing quite well in its market. This app has added up a new feature called Instagram stories which would disapper after exact 24 hours. The same idea and concept was orginally started by Snapchat with the same freezing time. This feature was initially tested in Poland and then it was found to be a success and then the same feature was enhanced in Messenger App belonging to facebook later.
The king will never be dethroned Its so very obvious that the number of active users for Snapchat will nver match the number which Facebook owns. Facebook is probably the king of all other applications,its like people look at non-facebook users like they live in a different universe. Snapchat’s been a talk of the town for a short span of time,is all the point to feel proud of. Adding up filters or other captivating concepts of Snapchat are subsidairy features to Facebook. These can just make its active user relish every feature in one

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