During the small group presentations there were a lot of good presentations, none of them were perfect, but still pretty good. This was very hard for me to chose my top 5, but this is what I think were the best starting from number five to number one. The fifth best presentation in small group was Sam and I forgot what her poem was called. I think that she was the fifth best because she knew her poem, and she had a good voice, but there were some things that she made that put her at number five. There were a couple of this I saw, when she was giving her presentation I noticed that she was looking at Mrs. Owens for most of the time, and the other mistake that she made was she paused a few times while she was speaking. I don’t think that she didn’t know her poem, I think that she was just …show more content…
I think she deserved the number four spot because she did a pretty good job at not letting her nervousness control her, but there were some things that she did that she could've improved on. During her presentation she paused a little but other than that I think she knew her poem. The other thing that she could of worked on her posture. I noticed that she started to swing back and forth at times, but I think it was because she was nervous. Other than that, I think she did good but she just have to work on not being nervous. The Third best presentation in small group was Mr. Mike Wazowski (aka Mike). He did a good job at his presentation. He knew his poem, I could tell that he memorized his poem, but the same stitution was he was a little nervous, he didn’t speak loud but that is how loud he talks. There was some things that he could have done to make his presentation better. I only noticed that he paused I think only once, and a thing that he did was when he was giving his presentation, Mike started to mess with his lanard. Everything else that Mike did was good like a good standing posture and he only paused
Group facilitation is an art of surfacing and stimulating a constructive dialogue within a group of people and providing guidance towards the group’s purpose and goal (Fierro, 2016). My group’s facilitation process took place on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. The topic of the article we discussed was “Cognitive-behavioural and other psychological techniques in the dietetic consultation: Suggestions for practice”. This article focuses on the use of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) by dieticians in helping obese clients achieve their weight loss, physical activity and diet goals. There were 11 participants in attendance, seated in a circular formation.
As I planed to take this class, I thought this course would be like all other general education courses. I believed that it would be of little use to me. However, after attending the first class, my view has changed completely. I applied each and every theory to my life.
On one visit throughout my community and common environment I was able to observe three separate groups. Within this paper I will describe each group individually provide detailed information regarding body language of the group individually.
My youth pastor delivered a very well put together presentation on time management. The purpose of the presentation was to motivate us to become more efficient. She told us how time is something that you can lose and never get back. The structure of the presentation was well organized with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This allowed the audience to grasp the message clearly.
Finally, the delivery and overall communication while presenting the PowerPoint presentation Brianna maintained eye contact, talked in appropriate volume and rate of speech, and preserved clarity while speaking. The use of media and visual aids were properly used to help maintenance her supporting topics interesting and informative. I did notice Brianna was well-prepared because she had notes to refer to while presenting just in case she had forgotten something.
As I discuss background factors relating to small group interactions, we first have to ask, “What constitutes a small group”? In my experience and interpretation of what constitutes a small croup is that at minimum, you need three people and no more than 12 people. Within a small group the ability to get to know each other’s ethnicity, backgrounds, beliefs and morals are made easier. Small groups tend to be more focused on goal accomplishment or task completion. There are the six relevant background factors relating to small group interaction. According to Tubbs (2012), “One of the premises of systems theory is that all these factors are interrelated, so that a change in one part of the system creates in other parts of the system” (p.
Throughout the BSN program, I worked on several group projects, (Appendices D & D1), which require effective communication, collaboration, and negotiation among classmates. Working together on all these projects reinforced the necessity of these three skills to prepare successful presentations.
According to Toseland and Rivas (2005), group dynamics are “the forces that result from the interactions of group members” (p. 64). These forces refer to either the negative or positive influences towards meeting members’ socioemotional needs as well as goal attainment within a group (Toseland & Rivas, 2005), like within my class work group experience. Some of dynamics that continue to emerge and develop in my group is the effective interaction patterns and strong group cohesion, which has generated positive outcomes and group achievement thus far.
After re watching my own presentation I have noticed many different things that I didn’t think of or notice when I was originally presenting it. While watching it some of the things that I think I did well on where first my talking. This is something that I know I did better on because I did my presentation a little different from everyone else. Another thing that I think worked well for my presentation was the word to picture ratio. I felt like I did a good job not putting my entire script on the screen but enough to give the class a good summery about what I was talking about. Some areas of the rubric that I still think I need to work on is being more specific on answering the essential question making it more obvious as to what my over
The group couldn't seem to find time for us to meet and plan our presentation, the first and only time all group members were present to work on the presentation was on the morning of the presentation. We worked on it and at the time I believed we had agreed on our final product, I personally felt all the slides needed at this point was editing and final touches to make it visually appealing for the audience. I went online to the google presentation we were using as a group to prepare our presentation and was surprised to see a different layout, additional slides, and contents which were different from what we as a group had worked on and approved as the final work we were going to present. I confronted the group members as to the changes on the slides and we had a conflict of what our
When working on a group project, there are certain skills that are required to make sure that the tasks are being carried out smoothly. With that in mind, it is critical to keep an open line of communication as well as an understanding of the other individuals in the group. The following scenario is of a group project I was a part of that had a breakdown in the two points expressed above.
From the beginning, where we were unfamiliar with each other and became a team, my team and I had started to learn each other name and getting to know each other. Throughout each meeting, we slowly start to feel more comfortable and open minded with each other. Not only are we getting familiar with each other, each meeting that was held we progress of becoming an effective team member, we learn our strengths and weaknesses of everyone. During the meetings, we learn many concepts from the textbook, “Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices” by Steven A. Beebe and John T. Masterson. We were able to learn different types of concept in the textbook and utilized it as a team to complete certain tasks. The three concepts that impacted my team and I are human
Had he started with an attention grabber, versus the distraction with the visual aid, I believe his speech would not have only started stronger, but maintained that strength consistently throughout his talk. He relayed a lot of valuable information that my managers and I will retain for the future and put into use on a daily basis, but he could have improved in a few areas. It would have been nice to see him walk back and forth, even briefly, to help break up the long period of standing, opposed to sitting or leaning on the stage. This would have helped to cement more of a feeling that he was relaxed with speaking and could have made himself seem more professional. He was however very well versed on his topic and I could tell that he truly cares for the company and based on the time and energy that went into making a presentation to help make his employees more successful. Overall Mike was confident, passionate and gave a very good presentation, that with some minor improvements could have made his good speech
Then the end was getting near to our meeting so we judged each speaker. On the 3-5 minute speeches every one finished in the time given. In the 5-8 minute group there was two people that did not make their time limit and in the 8-10 minute group only one person made their time limit and that was the girl that talked about alcoholism. We judged the speakers on how comfortable they were up there given their speech. Like was they using hand gestures or was they clinched to the podium. We also judged on how well they prepared their speeches.
It was made clear in our first seminar that there would be group presentations in the subsequent seminars and everybody would be given the chance to speak. This was to ensure that at the end of year, we would not be having any stuttering problems or major tension in facing the class during our presentation week. I realized along the way, that this not only helped me improve my presentation skills but it helped me get closer to the subject marketing. What I feared was so temporary; before long I enjoyed my marketing class more. I looked forward to those group activities, in which we were given time to converse, to find out about each other and also to know what exactly we were learning. It was through these activities I understood the subject more intensely.