Group Facilitation Case Study

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Group facilitation is an art of surfacing and stimulating a constructive dialogue within a group of people and providing guidance towards the group’s purpose and goal (Fierro, 2016). My group’s facilitation process took place on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. The topic of the article we discussed was “Cognitive-behavioural and other psychological techniques in the dietetic consultation: Suggestions for practice”. This article focuses on the use of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) by dieticians in helping obese clients achieve their weight loss, physical activity and diet goals. There were 11 participants in attendance, seated in a circular formation. According to Halter (2014), all groups go through three phases of development which includes As facilitators, we used motivational interviewing skills such as open-ended questions so that participants could engage in the discussion and share their experiences. Reflective listening and summary were used to recap some of the points discussed by the participants after each question. The group plan was very helpful in helping us keep up with the time. Many of the group members were able to point out these strengths as well. Also, we had a good icebreaker activity so that participants could get more comfortable in the group. The participants found the topic for discussion relatable as health care professionals as this added to their knowledge of the importance of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in assisting patients to achieve a behavioural change. We showed appreciation to the participants for sharing their experiences. In addition to the above strengths, our instructor pointed out that we had a good closure at the end of the This is very essential to maintain orderliness and respect among participants. As co-facilitators, we could have informed group members that we would be jotting down important points to help us with summarizing because this might lead to some group members being anxious. Study by Wales, Kelly, Wilson and Crisp (2014) have identified three strategies which health care professionals especially nurses can use to develop their facilitation skills which include critical reflection, critical feedback and the use of a co-facilitation model. This group facilitation project has helped me to recognise the need to improve in my motivational interviewing skills such as the use of affirmation and effective use of group dynamics in order to better guide group members towards achieving their set

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